

Your assignment for this summer is two-fold. The first objective is to examine the period of early American History long before there was even the concept of a United States at all. This will involve you doing a little research based upon the questions given below. These questions examine three cultures that came together to create a common American culture (African, European, and Native-American). The intent is to provide a foundation for latter discussion and to allow us to move ahead so that when the 1st semester commences we can start a deeper examination of colonial America.

The second objective is to get a head start on the colonial period of U.S. History. This is the time frame that is often featured on the AP US exam but is also frequently overlooked. Our primary objective is to establish some background on Spanish, French, and Dutch (and a couple of Portuguese dudes) colonial efforts. We will start the year 1st week of the school year with the more important and successful English colonization of North America.

The third objective is to read one of the books listed below and to write a critical book review (instructions below). It is important that you not put this assignment off until the last minute Together the guided reading/research and the book review constitute TWO TEST GRADES FOR THE 1ST SEMESTER. In addition there may be an exit test of some type to gauge your understanding of the Pre-Columbian to early colonization period.



1. The vast majority of African-Americans today can trace their ancestry back to sub-

Saharan Africa (also known as Senegambia). What modern day nations constitute the

Senegambia region today? Provide a brief geographical description of the region based

upon the following criteria: type of land, major rivers, climate, and other prominent

geographical features.

2. Powerful African empires once controlled Senegambia and West Africa. Name at least

THREE of these empires and any prominent emperors from the 13th to 16th centuries.

3. Examine in some detail the nature of religious beliefs and practices among the

Senegambians Your discussion should include types of deities, the role (if any) of

emperors, religious leaders, and a word or two about eschatology. What impact did the

the arrival of Islam have upon the people and culture of sub-Saharan Africa?

4. Provide a general discussion of African society (obviously, this will vary from

group to group but there are a few comparisons). Your discussion should include the

following: social hierarchy, gender roles, and education. What was the African view

of property and land ownership?

5. What factors combined to make West Africa the primary source of slaves that came to

Western Hemisphere?

II. Native-America (This will generally be confined to a discussion of North American tribes)

1. Historians trace the lineage of most Native Americans from Asia (particularly

Siberia). Explain the origins of this theory and what factors may have driven this

early wave of immigration?

2. Among tribes in North America geographic location often equated to levels of

advancement. What factors may account for this trend?

3. In North America, the Anasazi Pueblo were some one of the most highly advanced

tribes. What characteristics point to this level of advancement (You might look at

architecture, farming techniques, trade, and social factors)?

4. The religious beliefs of Native-Americans resembled those of many non-Muslim

Africans. Though the beliefs varied among tribes and regions there are many

comparisons. Examine native beliefs paying attention to the following: deities, rites

and customs, and religious leaders.

5. The tribes in the Mid-south are generally classified as Mississippian or “mound

builders.” What were the purposes for these often very large mounds?

6. Cahokia, in southwest Illinois was a powerful empire and the largest urban complex

in North America (not surpassed until 18th century Philadelphia). It was the closest

resemblance to European empires of the 18th century to be found in North America.

However, when the Europeans arrived found it, Cahokia had long since been

abandoned. What are some of the theories that could account for its demise?

7. It was once believed that native tribes were very localized, rarely ever venturing

beyond clearly defined areas. We now know that many tribes had extensive trade

networks. What evidence supports this fact?

8. We tend to think of the political designation of “chief” as being a powerful leader.

However, this is not always true. In which types of tribes were chiefs not so

powerful? Provide a general discussion of native societies. Provide information about social

structures, gender roles, and views of property ownership?

III. Europe in the late 15th and 16th centuries (This will generally be confined to Western Europe)

1. What impact did the scientific revolution have upon sailing and maritime


2. Why did the rise of nation-states have an impact upon exploration beyond

Western Europe?

3. What was the enclosure movement in England and why will this have an impact

Later colonization in the New World?

4. What religious upheavals occurred in the 16th century and would having a lasting

impact upon migration patterns? What was primogeniture and why will this have an impact upon later migration?

5. Examine the rise of Puritanism in England and, why this will have an impact on later

migration to the New World.

6. What maritime powers were beginning to explore and colonize the Western

Hemisphere by the 16th century?

7. What motives did the following powers have in exploring and colonizing in the

New World: Portugal, Spain, France, and the Netherlands?

8. Racism and slavery are as old as the human race. But, what was different about the

Transatlantic slave system that developed in the 16th century? What European

Powers developed the slave trade? What factors combined to make West Africa the primary source of

Slaves in the Western Hemisphere?



The books that we will read this summer are Founding Brothers by Joseph J. Ellis (ISBN 0375405445) or1776 by David McCullough (978-0743226721). Both books examine the lives of some of the early founders of the republic.

1. Typed paper 4 pages minimum, double-spaced, 12 font

2. Discuss Ellis’ or McCullough’s examination of the central figures in the book.

3. Which characters did you like the most and which the least? Explain your reasoning.

4. This review is due within one week of start of the 1st semester

On the matrix below, ID and Study the key people and terms. This needs to have some good detail. You will have a quiz on this during the first week of school. So be prepared!!!!

Christopher Columbus / Vasco Nunez de Balboa / Juan Ponce de Leon / Hernando Cortez / Encomiendas
Spanish Armada defeat 1588 (effects) / Colombian Exchange / Atahualpa and Incas / Montezuma and Aztecs / Francisco Pizarro
Prince Henry the Navigator / Vasco da Gama / Triangular Trade / Jacques Cartier / Robert de la Salle
Marquette and Joilet / Samuel de Champlain / Quebec and Montreal / Couriers des bois / Pedro Alvares Cabra
Giovanni Verrazano / Joint Stock Company / Treaty of Tordesillas / conquistadores / Mestizos and mulattos
indentured servitude / New Netherlands (New Amsterdam) / Iroquois Confederation / Headright system / Yeoman and
slave codes / Peter Stuyvesant / Franchise (political)