
Draft Agenda for the Informal Water Directors’ Meeting,

and Seminar “From review to views”.

Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg

20th and 21st June 2005


(Version of 13 June 2005)

Monday, 20thJune 2005


09.00Welcome by Mr Jean-Marie HALSDORF, Minister of the Interior and for Spatial Planning

Introduction by Mr Paul HANSEN, chairman

09.25Approval of the agenda

Part 1: Implementation of the Water Framework Directive

09.30Agenda Item 1: State of the transposition (Art. 24) and implementation(Art. 3, Art. 5) (report by the Commission)

09.40Agenda Item 2: Common Implementation Strategy - status and future developments

  1. Overall progress (report by the Commission)
  2. WG A activities - intercalibration process and eutrophication guidance – state of play(report by the Commission)
  3. WG B activities(report by working group leaders):
  4. New Pilot River Basin Network,cost effectiveness assessment, waterscarcity - state of play
  5. WFD Key issues – endorsement of document
  6. New mandate linked to WG C activities - Chemical monitoring(report by Commission)
  7. New mandate linked to WG D Reporting - Drafting group on State of the Environment Reporting(report by EEA)
  8. Environmental objectives – state of play - discussion paper (report by Commission)

11.30Agenda item 3: Integration aspects

  1. WFD and Agriculture(report byUK)
  2. WFD and Cohesion policy / Structural funds (report by Commission)
  3. WFD and Hydropower / Navigation (report by Commission)

12.15 Lunch

14.00Agenda item 4: State of play on Directives and Daughter Directives
(information point)

  1. Priority Substances – presentation of state of play on daughter directives(report by Commission)
  2. Groundwater – state of play of negotiations (report by Luxembourg)
  3. Bathing Water – state of play of negotiations (report by Luxembourg)

Part 2: Development of a Marine Strategy

14.30Agenda item 5: Marine Strategy – presentation of the state of play on Thematic Strategy (report by Commission)

Part 3: Other Water policy and Emerging Issues

15.00Agenda item 6: Flood risk management:

  1. EuropeanFlood Action Programme(report by Commission)
  2. Exchange Circle on Flood Forecasting (EXCIFF)(report by FR)

16.00 Agenda item 7: EU Water Initiative (report by Commission)

16.30 Agenda item 8: Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (report by Commission)

17.15 Agenda item 9: Other issues

  1. Waste water reuse (report by Commission)
  2. Implementation and reporting of other Standardised Reporting Questionnaire95/337/EEC(report by Commission)

17.45Agenda item 10: Preparation of next meetings (introduction by UK and Austria)

18.00End of first day’s meeting

ca 18.30 – ca 23.00

Evening programme; dinner

Tuesday, 21st June 2005

08.30Arrival of Delegates

Part 4: Conclusion of the WDs’ meeting

09.00Agenda item 10: Review and approval of the final report of the meeting

09.45End of meeting

09.45 – 10.00


Part 5: Water Directors’ seminar

10.00Objectives and expectations of the seminar

(Introduction by Luxembourg and Commission)


Key –note speech by Bob Dekker, NL

Key issues and priorities for action as emerging from Art. 5 reports.


Key –note speechon environmental objectives and integrationbythe Commission

Challenges ahead mainly as influenced by environmental objectives and as requiring integration of water policy into other policies.

10.45Organisation of 4 breakout sessions

Each group is chaired by a Water Director and assisted by a rapporteur; all groups are invited to discuss the same topics on the basis of the explanatory notes and the key note speeches.

11.00 Parallel breakout sessions

Note: The working language in the breakout groups will be English only



14.00Report by the chairmen of the breakout sessions to the plenary

15.00 General discussion and conclusion of the seminar (“Mondorf Statement”)

16.00End of the seminar and of the Water Directors’ meeting