Call for Applicants
Professional and Support Staff
Staff-Focused Multicultural Competency Building and Curriculum Transformation Institute(MCBCTI)
Sponsoredby the Office of the Provost
The Staff-Focused Multicultural Competency Building and Curriculum Transformation Institute (MCBCTI) (to be held 9a.m.-4:30p.m. (with a 1-hour break for lunch), Monday through Friday, June, 20-24, 2016) is designed as an intensive, professional development seminar for Gallaudet Professional and Support Staff, interested in building multicultural competency in their interpersonal communication and actions with students, staff, and faculty, AS WELL AS understanding how to go about comprehensively transforming the “curriculum of their jobs” whether these jobs have traditional academic components to them (e.g., providing training, teaching a course) or not.
The original faculty version of this Institute experience has been a professional development offering on campus since the Fall of 2006. To date, approximately 60 Gallaudet faculty and Clerc teachers have taken advantage of this offering. Summer 2016 will be the Second time this offering is being made available for Professional and Support Staff—last year 9 staff in the academic affairs arena participated in the inaugural staff version of this Institute experience; this year staff from across campus will participate.
The purpose of extending this opportunity in this way is to provide staff with the opportunity to develop and/or augment their multicultural awareness, disposition, knowledge bases, and skills in manners that are particularly relevant to their staff roles. Additionally, this iteration of the Institute is designed to enable Professional and Support Staff to extend the context of multicultural curriculum transformation (MCT) to the “curriculum of their jobs” by blending MCT with multicultural organizational development (MCOD).MCOD starts with the core elements of organizational development theory and practice (organizational membership, mission, product and service delivery) and overlays them with the elements of MCT to examine how dimensions of diversity (based on race, ethnicity, language, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and so forth) show up and play out in day-to-day operations of any given job in any given organization. The goal of MCOD is to facilitate organizational change from monoculturalism to multiculturalism so that the manners in which dimensions of diversity manifest in the workplace are affirmed.
Once again, this coming Summer 2016, up to fifteen full-time staff members will be selected as “Multicultural Fellows” to participate in the Institute. Participants willbecompetitivelyselectedfromacrosstheProfessional and Support Staffranks.
Selection preferencewillbegiventoparticipantswhohaveshownpriorcommitment toequity, diversity, and inclusionefforts on campus, as well as in the local community.
Institute participantswill:
- Developacomplex understandingofmulticulturaleducation (MCE)andmulticulturalorganizational development (MCOD) theory andpractice.
- LearnhowtoapplyMCE and MCOD inthedevelopmentandimplementationofcurriculaspecifictovariousacademicsubjectareas(including for staff-focused training and educational initiatives, as well asforundergraduateandgraduatecorecourses).
- Learn how MCE and MCOD can be applied to the “curriculum” of staff jobs.
In addition to the main Staff-Focused Institute “week” (9a.m.-4:30p.m. (with a 1-hour break for lunch), Monday through Friday, June, 20-24, 2016), participation in the Staff-Focused Institute also requires participation in the one and one-half (1.5) day pre-Institute workshops (during Spring 2016), as well as in the one-half (0.5) day post-Institute “report out” mini-conference (during Fall 2016).
The pre-Institute workshop date/time options are as follows. Accepted participants must choose ONE option and fully attend and participate in all three of the half-day workshopsassociated with that option.
Please indicated (via highlight or check mark, etc.) which option you will attend:
Option #1:
Monday March 21, 2016: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-4:30 p.m.AND
Tuesday March 22, 2016: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Option #2:
Tuesday March 22, 2016: 1-4:30 p.m.AND
Wednesday March 23, 2016: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-4:30 p.m.
Option #3:
Thursday March 24, 2016: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and1-4:30 p.m.AND
Friday March 25, 2016: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
The purpose of these workshops is to interpersonally prepare participants for the Institute week so that the time spent that week can be solely dedicated to learning about MCE and MCOD. Accepted participants for both the Staff- and Faculty-Focused versions of the 2016 MCBCTIs will be together in these workshops.
Following the Staff-Focused Institute week, all participants will “present” their Institute “capstone” work product (a job-focused MCT and/or MCOD change project (the parameters of which will be negotiated during the Staff-Focused Institute week) at a campus-widemini-conference on Thursday,October13, 2016, from1 p.m.-4 p.m.).
These presentations will take two forms:
- Each participant will prepare a conference-quality poster session that visually illustrates/describes their change project; and,
- All participants will discuss their change project on a panel presentation.
The purpose of the mini-conference is for all participants to “present” their Institute “capstone” work product to the campus community to build campus-wide understanding of multicultural organizational development and curriculum transformation and how both support achievement of various Student Learning Outcomes and campus-wide equity, diversity, and inclusion priorities.
All participants are required to fully attend, participate in, and complete all three components ofthe Staff-FocusedInstitute(includingthelongitudinalimplementationofthe job-focused MCT and/or MCOD change project in a subsequent semester (e.g., Spring and/or Fall 2017))inordertoearn andretainthe seven days“release time” and the additionalsixteen (24) hours of annualleavebeingofferedto incentivizeengagementin thisStaff-Focused Instituteasapartofthe university’slargerprofessionaldevelopment/organizationalchangeefforts.
The Staff-Focused Institute will be co-facilitated by long-time Gallaudet University equity,diversity, and inclusion consultant, Dr. Christine Clark, an additional guest co-facilitator (TBD), and with expert academicsupportfromDr. Barbara Gerner de Garcia and Dr. Cheryl Wu, as well as excellent administrative support from Ms. Bonnie Simmons, and technical support from Gallaudet Interpreter Services, Audiovisual Services, Facilities Management, and,wherenecessary, CART Services. Specific technical support requests should be made to theInstitutesponsoringentity,theOfficeoftheProvost,assoonaspossibleafteranapplicantisnotifiedofInstituteacceptance,andnolaterthanonemonthpriortothestartof theInstitute.
Toapply,all applicantsmustsubmitthefollowingbyMonday,February 15, 2016:
- Completed Staff-Focused Institutecontract (see below)
Contracts should be sent to Dr. Barbara Gerner de Garcia and Dr. Cheryl Wu at . Notification of acceptance to participate will occur no laterthanMonday,February 22, 2016.
2016Contract for Participation
Staff-Focused Multicultural Competency Building and Curriculum TransformationInstitute (MCBCTI)
Gallaudet’s2016Staff-FocusedMulticulturalCompetency Building and CurriculumTransformationInstitute (MCBCTI),sponsoredby theOfficeoftheProvost,will behelddailyfrom9a.m.-4:30p.m. (with a 1-hour break for lunch), Monday through Friday, June, 20-24, 2016.
Up to fifteen full-time Professional and Support Staff willbe selected as “Multicultural Fellows” to participate in the Staff-Focused Institute. Selection is contingent on each applicant’s (and her/his department/unit head’s)commitmenttofulfillingthefollowingparticipationparameters:
- Attend, meaningfully participate in, and complete all required elements of all three parts of the Staff-Focused Institute (the three, half-day Pre-Institute workshops, the five-dayStaff-Focused Institute, the one half-day Post-Institute mini-conference);
- In particular, fullycompletealloftheStaff-Focused Institutejob-focused MCT and/or MCOD change project parameters negotiated during the Staff-Focused Institute;
- Longitudinallyimplementthe job-focused MCT and/or MCOD change project in a subsequent semester (e.g., Spring and/or Fall 2017);
- After completing the job-focused MCT and/or MCOD change project:serveasa departmental/unitresourceto support fellowProfessional and Support Staffto undertake general job-related MCT and/or MCOD change activities; communicate with non-Institute colleagues who are involved with the workplace protocols chosen for transformation to discuss the implications of this transformation for all of their individual/shared work processes, discrete/aggregated workplace settings, and/or the campus as a whole, to plan for the process of officially changing the workplace protocols (e.g., engagement with department/unit level and/or center/university level governance processes (e.g., departmental/unit vote, committee approval, Senate ratification, etc.)), and to support the professional/academic development of colleagues who will undertake the workplace protocols post-transformation to ensure they are able to effectively meet the new multicultural directives (be they implied or explicated); encourage colleagues to consider participating in a future iteration of the Staff-Focused Institute; and,
- Briefly share the Institute experience with future Institute participants during a subsequent-year Institute.
In applying to become a Staff-Focused Multicultural Fellow, I understand I will be eligible for seven days of “release time” from my regular staff responsibilities (paid to participate in the afore-referenced activities, in lieu of working in my regular job responsibilities) as well as for an additional twenty-four (24) hours of annual leave to cover my out-of-work-day time spent to complete assignments related to the: 1) three pre-Institute workshops; 2) the Staff-Focused Institute week, and, 3) and the post-Institute mini-conference.Release time covers participation in the face-to-face activities, annual leave covers the additional time (outside of the regular work day) spent on completing assignments.The annual leave hours will be awarded as follows: 1) 8 hours of annual leave will be awarded after the 5-day Staff-Focused Institute upon successful completion of the pre-Institute workshops and 5-day Staff-Focused Institute weekin accordance withthe parameters outlined in theStaff-Focused Institute syllabus, specificallythe attendance, participation, and work productivity rubrics for each, as evaluated by theseInstitute activities’lead facilitator); and, 2) 16 hours of annual leave will be awarded after the post-Institute mini-conference upon successful completion of the job-focused MCT and/or MCOD change project and the poster and panel presentations at the post-Institute mini-conference, again per the corresponding parameters outlined in the Staff-Focused Institute syllabus. The sponsoring unit (the Office of the Provost) will provide poster board and associated materials required for the mini-conference presentations. Please contact Ms. Bonnie Simmons at for assistance in ordering.
By signing below, I commit to fulfill the afore-referenced participation parameters:
Name of Applicant:
Signature of Applicant/Date Signed:
Brief Summary of Applicant’s Primary Job Responsibilities:
Applicant’s Department/Unit:
By signing below, I commit to support the applicant to fulfill the afore-referenced participation parameters:
Name of Applicant’s Department/Unit Head:
Signature of Applicant’s Department/Unit Head/Date Signed: