Covenant Presbyterian Church


Parent Permission and Release Form

Participant Information:

Name: / Age:
Gender: / M F / Covenant Member: / Yes No
Med. Insurance Co: / Policy #:
Parent Name(s): / Cell Phone #:
Emerg. Contact : / Cell Phone #:
Allergies & Medication Information:

I, ______, (parent name) give permission for my child (listed above) to participate with the Covenant Presbyterian Church Youth Ministry in the Montreat Youth Conference at Montreat, NC, July 14 – 20, 2013. All transportation will be provided by church staff or volunteer adult leaders. We will require everyone to remain seated and in safety restraints while traveling. Please discuss with your child proper and safe behavior while traveling.

The youth conferences are designed to help the young people to grow in their faith journey through small groups, uplifting worship and challenging speakers. There may be situations that will bring forth feelings of discomfort, even distress. However, the staff and volunteers will make every effort to keep your child physically and emotionally safe and will provide opportunities to discuss and debrief these experiences daily.

In the event of an emergency or injury, I give permission for my child to receive treatment from a trained professional or adult. I understand that any costs related to the medical care of my child is my sole responsibility. Covenant Presbyterian Church does not provide for primary or secondary medical insurance. In addition, I understand the work and risks involved in this mission and educational opportunity for my child, and will hold Covenant Presbyterian Church, the staff or volunteers harmless and blameless for any risk, injury or death that may occur do to the reasonable operation of the program.

By signing, I agree to the above.

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

Youth Signature: Date:

Information For Montreat Youth Conference


We will meet at 8:00 am Sunday, July 22nd @ Covenant Presbyterian Church to load up the cars. And head out as soon as possible! BRING $ FOR LUNCH. Please pack as lightly as possible and use a soft-sided duffle bag rather than a hard-sided suitcase. You may listen to iPods and the like, but don’t bring any dvd’s. (see below under “Cell Phones and Technology”) During the week there will be Worship, Keynote, Small Group Meetings, Free time, Choir, Recreation, and lots of Energizers.

There is a free afternoon on Wednesday, we’ll decide as a group a plan for this time, and for Dinner that evening.

We will return Saturday, July 28th, early afternoon.

Youth will call home while we are en-route to provide a pick-up time. Expect us between 12:30 and 1:30.


We will be staying at the Dell House on Alabama Terrace. It is just behind Georgia Lodge and Assembly Inn, about a 5 minute walk to Anderson Auditorium, maybe 10 minutes on the way back, since it will be uphill. Rooms are assigned by John.


All meals (except for Sunday lunch) are provided. We will eat most of our meals at the house. Please let me know in advance if you have any food allergies. Also, please expect to take part in helping prepare and cleanup after meals. Three meals are offered each day and there is no need to eat at the

snack bar. Breakfasts will be served each day. Cereals, bagels,

fruits, juices, and such will be provided. You are strongly encouraged to eat breakfast as our schedule is very busy and

snacking is not always available.

Lunch will be the one meal that you are welcome to invite

others over or accept invitations to friends’ houses.

We will serve sandwiches and other standard lunch fare. You

must get permission before inviting friends or before accepting invitations out.

Dinners are considered “mandatory” and “community time” and will be served at our house, except for Wednesday and maybe Friday when we’ll be going out to dinner.

Things to Bring

q  Bible, pens, pencils

q  Bed Sheets, sleeping bag, Pillow

q  Toiletries

q  Clothes suitable for worship (Communion will be served on Thursday and we will dress nicely. “Summer Churchy” is a good style)

q  Flashlight

q  Water bottle

q  At least one pair of closed-toe shoes

q  Raincoat or umbrella (rain is likely)

q  Games and snacks for traveling and house.

q  Bring money for: Sunday Lunch, offering, snacks, souvenirs, (lost wristband -$5)

Cell Phones and Techology

From Montreat - “In the interest of full participation in the conference, it is our goal to limit the use of “isolating technologies” which often prevent youth and adults from being fully engaged in conference activities. Therefore, we request that youth and adults alike refrain from bringing ipods, cellphones, psp’s, etc., to any conference activity. We request that youth and adults leave their cell phones at their housing location while at Montreat. Adults, who must have their phones for emergency purposes, are asked to keep them on “silent” mode during conference activities. We will rely on back-home leaders to help young people fully engage in conference activities and outline these expectations before they arrive on-site.”

Further, even outside of official conference activities there will be outlined “community time” when the use phones, iPods, etc., will be discouraged and “personal time” when their use will be fine. This will be discussed when we are all together to create our covenant. Please plan on being an engaged part of our community. Bring some games and cards to play during “free-times!”

Montreat’s Dress Code

Please pay close attention to the following from

Montreat -

This statement is an effort to build upon and clarify previous recommendations and policies for appropriate dress for all who attend Montreat Conference, male and female alike. The way we dress at Montreat reflects the character of the Christian community that we are trying to build together at Montreat Conference Center.

In Baptism, we are not only bathed but also clothed.

“As many of you as were baptized into Christ have

clothed yourselves with Christ.” writes Paul in his

letter to the Galatians. (Stephanie Paulsell, “Body

Language,” Christian Century, January 16-23, 2002)

While our bodies are a gift of God and expressive of our identity as children of God, our clothing is primarily a matter of personal choice, often reflective of one’s social status, gender, ethnicity, the influence of advertising, and other factors. Montreat is composed not only of youth and young adults, but of young children and older adults from both the United States and other cultures. As a worshipping community, dress code on stage will be only capris, long shorts, long skirts, or long pants with sleeved

shirts. Throughout the whole Youth Conference, participants are

discouraged from wearing clothing that:

ü  is too revealing (e.g. clothing that is too tight; halter-tops, short shorts, strapless tops, or shirts/tops that reveal a bare midriff; pants should be worn at waist line.)

ü  advertises alcohol, tobacco products or other substances abusive to the body

ü  contains language or images that ridicule a person’s gender, sexuality, or geographic/ethnic origin

ü  Additionally, undergarments should be worn but not visible.

The content of the slide shows each night in the

auditorium will follow the suggestions listed above.

Let me help with some definitions:

·  “short shorts” are shorts which don’t reach your fingertips when your arms are at your side.

·  If you bend over and your back is uncovered – your shirt is too small and probably too tight.

·  If your shirt has skinny straps it is also quite likely that your undergarments will be visible - which is not acceptable.

“Variety Show”

The variety show shares performing arts talents. There are limited spaces for this evening activity. The sign-up procedure will be announced at the conference. When sign-ups are close, acts from various categories will be drawn at random. All members of acts must attend “sound check” in full costumes (and wristbands) that will be worn at the event. Any change in participants, performance material or costumes from the sound check to the evening of the performance will result in the disqualification of the act. Sign-up does not assure inclusion in the Variety Show. (Complete set of rules

available with back-home leader)


Small groups will likely set aside a time for group photos to be taken during the week. Bring your own camera.

Smoking Policy

All buildings in Montreat owned by the Conference Center as well as Montreat College are smoke-free! This includes incense and candles. There are designated smoking areas with urns. Your cooperation in adhering to this policy for the health of all is appreciated.

There is also no smoking in Georgia Lodge.

Covenant and Expected Behaviors

See the attached Covenant from Montreat.

Also For your safety :

·  No alcohol or drugs allowed. If a student seems to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the parents will be notified.

·  An adult leader must know where you are at all times.

·  If you leave the supervision of the leadership without permission the parents will be notified.

If the above rules are broke, or if an individual is

constantly disruptive, there will be appropriate discipline

administered by the youth ministry staff.

Further consequences will be determined on a

case-by-case nature, including sending a youth home at

the parent’s expense.


John - 706-339-1559

Laurie - 706-394-2279

Montreat Schedule


We may leave for Montreat – stay posted.


8:00 am Load cars with luggage & Depart

12:30pm Arrive @ Montreat

Settle in, Grocery Shopping & Free Time

3:00pm Registration

5:00pm Dinner

7:30pm Opening Worship

Rec Time

10:30pm Back Home Time


8:00am Breakfast

9:00am Morning Assembly & Keynote

10:30am Small Groups

12:00pm Lunch & Free Time

2:00pm Small Groups

3:30pm Re-Creation

6:00pm Dinner

7:15pm Worship

9:00pm Re-Creation

10:30pm Back Home Group Time


8:00am Breakfast

9:00am Morning Assembly & Keynote

10:30am Small Groups

12:00pm Lunch & Free Time

2:00pm Small Groups

3:30pm Re-Creation

6:00pm Dinner

7:15pm Worship

9:00pm Re-Creation

11:00pm Back Home Group Time


8:00am Breakfast

9:00am Morning Assembly & Keynote

10:30am Small Groups

12:00pm Lunch

Free Afternoon

6:00pm Dinner

7:00pm Worship

11:00pm Back Home Group Time


8:00am Breakfast

9:00am Morning Assembly & Keynote

10:30am Small Groups

12:00pm Lunch & Free Time

2:00pm Small Groups

3:30pm Re-Creation

6:00pm Dinner

7:15pm Worship

9:00pm “Varity Show”

11:00pm Back Home Group Time


8:00am Breakfast

9:00am Morning Assembly & Keynote

10:30am Small Groups

12:00pm Lunch & Free Time

2:00pm Small Groups

3:30pm Free Time

6:00pm Dinner

7:15pm Re-Creation

9:00pm Worship

11:00pm Back Home Time & Pack Up


7:30am Clean UP Rooms

8:00am Breakfast

9:30am Depart for Home

1:30pm Arrive Home