Staffordshire and West Midlands

Community Rehabilitation Company Ltd

Job Description

Post:Probation Officer (Offender Manager)

Location:Offender Management Unit

Grade:NNC Payband 4

Hours per week:148 hours per 4 week period

Other:Evening and Weekend working

Accountable to:Senior Probation Officer – Offender Management

Accountable for:N/A

Purpose of the post:

To manage offenders, in the community in a fair, safe and secure way towards an overall objective of reducing re-offending and protecting the public. Also to contribute to the management of offenders in custody, in the same way and towards the same objective.

To do this as an Offender Manager (Responsible Officer) and in so doing help discharge the responsibilities of delivering offender management and supervision services, in accordance with the service specifications for such.

Offender Managers appointed at Probation Officer (PO) grade, are entrusted to undertake such duties across all tiers of the nationally applied tier rules (as set out in PC 08/2008) and with offenders assessed within all four risk of harm categories (low/medium/high and very high). Generally these duties will be undertaken with offenders assessed at medium, high or very high risk of harm and at tier 3 or 4 (based on the National Tiering Rules as set out in PC 08/2008).

Newly qualified Probation Officers will not have sole responsibility for high risk of harm cases in their first year – a case will be allocated for training purposes and co-working opportunities arranged.

Specific duties:

  1. To be responsible for the assessment, sentence planning, implementation, review, evaluation and enforcement of sentences on offenders
  1. To represent the agency in courts and formal hearings
  1. To provide assessment and sentencing advice to courts as appropriate.
  1. To promote the aims and values of SWM Community Rehabilitation Company and NOMS.

Tasks and activities:

Process information and assess individual’s offending behaviour
  • To assess an offenders risk of harm using the OASys risk assessment screening tool and to complete a full risk of harm assessment on all appropriate cases
  • To assess an offenders risk of harm using other specialised risk assessment tools as appropriate
  • To assess risk of re-offending and need using the appropriate assessment tools, e.g., OASys and specialised assessment tools as appropriate
  • To prepare reports for presentation to Court as and when required in accordance with National Standards
/ Occupational Standards D102
Plan, coordinate, supervise (if appropriate), enforce and review sentences in custody and in the community
  • To devise sentence plans that address the offenders risk and needs and to identify solutions to overcome non compliance
  • To ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place to deliver the plan and oversee the implementation of the plan by ensuring that all offender management team members and the offender are aware of their duties and responsibilities.
  • To develop custodial and community sentence plans to manage the risk of harm and re-offending of offenders resettling in the community following custodial sentences
  • To coordinate the offender management team, working collaboratively with other members, ensuring effective communication to enable smooth implementation and delivery of plans
  • To supervise individuals serving sentences in the community or to nominate a designated offender supervisor
  • To continuously monitor, review, assess and track the plan to ensure that it remains “fit for purpose” making any amendments as necessary and refer any significant change in risk to the team manager
  • To enforce court orders and statutory licences in line with Probationnational standards and NOMs standards
  • To engage with the offender and demonstrate commitment to promoting change through the achievement of the sentence plan goals
  • To develop and sustain working relationships with staff in other agencies
  • To complete an overall evaluation of the sentence plan using the appropriate tools and methods
/ D202
Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive and aggressive behaviour
  • Evaluate risk of abuse, failure to protect and harm to self and others
  • To contribute to preventing abusive and aggressive behaviour
  • To deal with incidents of abusive and aggressive behaviour
  • To contribute to reviewing incidents of abusive and aggressive behaviour
/ E203
Enable individuals to change their offending behaviour
  • To enable individuals to develop strategies for changing their offending behaviour
  • To enable individuals to sustain their behaviour change
  • To ensure that the sentence complies with National Standards by engaging with the offender, motivating them to co-operate and comply
  • To demonstrate pro-social modelling skills by consistently reinforcing pro-social behaviour and attitudes, challenging anti-social behaviour and attitudes
  • Implement, ( pre and post course work), monitor and evaluate accredited programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of re-offending by offenders who pose a significant risk of harm
  • To appropriately sequence interventions
  • To prepare offenders for interventions
  • To work with offenders to ensure that they understand the links between all the relevant interventions; help the offender make the links between new learning and their day-to-day environment; seek to ensure the offender practices new skills and behaviours and habitualises new behaviours in their own environment
  • To work in accordance with effective practice principles, national standards, SWM CRC policies and procedures and the National Offender Management Model (NOMM)
/ D302
To support individuals experiencing difficulties
  • To identify factors contributing to difficulties
  • To assist individuals experiencing difficulties
  • To support individuals with difficult or potentially difficult relationships
  • To support individuals who are substance misusers
  • To enable individuals to find out about and use services and facilities
/ E303
To contribute to the development of the knowledge and practice of others
  • To have some direct responsibility for the supervision, co-ordination or training of other employees. The work involves advising, instructing, checking work or training other employees. (Refer to document entitled ‘Management of Probation Service Officers’)
Other duties
  • To contribute to the development and effectiveness of work teams
  • To contribute to the development and promotion of the agency and it’s services
  • To undertake any other duties which fall reasonably within the nature, grade and responsibilities of the post, subject to regular review of this job description to reflect any significant and permanent changes
/ F102

General Responsibilities:

Attendance and timekeeping

To attend work regularly at times stated in the Statement of Terms of Employment, and to complete arecord of hours worked form in accordance with the rules for completion.

Confidentiality and Information Security

To adhere to the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts and comply with the terms of the SWM CRC confidentiality agreement within the staff code of conduct.

To comply with security measures in accordance with SWM CRC (or NOMS National) Information Security policies including the SWM CRC Policy for E-mail and Internet use.

Disclosure of Criminal Background

The National Offender Management Service is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act. You will be required:

  • to comply with SWM CRC policy on the recruitment and employment of people with criminal convictions.
  • to disclose all criminal convictions and cautions prior to or during employment and participate in Disclosure and Barring Service checks as appropriate.

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

Staffordshire and West Midlands Community Rehabilitation Company is committed to keeping children and vulnerable adults safe.

Post holders with direct offender contact are responsible for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and vulnerable adults s/he is responsible for or comes into contact with.

Post holders without direct offender contact have a general responsibility for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults in the course of their daily duties and for ensuring that they are aware of the specific duties relating to their role.


To behave towards others in a respectful way; recognising that people come from different backgrounds, live different lifestyles and have different needs.

To comply with the SWM CRC policies and statement on Equality, Diversity and Fairness.

Health and Safety

To become familiar with and adhere to the SWM CRC Health and Safety policy.

To take reasonable care of your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by your work activities.

To work in a safe manner in which you have been trained and advise your line manager of any health and safety problems that come to your attention.

To take proper care in the use of SWM CRCassets and where appropriate the property of any third party involved.

Performance Review

To participate in the performance review process. This will include engagement in the planning and evaluation of your personal performance, and where appropriate, the setting of annual objectives and performance review of staff within your line management responsibility.

Personal development

To attend and participate in team development activities and relevant training courses, keep up to date with current practice, and be responsible for personal professional development.

Professional Conduct

To demonstrate competence, a proper standard of personal and professional integrity, and courtesy in the performance of duties in accordance with the Staff Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Rules.

To adhere to SWM CRCpolicy on harassment in the workplace.

Last up-dated June 2014


Job Description

Probation Officer

(Offender Manager)