Quarterly bulletin for
Latonia lodge no. 746
Cov. Scottish rite temple
1553 madisonave., Covington ky 41015
JANUARY/FEBRUARY/MARCH 2017 CHarteredoct. 21, 1903
2017 Latonia Lodge Officers
Master’s Message
Hello Brothers!
I hope that each and every one of you are feeling well and enjoyed your Holidays with family and friends. If you are sick or feeling under the weather, please know that you are in our prayers!
I want to first and foremost thank our Junior Past Master, Bro. Brad Drew for all of his hard work and success this past year. I have said it a few times now, but he has brought this lodge back to life and we thank him so much for that. I only hope that we can continue the success we’ve had into 2017 and beyond.
Secondly, I want to remind and encourage everyone to join our Lodge Fellowship Team on their travels this year. Not only will they visit all the lodges in our District but they will also be visiting lodges in Central and Southern KY and also Ohio. The more you travel, the more you learn. I would also like to encourage and welcome Brothers to join in with the work of the lodge. This could consist of helping out at the monthly breakfast to taking part in ritual work or even presenting a topic on Masonic Education at a meeting. If we can have more Brothers involved, we will continue to grow and prosper.
I would also like to welcome our newest Brothers – Bro. Greg Hornsby and Bro. Jason Humphrey. These Brothers recently gave their EA Proficiency and what an incredible job they did! We know we will see more great work out of these two men. I would also like to report that we have received two more petitions for membership which means another class, another degree and another great way to be involved in our lodge!
As a reminder to our Brothers who did not make the stated meeting in January; for the next few months we will be holding our stated meeting in the Red Room of the Scottish Rite Temple. This will allow for Brothers to hear better and will open up the floor for better discussions.
I would like to again thank each and every one of you for electing me to serve this Lodge as Master for the 2017 year. This is a great honor and with your help we will have an incredible year! Stay involved and I promise you, this year will be amazing!
Chuck Yocom, PM
Master – Latonia Lodge No. 746
Do you get our emails?
If not, then we don’t have your email address! Drop our Secretary an email and let him know how you are doing!
Secretary – Brad Drew PM
From the Secretary’s Desk
Good Afternoon Brothers!
It brings me great joy to be able to write to you from this desk. Being elected and installed as Secretary is a great honor and privilege. Watching lodge greats such as Vern Gregory, Chris Bolender and Dave Regan succeed in this position certainly helps me stay focused and determined to serve you and this lodge as best I can. I promise to be prompt, fair and honest in my work and do anything and everything I can for you!
I just wanted to remind everyone that lodge dues are now considered past due, and if you have not yet paid them please do soon as soon as possible. Dues are $85.00 and can be paid via cash, check or credit card. If you need help paying with your credit card please contact me directly and I will walk you through that process. As of January 17, 2017 we still have 38 Brothers who have not paid their dues. Brothers, this is an unfortunate amount and if we want to be as successful as we have been – we need to take care of this immediately. If you are experiencing financial issues or problems, please contact me and I will get you in contact with our Relief Committee.
Brothers, thank you again for this opportunity to serve our lodge and I look forward to working closely with Worshipful Master Yocom this year. I am excited for the programs he is putting in place and know he will do great!
Fraternally thine,
Brad Drew, PM
Secretary – Latonia Lodge No. 746
Support out Sponsors!
Koester Chiropractic Center
7346 US Hwy 42
Florence, KY 41042
2017 Lodge Committees
Relief Committee:
- Tommy Records – Chairman
- Gray Gray
- Vern Gregory, PM
Finance Committee:
- Josh McCain, PM – Chairman
- Dave Regan, PM
- Chris Bolender, PM
Widows Committee:
- Brad Drew, PM – Chairman
- Chuck Yocom, PM
- Tom Roundtree, PM
By-Laws Committee:
- Brad Drew, PM – Chairman
- Gary Gray
- Vern Gregory, PM
Widow’s Corner
To all of our Latonia widows and families, please keep our lodge up to date on any changes to your mailing address, phone numbers or your health.
You are a part of our Latonia Lodge family and if we or the Grand Lodge of KY can be of service to you we will need to be able to reach you.
Please let us know if you are aware of any other Latonia Lodge widows or family members.
Contact the Lodge Secretary Bro. Brad Drew at 859-803-4111 or the Lodge Chaplain Bro. Ira Brockman at 859-640-5995 if you need anything at all!
Best Wishes,
Worshipful Master Chuck Yocom
Don’t forget to like us on Facebook!
Lodge Calendar
SAT JAN 21ST – All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast
- $7.00 Rqstd. Donation/Served 7:30a-10:30a
THUR JAN 26TH – FC Degree Practice 7:00p
SAT JAN 28TH – Grand Lodge Educational Mtg.
- Covington SR Temple
- Doors open at 10:00am
THUR FEB 2ND – Monthly Stated Meeting
- Meal served at 6:30p/Meeting at 7:30p
THUR FEB 9TH – Event’s Committee Meeting
- Meeting starts at 7:00pm
- FC Degree practice immediately afterwards
MON FEB 13TH – Fellowship Team visit to Wilmington Lodge No. 362 (Fiskburg, KY)
- Group meets at Tank Parking on 3L at 6:00p
- Meeting at 7:30pm/Dinner served afterwards
THUR FEB 16TH – Latonia Fellow Craft Degree
- Meal served at 6:30p/Degree at 7:30p
- Worshipful Master Yocom conferring Degree
SAT FEB 18TH– All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast
- $7.00 Rqstd. Donation/Served 7:30a-10:30a
TUE FEB 28TH – Fellowship Team visit to Henry Barnes Lodge No. 607 (Newport, KY)
- Group meets at Tank Parking on 3L at 6:00p
- Meal served at 6:30p/Meeting at 7:30p
MARCH 2017
THUR MAR 2ND – Monthly Stated Meeting
- Meal served at 6:30p/Meeting at 7:30p
THUR MAR 9TH – Event’s Committee Meeting
- Meeting starts at 7:00pm
MON MAR 13TH – Fellowship Team visit to Delhi Hills Lodge No. 775 (Delhi, OH)
- Group meets at Tank Parking on 3L at 5:15p
- Dinner served at 6:00p/Meeting at 7:00p
- Rec. Dress is Coat & Tie/Bring Dues Card
SAT MAR 25TH – All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast
- $7.00 Rqstd. Donation/Served 7:30a-10:30a