Economy, Neighbourhood and Environment

Executive Director: Lesley Bloomer

Head of Neighbourhood Services: Mike Newall

Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr, KA7 1UT

Tel: 01292 618222


Our Ref: /10550/0036/0/000 Your Ref:

Date: 7 November 2013

If phoning or calling please ask for

J Martin

36 Main Road



South Ayrshire


Dear Mr. Arnott,

Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations 2006

EC Regulation 852/2004

Premises: J Martin, 36 Main Road, Whitletts, Ayr, KA8 0LQ.

I refer to my visit to the above premises on 6th November 2013. All matters raised during the inspection were fully discussed with ..., Butcher, at the time of inspection.

The standard of cleanliness in the premises was unsatisfactory at the time of my inspection. Procedures based on the HACCP principles were not being implemented, such as date control and recording of cooking and re-heating temperatures. It was also confirmed that food handlers were failing to disinfect equipment and utensils which come into contact with food. I revisited your premises on 7th November 2013 at approximately 8.15 a.m. to check disinfection procedures and suitable disinfectants were available at this time. A further revisit will be undertaken in two weeks when considerable improvement within the premises should be observed.

The attached schedules detail works, which require your attention.

Schedule A details the actions required to comply with the food hygiene regulations

Schedule B details the work needed to comply with food standards regulations i.e. matters relating to the quality, composition, labelling, presentation and advertising of food.

Schedule C details recommendations for food hygiene and/or food standard improvement. You are not required to act on these recommendations; however, they are considered best practice and are based on industry guidance and my experience from visiting many other food businesses. I believe you and your business will benefit from the improvements listed in this Schedule.

All matters reported in Schedule A and B must be rectified within 3 months.

Food Hygiene Information Scheme

Improvement Required

As part of this inspection, the level of compliance with food hygiene legislation within your business was assessed for the purpose of the Food Hygiene Information Scheme. Your business has been classified as ‘Improvement required’.

Once you have rectified all matters raised detailed in Schedule A you can request a reassessment visit to review your Food Hygiene Information Scheme status.

Further information on the Food Hygiene Information Scheme is available on our website at

Should you disagree with this decision, you have 7 days in which to appeal. Should you wish to appeal, please contact myself at the above number.

Yours sincerely,

Food Safety Officer

SCHEDULE A – Food Hygiene

1.  You have failed to implement your documented food safety procedures based on the principles of HACCP. In particular the following matters were identified:

·  Your date control system was not in place. Cooked beef in the walk in chill was not marked or labelled with either the date of manufacture or a use by date. In addition, steak pies, mince rounds and chicken pies were not marked or labelled with the date of firing and/or a use by date.

·  You failed to maintain the recording of the cooking temperatures of puddings and cooked meats such as cooked beef. Records were incomplete since 01/09/13.

·  You failed to maintain the recording of the firing temperatures of pies. Records were incomplete since 18/10/13.

·  You failed to ensure that pies were fired to above 82oC in accordance with your documented procedures. For example, 80oC was recorded for 14th, 17th and 18th November 2013.

·  Yellow cleaning cloths (intended for ready to eat food equipment cleaning) and cleaning cloths (intended for raw food equipment cleaning) were stored together in the wash hand basin. In the absence of heat disinfection >80ºC, you have failed to protect the yellow cleaning cloths from a risk of cross contamination.

·  Equipment and utensils which come into contact with food were not being disinfected. Food handlers were using ‘Bac-det’ which does not comply with the disinfection standard BS EN 1276:1997. (I have confirmed this with the supplier of this product). You were failing to clean such equipment and utensils and thereafter disinfect them, posing a serious risk of cross contamination.

·  Packed cheese was stored with raw food in the chill display presenting a possible risk of cross contamination.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Article 5)

You must implement and maintain procedures based on the HACCP principles. In particular those matters detailed must receive your immediate attention.

·  You must implement your date control system and record daily temperature monitoring for cooked meats and pies.

·  You must ensure that pies achieve 82oC in accordance with your documented procedures during firing.

·  In the absence of heat disinfection, you must always ensure separation of yellow cleaning cloths from cloths used in raw preparation areas to minimise any risk of cross contamination. Cloths must be soaked and stored separately.

·  A disinfectant which complies with the disinfection standards BS EN 1276:1997 was provided at the time of my revisit on 7th November and was to be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s dilution and contact time instructions.

·  Cheese must be stored in the ready to eat chill display to minimise any risk of cross contamination.

2.  The following areas in the service area were dirty:

·  paper towel dispenser at the wash hand basin

·  shelving under the cooked meat slicing machine (accumulation of food debris)

·  shelving under the raw meat slicing machine (accumulation of food debris)

·  area under the raw preparation block (accumulation of food debris)

·  rear of the shelving unit behind the raw meat preparation block

·  side of the chill display beside the raw meat preparation block

·  walls

·  window area

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

These areas must be cleaned and maintained in a clean condition.

3.  The flowing pieces of equipment in the service area were dirty:

·  cooked meat slicing machine (accumulation of food debris).

·  sides of the raw meat chopping block.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter V)

These pieces of equipment must be cleaned and maintained in a clean condition.

4.  Food packaging was not being stored in hygienic conditions. In particular:

·  A box under the cooked meat slicing machine, containing vacuum packing bags was dirty.

·  A box containing sausage casings was dirty.

·  Pie ashets were not covered and were dirty.

(EC Regulation 852, Annex II, Chapter X)

Food packaging must be stored under hygienic conditions to minimise any risk of contamination to food.

5.  The walls within the service area were damaged.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter II)

The walls must be suitably repaired to a sound condition which permits cleaning.

6.  There was no handle on the door of the staff toilet, meaning that it could not be properly closed.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

A door handle must be provided to allow the door to be closed. Toilets must not communicate directly into rooms in which food is handled.

7.  There was no supply of hot or cold water to the wash basin situated in the staff toilet. The water heater was defective.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

I was advised that a part had been ordered for the repair of the water heater. There must be an adequate supply of hot and cold water at the wash hand basin.

8.  The wash basin for cleaning hands in the back preparation area was obstructed by various cleaning cloths, scourers etc, therefore was not readily available for hand washing.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

The wash basin for cleaning hands must be kept clear and accessible for hand washing.

9.  The following areas in the back preparation area were dirty:

·  Soap dispenser.

·  Walls including wall/floor junctions.

·  Blue plastic shelving storing stainless steel trays/plastic containers.

·  Red coloured waste bin.

·  Window sill.

·  Fly screen at the window.

·  Ceiling (food debris present).

·  Shelving beside the cooker.

·  Electrical switches.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

These areas must be cleaned and thereafter maintained in a clean condition.

10.  The following pieces of equipment within the back preparation area were dirty:

·  Cooker.

·  Oven.

·  Can opener.

·  Plastic containers.

·  Stainless steel trays.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter V)

This equipment must be cleaned and thereafter maintained in a clean condition.

11.  The tap at the right hand side washing up sink was loose in the back preparation area.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter I)

The tap must be suitably repaired.

12.  The framework/shelving under the washing up sinks in the back preparation area was corroded.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter II)

The framework/shelving must be suitably repaired to a sound condition which permits cleaning.

13.  Within the walk in chill, the following areas were dirty:

·  Floor (with food debris and dirty cardboard present).

·  Shelving.

·  Fan casing.

·  Walls.

·  Handle.

·  Seals.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter V)

These areas must be cleaned and thereafter maintained in a clean condition.

14.  The entrance step to the walk in chill was damaged.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter II)

The step must be suitably repaired to a sound condition which permits cleaning.

15.  The lower container storing seasoning was damaged.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter V)

This container must be removed as it poses a risk of contamination.

16.  Within the cooking area, a wall was damaged, with peeling paint, due to steam from the kettle.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter II)

The wall must be suitably repaired to a sound condition to permit cleaning.

17.  The wooden handled meat cleaver was in poor condition, with the handle damaged.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, Chapter V)

The cleaver must be disposed of as it cannot be effectively cleaned.

18.  The door framework to the back production area is worn.

(EC Regulation 852/2004, Annex II, chapter II)

The door framework must be suitably repaired to a sound condition to permit cleaning.

SCHEDULE B – Food Standards

No matters raised.

SCHEDULE C – Food Hygiene/Food Standards Recommendations

No matters raised.

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