Jean Elizabeth Allan Sovik aka Jean Elizabeth Allan fka Jean Vorisek Quinn
Email: [REDACT]
USA Mailing Address
C/O Fritz Edward Vorisek
November 16, 2013
Michael K Brown, Sr. Asst Attorney General
State of New Hampshire
Office of Attorney General
33 Capitol Street
Concord, NH 03301 (sent by fax and priority mail)
Melissa Countway Guldbrandsen
County Attorney
Belknap County Attorney's Office
64 Court Street
Laconia, New Hampshire 03246 (sent by fax and priority mail)
RE: Title X Public Health, Chapter 135, New Hampshire Hospital and Insane Persons – 12/20/2010 Competency Hearing in State v Jean Allan (450-2009-cr-04147) Motion for Reconsideration Denied (January 11, 2011) based upon 5/5/10 Order: “After review of the October 13, 2009 competency evaluation of Dr. Petrou, the Court finds Ms. Allan not competent to stand trial in this matter”.
Dear Sr. Asst. NH Attorney General, Civil and County Attorney Guldbrandsen:
I, Jean Elizabeth Allan, a United States Citizen, and former citizen of the State of New Hampshire until I was illegally evicted and arrest on May 15, 2009, pursuant to RSA 635 Criminal Trespass, from my legal property located at 309 Waukewan Road, Center Harbor, NH, am in receipt of a letter addressed to Jean Elizabeth Allan Sovik, which was dated and mailed on November 7, 2013.
There may be some confusion with respect to my legal standing as a United States Citizen who is entitled to all the Constitutional rights of a United State Citizen, and who at the time of her illegal eviction and arrest was entitled to all of her legal rights to due process as a New Hampshire taxpayer and citizen. Because I now reside in the Rep of Panama, and happen to be a dual citizen due to the Treaty between the United States and the Rep. of Panama, should not make me less entitled to my due process rights pursuant to USC Title 42, sec 1983. If your letter is implying that I am not entitled to all of my due process rights as a United States citizen, and a citizen of New Hampshire on the date when I was arrested, please make this known to me in writing forthwith. Otherwise, we will agree that my communications with you both are as a United States and New Hampshire citizen who was in good standing just prior to my illegal arrest and eviction on May 15, 2009.
And, for your further information, I have just applied to the United States Embassy in Clayton, Panama for a renewal of my United States’ passport in the name of Jean Elizabeth Allan. So from this point forward, all communications should be addressed to Jean Elizabeth Allan. The matter that is the subject of this letter was styled in the name of State of New Hampshire v Jean Elizabeth Allan.
If sole jurisdiction for the consideration of my request for a re-evaluation of the October 13, 2009 State of New Hampshire Forensic Evaluation Report that was faxed to the Laconia District Court 20 minutes prior to the hearing on docket number 1293 and 1294 (State v Jean Allan), rests with the Belknap County Attorney as your letter states, then I believe that this jurisdiction should be verified to me in writing my the Belknap County Attorney herself.
I will await her jurisdictional confirmation, and subsequent to my receipt of that confirmation, I will no longer include the State of New Hampshire Office of Attorney General in my future correspondence, unless requested to do so.
With Respect,
Jean Elizabeth Allan