Adrenal Surgery Consultation Worksheet:

Information your doctor will ask you:

Please make sure to bring copies of your blood tests and reports of X-rays (CAT scan, MRI, MIBG scan ultrasound, etc.) as well as copies of the pictures of the X-rays.

How old are you? ______

How was your adrenal problem diagnosed? ______

How long ago was your adrenal problem diagnosed? ______

Do you have a family history of adrenal disease? O Yes O No

If so, what disease and which family member had it? ______


Do you have any of the following symptoms: O Yes O No

O palpitations (fluttering heart beat) O arrhythmia (irregular heart rate)

O headaches O sweating

O flushing O high blood pressure

O spikes of high blood pressure O stroke

O heart attack O enlarged heart

O low potassium levels O muscle weakness

O muscle aches O fatigue

O high sodium levels O urinating more frequently

O waking up in the middle of the night to urinate O Diabetes (high blood sugar)

O purple stripes on the abdomen or arms/legs O swollen face

O weight gain in abdomen with skinny arms and legs O weight gain

O weight loss O easy bruising

O thin skin O increased body hair

O depression O abdominal pain

O tumor that is growing quickly O fever

O chills O night sweats

O irregular periods O no periods

O difficulty getting pregnant O acne

O male-pattern baldness O impotence

O loss of libido O testicular atrophy

Questions you should ask your surgeon:

1)  How many adrenal operations do you do each year? ______

2)  Can we do this laparoscopically? ______

3)  How often do you need to convert from laparoscopic to an open operation?


4)  What is your cure rate? ______

5)  How long do I need to be out of work? ______

6)  How long will I be in the hospital? ______

7)  How often do your patients have the following problems after the operation?

a.  Bleeding: ______

b.  Infections: ______

c.  Injury to surrounding organs: ______

8)  What is the follow-up? ______

9)  Other questions:
