Collaborative Practices of General & Special Education Teachers: Making a Difference in Students’ Mathematics Learning



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Dacey, L., & Eston Saleni, R. (2007) Math for all: Differentiating instruction, Grades K-2. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications.

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Bay-Williams, J., & Livers, S. (2009). Supporting math vocabulary acquisition. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(4), 238-246.

Bray, W.S. (2009). The power of choice. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(3), 178-184.

Bray, W.S. (2005). Supporting diverse learners: Teacher collaboration in an inclusive classroom, Teaching Children Mathematics, 11(6, 324-329.

Brodesky, A.R., Gross, F.E., McTigue, A.S., & Tierney, C.C. (2004). Planning strategies for students with special needs: A professional development activity. Teaching Children Mathematics, 11(3),146-2004.

Friend, M. (2007). The coteaching partnership. Educational Leadership, 64(5), 48-52.

Karp, K. & Howell, P. (2004). Building responsibility for learning in students with special needs. Teaching Children Mathematics, 11(3), 118-126.

Levin, L., Kyger, M., & Allsopp, D. (2004). Differentiation for special needs learners. Teaching Children, Mathematics, 11(3),158-167.

Mastropieri, M.A., Scruggs, T.E., Graetz, J., Norland, J., Gardizi, W., & McDuffie, K. (2005). Case studies in co-teaching in the content areas: Successes, failures, and challenges. Intervention in School and Clinic, 40(5), 260-270.

Pierce, R.L., & Adams, C.M. (2005). Using tiered lessons in mathematics. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 11(3), 144-149.

Stivers, J. 20 Ways to strengthen your coteaching relationship. Intervention in School and Clinic, 44(2), 121-125.

Treahy, D. L, & Gurganus, S.P. (2010). Models for special needs students. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16 (8), 484-490.

Williams, L. (2008). Tiering and scaffolding: Two strategies for providing access to important mathematics. Teaching Children Mathematics, 14(6), 324-330.

Witzel, B.S., & Allsopp, D. (2007). Dynamic concrete instruction in an inclusive classroom. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 13(4), 244-248.


Addressing Accessibility in Mathematics

This website has excellent planning tools and strategies as well as many links to many other helpful websites.