Dwaine E. Plaza

Oregon State University

Sociology Department

307 Fairbanks Hall

Corvallis, Oregon

United States, 97330

University Tel. (541) 737-5369

FAX No. (541) 737-5372



1996 Ph.D. in Sociology, York University, Canada. Thesis title: “The Strategies and Strategizing of University Educated Caribbean-born Men in Canada: A Study of Occupation and Income Achievements”.

Supervisor: Alan Simmons.

1996 Graduate Diploma in Refugee and Migration Studies, York University.

1995 University Teaching Practicum Certificate.

1990 Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University. Research focus: Social Planning and Policy for Human Settlement Issues in the Commonwealth Caribbean.

1990 Graduate Diploma in Latin America and Caribbean Studies, York University.

1983-1987  Honors B.A. in Sociology and Latin American and Caribbean Studies, York University.


2011-Present Full Professor (with tenure) at Oregon State University in the School of Public Policy

2002-2011 Associate Professor (with tenure) at Oregon State University, Sociology Department.

1997-2002 Assistant Professor at Oregon State University, Sociology Department.

1995-1997 Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in British & Caribbean Studies at Oxford Brookes University and Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education. Project title: Living Arrangements, Family Structure and Social Change of Caribbeans in Britain.

1993-1995 Research Assistant, Small Groups Research Laboratory. Project title: "The plans and aspirations of female and male science students". York University, Canada.

1992-1993 Research Assistant, Centre for Refugee Studies, Refugee Claimants Monitoring

Project, York University.

1992-1994 Research Consultant. The Toronto Daily Bread Food Bank.

1992 Researcher, The Equal Opportunity Consulting Company. Involved in a survey of Black businesses in Metropolitan Toronto.

1991-1994 Research Assistant, Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, Caribbean Immigration Project, York University.

1989 Research Assistant on the Barbados Microcomputer Project. A joint development project involving CIDA, the Government of Barbados and the Faculty of Environmental Studies York University.

1987-1989 Research Assistant, North American Headquarters United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT). Toronto, Canada.

1988 Research Intern. Caribbean Headquarters of UNCHS (HABITAT), Kingston, Jamaica.


·  International Migration Issues

·  Race and Ethnic Relations

·  Cross-Cultural Cultural Issues: Learning through Listening

·  Quantitative Research Methods

·  Qualitative Research Methods

·  Race, Gender and Sexuality in Popular Culture

·  Introduction to Sociology

·  Globalization Issues


·  Caribbean immigration

·  Settlement and Acculturation

·  Race and Ethnic Relations

·  Pedagogy in Sociology

·  Gender Issues

·  Internet Social Media


2009 Plaza, Dwaine “Transnational Identity Maintenance via the Internet A Content Analysis of the Websites Constructed by Second Generation Caribbean-Origin Students in Post–Secondary Institutions” Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, Volume: 7, Fall 2009, pp. 37-52.

2009 Wahab, Amar & Dwaine Plaza “Queerness in the Transnational Caribbean-Canadian Diaspora” Caribbean Review of Gender Studies Vol 3 Fall 2001 pp 1-39

2008 Plaza, Dwaine “Transnational Return Migration to the English Speaking Caribbean.” Revue Europeenne des Migrations Internationales. Vol, 24No 1. pp. 115-137.

2007 Plaza, Dwaine “An Examination of Transnational Remittance Practices of Jamaican Canadian Families.” Global Development Studies, Vol. 4, No. 3-4, pp. 217-250.

2007 Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda, Marcella, Mendoza & Dwaine Plaza "Segmented Assimilation of One-and-a Half Generation Mexican Youth in Oregon" Latino(a) Research Review. Vol. 6 No. 1-2 pp. 94-118.

2007 Plaza, Dwaine "Migration Caribbeene et Integration au Canada: a la poursuite du reve d’ascension Sociale (1900-1998)." Terres D’Amerique, Vol 6, pp. 141-157.

2006 Plaza, Dwaine. “The Construction of a Segmented Hybrid Identity Among One and a Half and Second Generation Indo- and African- Caribbean Canadians.” Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research. Vol. 6 (3) 207-230.

2004 Plaza Dwaine. “Disaggregating the Indo and African-Caribbean Migration and Settlement Experience in Canada.” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Vol. 29, No. 57-58, pp. 241-266.

2004 Robert Thompson, Kurt, Peters & Dwaine Plaza “Learning through Listening: Applying an Action Learning Model to a Cross-Cultural Field Study Experience in Native America,” International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Vol. 28, No. 2 pp 165-180.

2002 Plaza, Dwaine & Kathleen Stanley. “Camaraderie and Hierarchy in College Football: A Content Analysis of Team Photographs.” Sociology of Sport On Line. Volume 5, No. 2. Special Issue, November/December.

2000  Plaza, Dwaine, “In Pursuit of the Mobility Dream: Second Generation British/Caribbeans Returning to Jamaica and Barbados,” Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp 135-160.

2002 Kathleen Stanley & Dwaine Plaza, “No Passport Required: An Action Learning Approach to Teaching About Globalization”. The Journal of Teaching Sociology, Vol. 30 No. 1. pp 110-130.

2001 Plaza, Dwaine. “A Socio-Historic Examination of Caribbean Migration to Canada: Moving to the Beat of Changes in Immigration Policy”. Wabaggi Journal of Diaspora Studies , Vol 4, No 1. pp. 39-80.

2000 Carl, James, Dwaine Plaza & Cliff, Jansen, “Issues of Race in the Employment Experiences of Caribbean Women in Toronto,” Canadian Women Studies Journal, Vol 19, No. 3 pp. 129-134.

2000 Plaza, Dwaine. “Transnational Grannies: The Changing Family Responsibility of Elderly African Caribbean-born Women Resident in Britain”. Social Indicators Research Journal, Vol XI, No7, pp. 180-201.

1999  Simmons, Alan & Dwaine Plaza, “Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling: The Pursuit of University Training Among Afro-Caribbean Migrants and Their Children in Toronto”. In the Canadian Journal of Ethnic Studies, Vol XXX, No. 3, pp. 99-120.

1995 Mehta, Michael & Dwaine Plaza, "A Content Analysis of Pornographic Images on the Internet". In J. Shallit and H. Lyons (eds.) Free Speech and Privacy in the Information Age, Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfred Laurier University Press, pp. 246-258.

1992 Alan, Simmons & Dwaine Plaza. "International Migration and Schooling in the Eastern Caribbean". La Educacion: Revista Interamericana De Desarrollo Educativo, Washington: Organization of American States, No. 107, pp. 187-214.


2006 Plaza, Dwaine & Frances Henry. Returning to the Source: The Final Stage of the Caribbean Migration Circuit. Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press.


2010 Plaza, Dwaine “A Content Analysis of Web Pages Constructed by Second-Generation Caribbeans in Andoni alonso & Pedro Oiazabal (ed) Reading Digital Diasporas: Spaces of Identity, Politics and Technology, Nevada: University of Nevada Press

2009 Plaza, Dwaine & Frances Henry “Transnational Return Migration to the English- Speaking Caribbean” in Elizabeth-Thomas-Hope (ed) Freedom and Constraint in Caribbean Migration and Diaspora, Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, pp. 157-180.

2007 Plaza, Dwaine “Qualitative Research Methods Soc 418/518 Syllabus” in the American Sociological Association 4th edition of the 2007 Teaching Qualitative Methods Compendium.

2007 Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda & Dwaine Plaza. “‘We are tired of cookies and old clothes’: From Poverty Programs to Community Empowerment Among Oregon’s Mexicano Population, 1957-1975.” In Xing, Jun et al. Seeing Color: Indigenous Peoples and Radicalized ethnic Minorities in Oregon, Pp 93-116, Oregon State University Press.

2006 Plaza, Dwaine “Second Generation “Returnee” Migration to Jamaica and Barbados: Pursing Happiness and Mobility.” In Plaza, Dwaine & Frances Henry (ed). Returning to the Source: The Final Stage of the Caribbean Migration Circuit, pp 145-166. Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press.

2006 Plaza, Dwaine & Frances Henry “An Overview of Return Migration to the English Speaking Caribbean.” In Plaza, Dwaine & Frances Henry (ed). Returning to the Source: The Final Stage of the Caribbean Migration Circuit, pp 145-166. Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press.

2006 Simmons, Alan. & Dwaine, Plaza. “The Caribbean Community in Canada: Transnational Connections and Transformation” in Wong, Lloyd & Vic Satzewich, Negotiating Borders and Belonging: Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada. University of British Columbia Press. Pp. 130-149.

2004 Plaza Dwaine, “Caribbean Migration to Canada: Mobility and Opportunity 1900-2001” In Sandra Courtman (ed) Beyond the Blood, The Beach and the Banana: New Perspectives in Caribbean Studies. Ian Randal Publisher.

2001 Plaza Dwaine. “Race and Ethnic Relations Syllabus 437/537,” American Sociological Association Teaching Guide on Race and Ethnic Relations 2001 Edition. New York: American Sociological Association.

2001 Plaza, Dwaine. “Aging in Babylon: Elderly Caribbeans Living in Great Britain”. In Harry Goulbourne (ed.) Caribbean Families in Britain and the Transatlantic World, London: Macmillian, The University of Warwick Caribbean Studies Series. pp. 219-231.

1999 Plaza, Dwaine. contributing author and (co-editor) (with Mark Edwards) to “Writing Within Sociology: A Guide for Undergraduates”. Oregon State University, Department of Sociology.

1998 Plaza, Dwaine. “Strategies and Strategizing: The Struggles for Upward Mobility Among University Educated Caribbean-Born Men in Canada”. In Mary Chamberlain (ed.) Globalized Identities: New Directions in the Study of Caribbean Migration, London: Routledge, pp. 249-266.

1997 Mehta, Michael, & Dwaine Plaza, "Pornography in cyberspace: An exploration of what's in Usenet". In Sarah. Kiesler (ed.), Culture of the Internet, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 5367.

1995 Plaza Dwaine, "Foodbanks in the New International Division of Labor: An Examination of the "New" Clients at the Daily Bread Food Bank in Toronto". In Ioan, Davies & Paul Anisef (eds.) Contested Boundaries/ Different Sociologies, York University, North York: Institute for Social Research, pp. 453-472.

1990 Plaza Dwaine. An Examination of Low Income Housing and Disaster Preparedness in Select Commonwealth Caribbean Countries: Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Jamaica and St. Lucia, Ottawa: CIDA Publications.

1989 Plaza, Dwaine with David, Morley and Paul, Wilkinson. The Barbados Micro-Computer Database, Barbados. Electronic database formatted for regional distribution.

1988 Plaza D. Low Income Housing Options In Jamaica, Toronto: Faculty of Environmental Studies International News Letter, Vol. 3, No 5, pp.25-35.


2010 Plaza D. Caribbean Migration to Western Europe and the United States: Essays on Incorporation, Identity and Citizenship . Margarita Cervantes-Rodriguez, Raymond Grosfoguel & Eric Mielants (2009) Journal of American Ethnic History. Forthcoming.

2010 Plaza D. Jamaican Hands Across the Atlantic Elaine Bauer & Paul Thompson.(2006) New West Indian Guide, Volume 84 No: 1 & 2, pp. 143-145.

2009 Plaza D. Crossing Over: Comparing Recent Migration in the United States and Europe. Holger Henke (2005) Wabaggei: A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diaspora. Vol. 12 No 1. pp. 139-143.

2006 Plaza D. A History of Education in the British Leeward Islands 1838-1945. Howard Fergus (2003). Caribbean Studies Journal, Vol. 34, No. 2 pp- 278-282.

2006 Plaza D. The Chinese in the Caribbean Andrew Wilson (Editor). Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Vol. 31, No. 61, pp. 263-266.

2006 Plaza D. Images of West Indian Immigrants in Mass Media: The Struggle for a

Positive Ethnic Reputation. Christine M. Du Bois. New West Indian Guide. Vol. 80, No. 1 & 2.

2004 Plaza D. Work and Migration: Life and Livelihoods in a Globalizing World. Ninna Sorensen & Karen Fog-Olwig. Book Review for Critique of Anthropology, Vol. 23, No 2 pp. 180-183.

2004 Plaza D. Reclaiming African Religions in Trinidad: The Socio-Political Legitimation of the Orisha and Spiritual Baptist Faiths. Frances Henry. Book Review for Caribbean Quarterly, Vol. 25, No 3. pp. 18-22.

2002 Plaza D. Ethnicities: Children of Immigrants in America. Ruben Rumbaut & Alejandro Portes. Book Review for Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol XX, No. 4, pp. 180-181.

2001 Plaza D. Faces of the Caribbean. John Gilmore. Book Review for Wabaggi Journal of Diaspora Studies, Vol XI, No. 15, pp. 132-138.

2000 Plaza D. Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration. Stephen Warner & Judith G. Wittner (Eds). Book Review for the Caribbean Studies Association News Letter. Vol X No 20, pp. 15-16.

1999 Plaza, D. Health and Social Services Among International Labor Migrants: A Comparative Perspective. Ugalde, Antonio & Gilberto Cardenas (Eds). Book Review for the Journal of Rural Sociology, Vol IV, No. 20, pp 55-56.


2011 Plaza, Dwaine Metropolis 16th International Conference. Paper title: “Facebook as a Transnational Communication Bridge for Trinidadians” San Miguel Island, The Azores September 12-16, 2011.

2011 Plaza, Dwaine National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration Conference. Paper title: Teaching Applied Research Methods at Oregon State University through Collaboration with Corvallis Community Outreach Inc.” Kansas City Missouri October 20-22, 2011.

2011 Plaza, Dwaine Second Conference on Ethnicity, Race and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean. Paper title: The Legacy of Racial and Ethic Inequality in the Caribbean: An Examination of Immigration to Canada from 1968-2008”. University of San Diego Institute of the Americas Complex, November 3-5th 2011.

2011 Plaza, Dwaine Oregon State University 2nd Annual Diversity Conference. Poster Presentation: Advancement of People of Color Organizational Overview. Oregon State University November 2- 3, 2011.

2011 Plaza, Dwaine Caribbean Studies Association Paper Title: Family Love in Barrels: Transnational Remittance Practices of Jamaican Canadian Households” World Trade Center, Curacao, Dutch Caribbean, May 30-June 3, 2011.

2010 Plaza, Dwaine Caribbean Studies Association Paper Title: Barbadians as the Model Minority in Canada.” Almond Beach Hotel, Bridgetown Barbados May 24-28 2010.

2010 Plaza, Dwaine Caribbean Studies Association Panel Organizer How to Finish a Ph.D. and Get a Job in the Current Climate of Cutbacks” Caribbean Studies Association Meeting, Almond Beach Hotel, Bridgetown Barbados May 24-28 2010.

2010 Plaza, Dwaine Caribbean Studies Association Workshop Presenter & Panel Organizer “Achieving Tenure and Promotion Using Caribbean Studies” Caribbean Studies Association Meeting, Almond Beach Hotel, Bridgetown Barbados May 24-28 2010.

2010 Paper Presented with (Kathleen Stanley) Title: MySpace as a Site of Sociological Investigation: Applying the Theories of Goffman & Cooley to a Virtual Community. Pacific Sociological Association Meeting April 8-11th 2010 Oakland California.

2010 Paper Presented with (Lauren Plaza) Title: An Examination of the Transnational Remittance Practices of Caribbean- Canadian Families. Pacific Sociological Association Meeting April 8-11th 2010 Oakland California.

2009 Plaza, Dwaine & Kathleen Stanley Xenophobia, Federal Policy, and Human Agency: A Case Study of Executive Order 9066 at Oregon State College, Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, Westin Hotel, San Diego California, April 8-11, 2009.

2009 Dwaine Plaza & Harley Stone, MySpace as Pedagogical Window to Apply the Ideas of: