Supplement S4
Table S4 For all simulations with fixed number of parasitoids or fixed fraction of parasitoids the overdispersion parameter (Overdisp.) was estimated (no underdispersion allowed); anoverall F-test (df=12,30) for difference in response patternsbetween the five different simulation situations was performed and for each response category (Allee, competition, parasitism and survival) an F-test (df=4,30) was performed for difference between simulation situationss. For the values of the F test in bold the difference was significant (P<0.05).
Gen. / Overdisp. / F12,30 / F4,30Allee / F4,30 comp / F4,30paras / F4,30
fixed number
1 / 1.00 / 117.23 / 212.38 / 0.01 / 222.12 / 111.31
2 / 1.02 / 500.17 / 1304.18 / 0.05 / 675.13 / 653.60
3 / 4.74 / 477.33 / 1349.55 / 0.06 / 535.63 / 661.58
4 / 52.77 / 233.88 / 684.32 / 0.08 / 220.18 / 248.47
5 / 107.73 / 329.86 / 958.73 / 12.31 / 267.15 / 132.44
6 / 2775.25 / 81.68 / 54.78 / 199.61 / 56.00 / 29.43
7 / 1627.92 / 33.54 / 89.95 / 24.86 / 7.46 / 1.26
8 / 5212.31 / 8.06 / 22.24 / 5.12 / 0.99 / 0.46
9 / 5523.18 / 22.62 / 18.28 / 51.70 / 25.36 / 11.73
10 / 5218.77 / 21.13 / 14.40 / 53.31 / 15.34 / 20.81
fixed fraction
1 / 1.00 / 117.23 / 212.38 / 0.01 / 222.12 / 111.31
2 / 1.13 / 535.68 / 1175.20 / 0.05 / 1095.75 / 339.92
3 / 3.43 / 658.93 / 1486.93 / 0.06 / 1415.30 / 290.57
4 / 22.63 / 356.32 / 825.30 / 0.05 / 823.90 / 54.87
5 / 61.28 / 292.58 / 662.47 / 0.09 / 743.59 / 10.42
6 / 101.44 / 158.37 / 348.21 / 0.03 / 409.29 / 3.22
7 / 433.62 / 30.93 / 61.89 / 0.01 / 82.99 / 3.82
8 / 1206.24 / 6.48 / 12.69 / 0.01 / 17.24 / 1.19
9 / 580.49 / 9.02 / 16.13 / 0.01 / 24.03 / 3.36
10 / 1044.26 / 1.59 / 3.69 / 0.01 / 3.71 / 0.35