Phase III (2013 – 2016): YMI Regional component

Project Name

Young Men Initiative - Boys and Men as Allies in Violence Prevention and Gender Transformation in the Western Balkans

Project Description

TheBoys and Men as Allies in Violence Prevention and Gender Transformation in the Western Balkansor Young Men Initiative (YMI) project builds upon CARE´s comprehensive and programmatic effort to fight interpersonal and gender based violence (GBV) as well as to improve gender equality in the region. The YMI project will be implemented in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Serbia and will target young men to build their knowledge and attitudes concerning gender equality and healthy lifestyles and to decrease levels of GBV. TheGender Transformative Life Skills program (Program M)is at the heart of this endeavour. The current project aims atscaling up and mainstreaming earlier achievementsrelated to the implementationof Program Mvia targeted advocacy and a close cooperation with Ministries of Education, public gender agencies, academic institutions, secondary schools, educators, media and other stakeholders. One of the main objectives of the project is tointroduce Program M into national Educational Curriculaand to acquire an official accreditation for teacher training. To enhance this process, CARE willpilot Program M in selected secondary vocational schoolsinthe region and will identify allies among teachers, who will act as trainers of trainers (ToT). To reach educators in their early stages of career, the project will target alsoteacher trainee studentsat universities. In addition Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian community leaders and representatives from other NGOs will be included into capacity building.

CARE´s local partner organisations are increasingly recognized as key players by public stakeholders in the field of men engagement, youth work and gender equality. Supported by the project, the partners will launch campaignstargeting in particular youth, but also fathers, male care givers, coaches and other male role models,thus improving their knowledge and attitudes on gender equality and parenting and to fight gender based violence in families. The project will mainly build on the use of social media, but also involve popular media.

CARE´s strategic approach is tocooperate with local partner organisationsandto strengthen their capacities systematically. The project willsupport the efforts of CARE´s partners to become national resource centres in regard to gender equality.Local partners will conduct research as well as promote good practise and policy debate with the aim to engage boys and men in gender equality and to contribute to the reduction of gender based violence. The project will further develop advocacy efforts by entering into partnership with the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO).

Overall Objective

To improve gender equality and decrease interpersonal and gendered violence within Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo society.

Theproject purposeis to increase the uptake of healthy, non-violent and gender equitable lifestyles amongst boys and men (and girls and women) participating in the program.


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania.

  • Perpetuum Mobile: Center for Youth and Community DevelopmentBanja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Center for promotion healthy life style "E8"Belgrade, Serbia
  • Peer Educators Network Pristina, Kosovo
  • Counseling Line for Women and Girls and Counseling Line for Men and Boys
    Tirana, Albania
  • SMARTKolektiv
    Beograd, Srbija
  • StatusM
    Zagreb, Hrvatska
  • Youth Educational Club – Synergy (OEKS)
    Kosovska Mitrovica, UNMIK

/ Austrian Development Cooperation
/ OAKFoundation
36 months:1st of Decembar 2013 – 30thof Novembar 2016.
For additonal inforamtioncontactus.