The Hopkinton Youth Commission begins the 2007 year with new members and ambitious goals. Comprised of representatives from key organizations that work with youth and members of the community at-large, the role of this appointed board is to advocate for Hopkinton’s young people.

After input from teens, teachers, and the community, the Youth Commission has identified five goal areas:

1.  More Activities For Youth

·  We’re continuing the after school/early release programs for middle school students because they love it and so do parents

·  We’re working with the YMCA, schools, churches and other community groups to expand opportunities for youth activities

·  We are supporting efforts by the Middle School and High School as well as community groups to expand volunteer opportunities for teens.

2.  Safe, Central Place to Hang Out

·  Working with Parks and Recreation, we’re currently talking with the Selectmen and other leaders in the community about a close, safe, supervised place kids can hang out after school

3.  Empower Youth

·  The high school recently started a Youth Commission Club. This enthusiastic group of teens is already hard at work bringing the youth voice to all the activities of the Youth Commission and through their own mission and goals, planning some exciting projects for youth and parents. Stay tuned….

·  Representatives of the Youth Commission are working with the MetroWest Leadership Academy and members from surrounding communities to establish a Youth Leadership Academy.

·  Recognizing teens in Hopkinton who make a difference remains an important goal of the Commission.

Goals areas 4 and 5 are in a partnership with Hopkinton’s “BeFree Project”, which is funded by a three-year grant, and directed by Renee Cammarata of the Coalition to Prevent and Reduce Youth Substance Abuse. Visit their

website at

4.  Support a Community-Wide Consensus on Social Norms and Support for Parents and Families –There is a strong need for Hopkinton citizens to work together to both increase awareness and reach agreement on the issues facing our youth and appropriate ways to deal with them.

·  Provide forums and networking opportunities for parents to discuss issues and share solutions and ideas

·  “It Takes a Village” – the Youth Commission hopes to establish a solid and ongoing plan for parent education programs. Working with all the groups in the community and the schools, the goal is to establish involvement by all parents in opportunities to better understand our youth, their issues, and strengthen parenting skills.

5.  Address Substance abuse, Risky Behavior, Social Pressures

Again, working with all parts of the community and the “BeFree Project” playing a role in this important community concern remains a priority of the Youth Commission

Would you like to know more…..get involved….?? Visit our website at and read our minutes to see what other kinds of things we’re doing. The Youth Commission is building sub-committees or workgroups around all our goal areas. We need your help. For more information contact us at or