CobargoPublic School

School Plan 2014

School context:Cobargo Public School has a long tradition of serving the local rural community. It boasts a strong tradition of academic and sporting achievement. This tradition together with a unique physical setting which includes generous playing fields; attractive food gardens; extensive outdoor environmental projects and new school buildings provides an exceptional foundation for establishing an environment conducive to both learning and developing pride in the school.

With the fundamental belief in full involvement, in the capacity of all students to learn, in solving disputes peacefully, in care at all times, in equity and in quality, the school community of Cobargo Public School has developed and maintains a culture which values achievement and equality. This culture is one which emphasises a celebration of learning, provides a wide range of academic, sporting, cultural, musical, environmental and social experiences and provides and environment responsive to individual students’

School purpose Success in a vibrant and caring learning environment.

Strategic Direction One: Curriculum and Assessment


  • 100% of teachers will be further trained in the utilisation of specific programs that will enhance their teaching whilst utilising their Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs).
  • 100% of teachers will integrate ICT into their programming.
  • 100% of teachers will be proficient in utilising and analysis of the new English and Mathematics curriculum and assessment documents.
  • All teachers will carefully analyse all new documents to ensure that they are fully aware of theimplications for their planning and assessment in the classroom.
  • Improve literacy skills in writing, spelling and reading so that 75% of students’ skills improve by at least two skill bands from Year 3 to Year 5 (2013 results indicate that 73% of students improved by two or more skill bands during testing).
  • Improve literacy results for the PAT-reading assessment tool for year 1 to year 6 from 74% to 76% of students who are operating at or above the set standards for this tool.
  • Provide professional Learning for parents and carers, to support their children further in Literacy and Numeracy.
  • All teachers continue utilising the Accelerated Literacy pedagogy. Data collected from this program through miscue analysis, spelling and text analysis will contribute to ongoing Individual Education Plans for all students.
  • All teachers continue implementing principles of TOWN. Data about place value will contribute to ongoing Individual Education Plans for all students.
  • The new pedagogies of TEN (Teaching Early Numeracy) and L3 are to be further embedded in our infants department.
  • Teacher capacity will be further enhanced through targeted professional learning and mentoring.

Outcome / Indicators / Strategies / Responsibility / Time Frame / Target / Resource Allocation and Funding Source
T1 / T2 / T3 / T4
Increased levels of staff competency and confidence in the use of the available information/communication technologies (ICT) whilst integrating digital technology into quality teaching and the Australian curriculum. / ICT is taught, improved, maintained and expanded efficiently and effectively to address theAustralian curriculum. / TPL is ongoing throughout the coming year, to ensure that all staff are proficient in the use of ICT and its implications for the implementation of the Australian curriculum and related assessments.
Staff to be fully cognisant of and able to utilise the program builder tool. / CRT’s/ Principal / * / * / * / * / Staff meetings
Increased levels of staff competency and confidence in the use of the available information/ communication technologies (ICT) / Increased integration of ICT into teaching and learning programs. / Use whole school planning process to expand the use of ICT to engage all students and teachers in quality teaching and learning. / Computer Coordinator
Principal / * / * / * / * / $2281
Computer Co-ordinator
Enhanced Teacher Professional Learning (TPL) for staff in the use of the new curricula, focusing on the changed syllabus / Introduction to Australian curriculum.
TPL for all staff and community about the implementation of the Australian curriculum in each new area as it arises. / Professional development in English and maths.
Examine and unpack new units in math and English, aligning teaching with the new outcomes.
Comparison between the old and new syllabus and the implications of the different expectations.
Principal to oversee and administer TPL and programs. / CRT’s
All staff
Principal / *
* / *
* / *
* / *
* / Staff Meetings
$1300 teacher release 1 day for each teacher
Staff meetings
$18800 RAM SEB
1 day each week
Ensure that ongoing explicit assessment criteria are used by teachers to inform teaching and learning programs. / All students demonstrate growth appropriate to close the gap and achieve year cluster in the aspect of writing onPLAN
PAT Reading age equivalent stanine or above 1 to 6 / Utilise small group strategies for students in Years K-6
Review K-6 writing continuum
Professional learning and CTJ for all students writing
CTJ K-6 Writing Tasks term 1 and term 3
Use of school assessment schedule to guide teaching programs and allocate time for analysis of results:
PAT Reading, SA Spelling test, NAPLAN . PAT Maths / CRT’s /SLSO
Principal/ Literacy Leader / *
* / *
* / *
* / *
* / $110,000 RAM SEB SLSO
Learning and support $7000
K/1 = 4hours/day
1/2= 3hrs/day
Staff meetings
Improve teacher capacity through targeted professional learning and mentoring. / Students will demonstrate improvement in writing and comprehension on the literacy continuum / Staff are mentored in literacy strategies in writing and comprehension and implement the use of small groups in their programming using SLSO / CRT SLSO
Principal/ Literacy Leader / * / * / * / * / SLSO
Improved early literacy levels through the implementation of the L3 program in Early Stage 1 and Stage 1. / All students will demonstrate growth in Reading as evidenced by:
Reading Recovery
Kindergarten: 8 - 10
Year 1: 18-20
Year 2: 22-26 (across all text types)
Home Reading Program / TPL for K-2 teachers in the utilisation of the L3 program using SLSO to facilitate group work. Then model and mentor the program for other teachers.
SLSO to monitor home reading program / CRT SLSO
Principal/ Literacy Leader
SLSO / *
* / *
* / *
* / *
* / $RAM SEB
$3290 Teacher professional learning teacher release
Teachersdevelop sound assessment and evaluation processes in their classrooms. / PLAN data compiled on entry to Kindergarten indicates our baseline data.
PLAN data compiled for Stage 3
PLAN data updated for stage 2
Teaching programmes reflect ongoing student analysis. / Best Start assessment of all Kindergarten students during weeks 1 to 5 term 1
Stage 3 teacher to plot students
Stage 2 teacher to plot students
Ongoing analysis throughout year to inform programming with effective use of SLSO for small groups and assessment. / Kindergarten Teacher/
CRT’s / *
* / * / * / * / $940 Teacher professional learning Teacher release
$940 Teacher professional learning Teacher release
$470 Teacher professional learning Teacher release
Improve the diagnostic assessment of numeracy learning kindergarten to year 6. / All students will demonstrate growth on PLAN in numeracy / Access CMIT
Stage 1 teacher mentored in TEN (Teaching Early Numeracy.) / K-6 CRT’s and SLST
Kindergarten Teacher/
Principal / * / * / * / * / $RAM SEB
Staff meetings
Teacher capacity will be further enhanced through targeted professional learning and mentoring. / Increased professionalism and accountability. / Enhanced TARS process will be further developed throughout 2014 using the coaching model. / P/CRT’s / * / * / * / $1000 teacher professional learning – 2 day coaching course - Principal

Strategic Direction Two: Equity & Engagement


  • Improve attendance rate from 93.7% (Stats: Semester 1, 2013) to 94% by end of 2014.
  • Continue tracking all students from kindergarten to Year 6 in Literacy and Numeracy, using standardised testing and data, aiming to lift results to 75% of all students attaining average or higher results in Literacy and 65% of all students attaining average or higher results in Numeracy.
  • Increase by 5% or better the growth of Aboriginal students in the areas of numeracy and literacy (measuring this growth using standardised testing and NAPLAN results), by 2014. 77% of students are currently operating at or above standardised testing norms in Literacy and Numeracy.
  • Teaching and learning strategies strengthened through the implementation of quality evidence based programs and initiatives.

Outcome / Indicators / Strategies / Responsibility / Target / Resource Allocation and Funding Source
T1 / T2 / T3 / T4
Building parents and carers capacity to help their child’s learning at home through P&C meetings, training sessions and parents/carer workshops. / Increased levels of community engagement from strengthened relationships, building the capacity of our P&C. / Community barbeques to enhance school/community relations. / Principal / * / * / $500(Global)
Enhance school/community relationships. / Involve parents and community members in special programs – gardening, interest days, concerts. / Principal/CRT’s / * / * / * / * / Principal off class 1 day
Ensure that all Aboriginal students within Cobargo Public School have a current Personalised Learning Plan (PLP). / Evidence of increased positive interactions is communicated more frequently at school. / Teacher/student meetings to set learning goals for the year in Term 1 and discuss PLP.
Kindergarten orientation program to inform parents about school policies and procedures. / CRTKindergarten teacher
Increased literacy and numeracy outcomes for Aboriginal students. / Improved engagement and achievement in literacy and numeracy for Aboriginal students. / Provide support to target Aboriginal students in literacy and numeracy:
  • With community volunteers as literacy tutors.
  • Targeted numeracy and literacy groups with School Learning Support Officers.
Develop improved student engagement, attendance and student behaviour through the ongoing implementation of the Positive Behaviours for Success initiative. / PBS data reveals lessened incidents of disruptive behaviours in classrooms and in the playground. / Provide ongoing professional learning for all staff in PBS to support student wellbeing in classroom and playground settings. / CRT /Principal / $RAM SEB
Principal to visit and support in classrooms
School attendance data will reflect improved attendance levels. / Improved attendance rates matched to School Education area average. / Provide information to families about their child’s attendance through their child’s reports, Provide DET information through Newsletters on the importance of attendance. Merit certificates for children with no absences. / Principal / * / * / * / * / $RAM SEB
Identify students who display gifts and talents and provide these students with rich and rigorous extension programs. / Enhanced student participation through Gifted and Talentedprograms. / Continue identifying students exhibiting gifts and talents so that they can access gifted and talented groups and activities. / Whole staff / * / * / * / *

Outcome / Indicators / Strategies / Responsibility / Target / Resource Allocation and Funding Source
T1 / T2 / T3 / T4
Building parents and carers capacity to help their child’s learning at home through P&C meetings, training sessions and parents/carer workshops. / Increased levels of community engagement from strengthened relationships, building the capacity of our P&C. / Community barbeques to enhance school/community relations. / Principal / * / * / $500(Global)
Enhance school/community relationships. / Involve parents and community members in special programs – gardening, interest days, concerts. / Principal/CRT’s / * / * / * / * / Principal off class 1 day
Ensure that all Aboriginal students within Cobargo Public School have a current Personalised Learning Plan (PLP). / Evidence of increased positive interactions is communicated more frequently at school. / Teacher/student meetings to set learning goals for the year in Term 1 and discuss PLP.
Kindergarten orientation program to inform parents about school policies and procedures. / CRTKindergarten teacher
Increased literacy and numeracy outcomes for Aboriginal students. / Improved engagement and achievement in literacy and numeracy for Aboriginal students. / Provide support to target Aboriginal students in literacy and numeracy:

  • With community volunteers as literacy tutors.
  • Targeted numeracy and literacy groups with School Learning Support Officers.
Develop improved student engagement, attendance and student behaviour through the ongoing implementation of the Positive Behaviours for Success initiative. / PBS data reveals lessened incidents of disruptive behaviours in classrooms and in the playground. / Provide ongoing professional learning for all staff in PBS to support student wellbeing in classroom and playground settings. / CRT /Principal / $RAM SEB
Principal to visit and support in classrooms
School attendance data will reflect improved attendance levels. / Improved attendance rates matched to School Education area average. / Provide information to families about their child’s attendance through their child’s reports, Provide DET information through Newsletters on the importance of attendance. Merit certificates for children with no absences. / Principal / * / * / * / * / $RAM SEB
Identify students who display gifts and talents and provide these students with rich and rigorous extension programs. / Enhanced student participation through Gifted and Talented programs. / Continue identifying students exhibiting gifts and talents so that they can access gifted and talented groups and activities. / Whole staff / * / * / * / *

Strategic Direction Three: Leadership and Management

  • All teachers continue utilising the Accelerated Literacy pedagogy. Data collected from this program through miscue analysis, spelling and text analysis will contribute to ongoing Individual Education Plans for all students.
  • All teachers continue implementing principles of TOWN. Data about place value will contribute to ongoing Individual Education Plans for all students.
  • The new pedagogies of TEN (Teaching Early Numeracy) and L3 are to be further embedded in our infants department.
  • Teacher capacity will be further enhanced through targeted professional learning and mentoring.

. Teaching and learning strategies strengthened through the implementation of quality evidence based programs and initiatives

Outcome / Indicators / Strategies / Responsibility / Target / Resource Allocation and Funding Source
T1 / T2 / T3 / T4
All staff have been given opportunities to develop personal leadership skills through negotiated responsibilities. / • List of opportunities & initiatives developed.
• Tasks negotiated and delegated / . Identification of leadership opportunities for all staff from school plan. / Principal / * / * / * / * / $1000Teacher professional learningTARS teacher release
Plans and processes reviewed/implemented to ensure smooth transition between retiring staff/ existing staff/new staff. / . • Skills/processes/roles identified / Identify skills/processes/roles that require transition planning / Principal / * / *
• Training/up-skilling/changeover sessions planned and implemented. / Identify suitable staff and organise training/up-skilling/changeover processes. / Principal / * / * / $1000 teacher professional learning
Student programs in place to transition school leaders and upcoming school leaders / .student leadership and induction lessons followed / identify and plan lesson timing / principal stage 3 teacher / * / * / $600 purchase of leadership modules
RAM equity
Student leaders are actively involved in student wellbeing across the school. / .year 6 students lead peer support groups / .year 6 and year 5 co- leaders are trained in the peer support program and lead a lesson once a week over a ten week program in Term 2-Term 3 / principal stage 3 teacher / * / * / $RAM SEB
$1000 RAM equity materials to establish groups + teacher release for training