Creating a Sketch on a WCS Plane Example
Sketch Plane Options Overwiew / Creating a Sketch on a Face

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Creating a Sketch on a WCS Plane Example

This tutorial shows you how to:

  • Create a sketch on one of the WCS planes.
  • Rename a sketch.
  • String lines together.
  • Make constraint symbols visible.
  • Change the input box from coordinate values to polar coordinate values.
  • Fully constrain the sketch.
  1. Open a new part.
  2. Enter "sk_chamfer" for the part name.
  3. Choose Millimeters for units.
  4. Choose the Modeling application.
  5. Choose MB3-> Replace View-> TFR-TRI.
  6. Choose Insert-> Sketch. The Sketch Plane options display on the graphics window.
  7. Choose the XC-ZC icon .
  8. From the Sketcher toolbar, select the sketch name text, enter "chamfer" and press ENTER.
  9. Click MB2 to accept the sketch plane.
  10. From the Sketch Curve toolbar, choose the Profile option.
  11. Choose the Parameters option.
  12. Choose the Show All Constraints option.
  13. Click near the WCS origin of the coordinate system and move the cursor up vertically.

The dashed line indicates a possible constraint. The red vertical arrow indicates a vertical constraint. Click MB2 to lock the vertical constraint. Notice that horizontal movement is then ignored. You can blank the angle value to unlock the vertical constraint. The dynamic input boxes accept values of length and angle for the line.

  1. Continue sketching lines until you have a shape similar to the next figure. When you connect the last line, click MB2 to break the string action.
  1. Choose Constraints.
  2. Select the line at the bottom and the XC datum axis.
  3. Choose Collinear.
  4. Select the left vertical line and YC datum axis.
  5. Choose Collinear.
  6. Choose Dimensions.
  7. Choose Auto Placement.
  8. Enter 1.0 in the Text Height box.
  9. Select the bottom horizontal line and place the dimension.
  10. Enter 20.0 for the value.
  1. Select the left vertical line and place the dimension.
  2. Enter 20.0 for the value (or optionally, enter P3).
  3. Select the angled line at the top right corner near its right end.
  4. Select the top horizontal line near its right end.
  5. Move the cursor until you get an angle dimension and place it.
  6. Enter 45.0 for the value.
  7. Select the upper, horizontal line and place the dimension.
  8. Enter 14.5 for the value. This fully constrains this sketch.

  1. Click the Finish icon to exit the Sketcher Task Environment.
  2. Extrude the sketch 20 mm in the YC direction.
  1. Save the part.