How to Create Folders and Save Files

Please save the folders on your desk top

1.  Right click on your desk top

2.  New

3.  Folder

4.  Once the Folder is on the desktop Name it “school name October Count 2017” i.e. Arkansas October Count 2017

5.  Inside the October Count 2017 folder create another folder named “school name New Enrollment” i.e. Arkansas New Enrollment

The following will need to be saved in the folder called “school name October 2017”

·  Withdrawal Log (name it “school name Withdrawal Log” i.e. Arkansas Withdrawal Log)

·  Daily Attendance Summary Report (name it “school name Daily Attendance Summary” i.e. Arkansas Daily Attendance Summary)

·  Class Rosters (K-5) (Name it “school name Class Rosters” i.e. Arkansas Class Rosters). Please put in grade order before scanning as one bunch

·  Attendance Register Report - This must be saved by each grade level - (name it “school name Attendance Register grade level i.e. Arkansas Attendance Register KG) and so on for each grade level as you run the report.

·  If you have any “Exceptions” documentation for retained KG’s, early access KG’s or 1st graders, or Sped students contact Debbie or I about scanning it into your October Count 2017 folder.

The following will need to be saved in the folder called “school name New Enrollment” which lives inside of the October 2017 Folder

·  Enrollment Log (Name it “school name Enrollment Log” i.e. Arkansas Enrollment Log)

·  For New students enrolled Sept 25th – Oct 2nd the following must be scanned and named as follows NE (new enrollment), students ID number, and last name ; i.e. “NE 40012345 Icke”

o  Student Attendance Info – Required Notification form

·  Transfer Enrollment Exceptions for New students enrolled Oct 3rd – Oct 9th the required documentation must be scanned and named as follows TEE (transfer enrollment exceptions), students ID number, and last name ; i.e. “ TEE 40012346Icke”

o  See October Count Guidelines for required documentation