ROUND ONE spells Betty Nicol

  1. Colorado, dung and stag are species of which insect?Beetles
  2. What type of wood was traditionally used to make black piano keys?Ebony
  3. What is the largest river in the U. K. by volume of discharge?Tay
  4. Beefsteak, plum and cherry are types of what?Tomato
  5. What was the surname of the Irish poet with first names William Butler?Yeats
  6. Las Vegas is the most populous city of which U. S, state?Nevada
  7. Persia is the former name of which Asian country?Iran
  8. What can be a metallic element, a profession, a coin of low value and nickname for a police officer?Copper
  9. Desdemona was the wife of which Shakespeare character?Othello
  10. Which astrological sign spans July and August?Leo

ROUND TWO Colours brown-silver-white-black-green-yellow-blue-orange-violet-red

  1. What was William’s surname in Richmal Crompton’s ‘Just William’ series of books? BROWN
  2. What name is given to elderly people who utilise the internet on a consistent basis? SILVER SURFERS
  3. What colour is the cross on the flag of Greece? WHITE
  4. Bulgaria and Romania have coasts on which sea? BLACK SEA
  5. On film, TV and cartoons, what colour did Dr Bruce Banner turn when he was angry? GREEN
  6. What colour is the Colonel on the board game Cluedo? YELLOW/MUSTARD
  7. What can be a wireless technology standard for connecting fixed and mobile devices over short distances and a tenth century King of Denmark and Norway? BLUETOOTH (Harald Gormsson)
  8. What was the most widely used of the so-called Rainbow Herbicides of the Vietnam War? AGENT or HERBICIDE ORANGE
  9. What medal has been awarded to U. S. military personnel wounded or killed in action since 1917? PURPLE HEART
  10. What is the main colour of a ten Euro banknote? RED

ROUND THREEnumbers 9-7-2-3-6-5-1-8-0-4

  1. Singer Nat King Cole is born, the Army is called in to deal with riots over working hours in George Square, Glasgow, the League of Nations is founded, former U. S. President Theodore Roosevelt dies in his sleep aged sixty, prohibition in the U. S. A. is authorised. 1919
  2. Entertainer Bruce Forsyth is born, Mickey Mouse makes his first appearance in a cartoon, Alexander Fleming discovers Penicillin, the Summer Olympics are held in Amsterdam. 1928
  3. Singer Johnny Cash is born, Sydney Harbour Bridge opens, Zippo lighters are invented, the summer Olympics are held in Los Angeles. 1932
  4. Singers Barry Manilow and Mick Jagger are born, mainland Italy is invaded by Allied forces, the Battle of Kursk results in a decisive victory for the Red Army, the film ‘The Outlaw’ starring Jane Russell is released. 1943
  5. Swedish tennis player Bjorn Borg is born, Grace Kelly marries Prince Rainier in Monaco, the U. K. and France bomb Egypt to force the reopening of the Suez Canal, Charlton Heston stars in ‘The Ten Commandments’, Real Madrid win the first European Cup. 1956
  6. The state funeral of Winston Churchill takes place, Jim Clark wins the Indie 500 and Formula 1 Championships, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley are arrested, ‘The Sound of Music’ is the highest grossing film. 1965
  7. Singer Gary Barlow is born, Idi Amin becomes President of Uganda, Rolls Royce is nationalised, decimalisation is introduced in the U. K., the Bond film ‘Diamonds Are Forever’ is released. 1971
  8. Tennis player Andy Murray is born, British Airways is privatised, ‘The Simpsons’ first appear on ‘The Tracey Ullman Show’, Spandau Prison is demolished, Margaret Thatcher is elected for the third time. 1987
  9. Actress Kirsten Stewart is born, Margaret Thatcher resigns a British Prime Minister, Iraq invades Kuwait, Nelson Mandela is released from prison, ‘Ghost is the highest grossing film. 1990
  10. Actor Cary Grant is born, CQD becomes the international distress code only to be replaced by SOS two years later, the New York Underground opens, American Fred Lorz wins the Olympic Games marathon after travelling ten miles in a car. 1904

ROUND FOUR Cover versions

  1. He’s Misstra Know It AllArrivalStevie Wonder
  2. Dancing QueenBelinda CarlisleAbba
  3. From Me to YouBee GeesThe Beatles
  4. Don’t Be CruelNeil DiamondElvis Presley
  5. Under My ThumbTerence Trent D’arbyThe Rolling Stones
  6. The Show Must Go OnThree Dog NightLeo Sayer
  7. Walking on the MoonWilliam ShatnerThe Police
  8. C’mon EverybodyCliff Richard & the ShadowsEddie Cochran
  9. Chapel of LoveElton JohnDixie Cups
  10. CherishRenato RussoMadonna

ROUND FIVE Two answers per question

1.Which two English counties have a border with Scotland? CUMBRIA and NORTHUMBERLAND

2.Rnnie Barker played Norman Stanley Fletcher in which two TV series? ‘PORRIDGE’ and ‘GOING STRAIGHT’

3.Name two of the three women named in the title of a Shakespeare play (all tragedies). Troilus and CRESSIDA, Romeo and JULIET, Antony and CLEOPATRA

4.A possible move after throwing eleven in backgammon, which two Russian cities are traditionally referred to as the start and end of the Trans-Siberian Railway (connected since 1916)? MOSCOW and VLADIVOSTOK

5.Which two wives of Henry VIII were beheaded? ANNE BOLEYN and CATHERINE HOWARD

6.Who were the two main actors in the 1988 film ‘Rain Man’? TOM CRUISE and DUSTIN HOFFMAN

7.Astrology: which two signs of the zodiac cover December? SAGITTARIUS and CAPRICORN

8.Name the two U. K. Conservative Prime Ministers of the nineteen seventies. EDWARD HEATH (1970-1974) and MARGARET THATCHER (1979-1990)

9.Name the two English female tennis players who won at least onesingles Grand Slam tournament during the nineteen seventies. VIRGINIA WADE (Australian Open 1972, Wimbledon 1977, U. S. Open 1968) and SUE BARKER (French Open 1976). WADE only one to win title at all four tournaments winning doubles at all except Wimbledon

10.What are the only two countries that end in the letters ‘VIA’? BOLIVIA and LATVIA