Spring2, 2017 Year 5

We will belooking at the following skills,whilst writinga story from another culture: writing and punctuating complex sentences using simile openers and using the passive voice effectively. The children will develop characters using ‘Show not tell’ and dialogue, which uses the reporting clause at different points in the sentence. The children will use two different story openings and a flash back ending to their stories.


Fractions: Multiply fractions with improper fractions and mixed number products. Multiply mixed number fractions.

Decimals:read and write decimal numbers, compare decimal numbers to find which is greater and smaller, add and subtract decimals, turn decimals into fractions, rounding decimals to the nearest whole number and decimal position.

Percentages: compare quantities and learn that percentage is an amount out of 100, convert fractions to hundredths, both by expanding fractions and by simplifying them.


Easter - Victory:The children will identify and explain Jesus’ victory. They will question ‘In what way is Christ’s death and resurrection a victory?’


Coding:We will continue to look at how to make a computer programme complete given commands.


Properties of Materials:Through discussions and investigations, the children will findout about the properties of materials. They will investigate hardness, absorbency, conductivity, solubility and how to separate mixtures.


Cookery:The children will look at how to make a meal involving pasta. They follow a recipe and use the skills of peeling, chopping and grating to prepare the ingredients for the meal. They will discuss how to make the meal safely and hygienically.


The children will become expert historians through their exploration of a range of sources of historical information. They will explore Astley Hall over time and look at the different people who lived there.


Wider Opportunities :The children will learn to play Samba musicthrough exploration the musical elements.


Gymnastics and Netball Skills.


Reading books – Please encourage your child to read and discuss their home reader. Remember it is important that your child really understands the story and is not just reading the words. Please also help to remind your child that reading books need to be in school every day.

Spelling:The children will be given some spellings to learn and will be tested on these words each week.

Times tables

Year Five children are expected to know all their times tables to 12 x 12 and their corresponding division facts. To achieve this children are expected to practise their tables on a daily basis. The children will have a Times Tables test once a week.

Learning Log

Please can children remember to bring their Learning Logs back into class by the due date. Children will have the task printed in their books and will have one task per week, depending on the task. These will be creative and open-ended, allowing your child to show understanding of what we have been learning in class, as well as allowing them to present in a way that appeals to them.

Thank you for your continued support this term.

Mrs Huyton, Mrs Waddington and Mrs Richardson