Meeting of the Parish Council

To all members of the Bluntisham Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of the Bluntisham Parish Council on Monday9 January 2012 at 7.30pm in theVillage Hall, Mill Lane, Bluntisham for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Members of the public are invited to address the Council at the Open Forum from 7.30pm – 7.45pm.


915Declarations of interest for items on the agenda

916Apologies for absence

917Minutes of the meeting dated 5 Dec11 to be approved and signed

918Matters arising from previous minutes

919Update of Accounts for FY11/12

920Accounts for payment and December income summary

921County Council and District Council reports

922Committee updates:

a)Allotments Committee

  1. Improvements to Mill Lane track – Mr Hudson to report
  2. Concerns raised about wearing of grass verge – Mr Hudson to report

b)Hall Management Committee

1. Hall Co-ordinator Business Case for discussion

923Parish Council 5-year Plan - update

924Crime and Road Safety Update (to include reports on HCV andHanson meetings as appropriate) - Mrs Lumb to report

925Health and Safety: nothing to report

926Planning – New Applications

1101984FUL: Two storey extension to rear of dwelling 25 Hollidays Road, Bluntisham

1102037FUL: Change of use from agricultural land to rear of property to garden and erection of fence around new border Land rear of 12 Hollidays Road, Bluntisham

1102054FUL: Extension to rear of dwelling Orchardside, Colne Road, Bluntisham

1101773REM: Application for approval of the appearance and landscaping relating to erection of 3-bedroom house Colne Heath Farm, Heath Road, Bluntisham

1200009TREE: Felling and removal of two Horse Chestnut Trees 12 Laxton Grange, Bluntisham

927H/05018/11/CW: Erection of portacabin for use as an office (retrospective) Land adjacent to Old Orchard Farm, Heath Road, Bluntisham. Approval granted.

928Travellers Site – Mrs Lumb to report

929Enforcement Issues–currently being investigated by HDC

a)27 High Street, Bluntisham: confirmation that renovations are in line with planning approval

b)The Old Post Office, High Street, Bluntisham: confirmation that roof work does not require planning permission

930ColneRoadLand Lease – consideration of response(s) from CountyEstates

931ERII Fields Challenge – nomination registered

932Affordable Housing– request from HDC for Parish Council make initial contact with Colne Parish Council concerning possibility of joint site

933Village Plan: consideration of projects and discussion of how these should be taken forward

a)Website – ongoing –Mr Ellis to report any issues

934Parish Council Improved Communication –PC Surgery 10 Dec 11 –Mr Clarke to report

935Village Maintenance:

a)Maintenance of village poplar trees–update on arrangements for felling

b)Fire Hooks: refurbishment ongoing – Mr Godfrey to report

c)OldDay SchoolBell – suitable cabinet – ongoing

936Reported Problems:

a)Increased in dog mess on playing field

  1. Suitable signage to be agreed
  2. Discussion of any other measures considered appropriate – republish dog walk map etc.

b)Meridian Wood – installation of posts at entrance

937Community Orchard

c)New tree planting/orchard development –progress –Mrs McNeill to report

938Bluntisham Development Association – resignation of committee

939Social Events–update

940Newsletter: confirmation of articles for February issue

941Correspondence Received:

a)Cambs ACRE: Ouse Washes Prospectus

b)CCC Letter: Street Lighting PFI – Cambridgeshire

942Various magazines and mail shots for general interest - none

943Items for consideration (for information only)

Original signed

Sue Morgan

Parish Clerk

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