Presbyterian Church

Members listed joining and leaving in the session minutes: 1860-1899

I alphabetized these


Ackar, Carrie1886

Ackar, Etta L.1885

Ackar, Mary1885

Ackart, Albert A.1883

Ackart, Ann Hull1876

Ackart, Miss Beulah1898

Ackart, Carrie A.1883

Ackart, Cary Mary1876

Ackart, Chauncey1890to 2ndary roll

Ackart, Edith1883

Ackart, Edward1892

Ackart, Fannie E.1883

Ackart, Frederick Raymond1889

Ackart, Henry A& Eleanor1867to Stillwater

Ackart, Henry1883

Ackart, Johny Baker1870

Ackart, Julia A.1883

Ackart, Julia Angeline1871

Ackart, Miss Mabel1898

Ackart, Maggie1890to Johnstown

Ackart, Mary C.1884

Ackart, Miss May1898to Valley Falls

Ackart, Stella1876

Ackart, WillardK1883

Ackart, Mr&Mrs WK1888, 1895to Conn., from Conn.

Acker, Hannah Elnora1876

Acker, Albert Antone1876

Archer, Alice Edith1873

Atchinson, Agnes1890to 2ndary roll

Atchinson, Elizabeth1890to 2ndary roll

Babb, Charles1869from Utica

Bailey, Eunice Kewley1865to Canada West

Baker, Charles G.1883

Baker, Edith Permelia (Bailey)1870, 1886to Plattsburgh

Baker, Dr. Ezekiel1866died

Baker, Harriet1872died

Baker, Henry Leroy1866

Baker, Truman1869died June 21

Baker, Emmily H.1864

Baker, Harriet B.1864

Baker, Henry1866

Baker, Julia1864to N White Creek

Baker, Philip1871died

Baker, William H.1865removed from roll

Baker, William Hayden1883

Balfour, Margaret1881, 1882from Scotland, to Green Island

Ball, Adelard Bratt1866

Ball, Clara Isabel1866, 1885stricken from record

Ball, Mrs. Nancy1861, 1868dismissed

Barbary, Anna1885stricken from roll

Barrett, Clara1885, 1890placed on 2ndary roll

Baucus, Anna R.1883, 1890to Menands

Baucus, Etta S.1883, 1894from Luth. Ch. Melrose, died

Baucus, Jesse1876

Baucus, Mrs. Martin1885to Johnsonville

Baxter, Christina1881from Scotland

Beagle, Elisabeth1885stricken from record

Beale, Alma1880

Beale, Dr. EN1874from Spencertown

Becker, Maria Buckley1865to Greenwich

Beggs, James1883, 1890placed on 2ndary roll

Benaway, Margaret1879

Benjamin, Mrs. Anna1866from Pittstown

Benscoten, Jacob V.1883, 1890placed on 2ndary roll

Benscoten, Laura E.1883

Blewer, Lillian1883

Bliss, Henry1862to Springfield

Bliss, William P.1894died

Blunt, Adam N.1883

Bostwick, Laura Bryan1865to Stillwater

Bowers, Dexter&Catharine1868to SanFrancisco

Bowers, Herbert1860to Nevada, Calif.

Boyd, Elisabeth C1874from Manchester, NH

Boyd, Ennie1884

Boyd, Eunice1886, 1887to Troy, from Troy

Boyd, Mrs. James1874from Manchester, NH

Boyd, Jesse Bell1889

Boyd, Isabella1869from Troy

Boyd, Lee Nettie1876

Boyd, Wm1873

Boyd, Wm & Mrs.1876

Bracken, Jennie1893

Bradman, Florentine Kossuth1873, 1874to Carthage, NY

Bratt, George & Maria1862from Mechanicville

Bratt, Walter E.1899

Briggs, Emma1880

Briggs, Pardon, wife Emily1861to Brooklyn

Breslau, John1876

Brott, Frederick Arthur1870, 1890to Ft Edward

Brott, Sarah A.1880from Meth ch. Hart’s Falls

Brott, Maria1868to Danby

Brott, MillardE1883

Brott, Nicholas1883

Brown, Andrew&Isabelle1868to Cohoes

Brown, Mary1870

Brown, Merritt W.1883, 1890place on 2ndary roll

Brown, Roswell M.1876

Brown, Sarah1870

Brown, Ann Jane1870

Brown, Mrs. Roswell S.1860to Lansingburgh

Brown, Samuel1868

Brown, Mrs Waity Jane1865from Lansingburgh

Bryan, Herbert Luther1883, 1887to Lansingburgh

Bryan, WW, Mrs., WW Jr.1887, 1894to Lansingburgh, from L’burgh

Bryant, Perces1869to Wilmington,Vt

Bryant, William Wilson1883

Buffett, Ann V.1868to Cleveland, O.

Buffett, Mrs. Mary Ann1896

Bulcome, Jennie Travis1890granted certificate

Burke, Margaret1876

Burlingame, Edwin1883

Burlingame, Mary C.1883

Burnside, Mrs. 1885

Burnside, Matthew1885, 1890placed on 2ndary roll

Butler, Mary Jane1865to Troy

Button, Aravilla E.1885

Chambers, Alexander,Kate1883, 1886, 1887to Valatie, from Valatie

Chambers, James1883, 1890certificate granted

Chambers, Jennie1892

Chambers, Lizzie1883

Christy, Mary1898

Christie, Mrs. Mary1894

Clegg, Abbey1864to Argyle

Clegg, Mary Ann1864to Argyle

Clegg, W. Frederick1873, 1890to 2ndary roll

Clegg, William1890to Pittsfield

Clegg, William T.1883, 1884to Mville

Congdon Ann M.1877,1882from Wisconsin,left

Congdon, Elisa Briggs1864

Congon, Mrs. Eliza1881to N.J.

Congdon, E. Morgan1876

Congdon, Wilcom A.1888from Worcester Ma

Conklin, Cora Viola1894, 1895to S’chdy

Connelly, Miss Annie1896

Connelly, Miss Jennie Bennett1898

Connolly, Mary Elisabeth1893

Connolly, Maggie Marks1893

Courtney, Sarah1894died

Cramer, Andrew F&Elisabeth1865, 1868from Granville, to Cambridge

Cromie, Addie1891from NYC

Cronk, Amanda Melinda1889

Cronk, James W.1883

Cronk, Sarah Jane1889

Crooks, Alexander1883, 1890placed on 2ndary roll

Crooks, Anna Maria1883, 1890placed on 2ndary roll

Danis? Chas W1898from Canton, NY

Darcon?, Alfred1885

Darrow, Alida1869to Cambridge

Dater, Mrs. Emily1869to Brunswick

Davis, Mrs ES1882, 1889from NJ, to Valatie

Dawlton, Elizabeth Kewley1865to Canada West

Dean, Mary Ann1889

Dean, Sarah Ann1889

Demster, John1881from Pittsfield

Demster, Mrs. J.1881from Scotland

Denign, Fannie1883

Diver, Alexander1883

Diver, Gertrude1885

Dobson, Eliza1865to Albany

Doig, Mrs. Elizabeth1896

Doremus, Caroline1893

Doreumus, Thomas Edward1889

Doremus, Wyatt Swift1886

Downie, Agnes1866

Downie, Carry1870

Downie, Lizzie Lincoln1876

Downey, Carrie1880

Dunn, Lillian May1898from Long Island

Eastman, Mrs.1863to Pittsfield

Eaton, Alexander1896

Edwards, Miss Jennie Burdett1896

Edwards, Mrs. John1896from Canada

Ellison, Miss Agnes1896from Rochester

Evenden, Libby Emma1885

Evenden, Mary Ann1885

Ewart, Mary Henry1880to Canada

Ewart, Thomas1873also baptised

Ewart, Thomas1883

Fairs, George1895

Fairs, Maggie Jane1895

Feathers, Mrs. B.1898to Rochester

Ferrari, Mrs.1883

Finch, Alice Lorraine1866

Finch, Mrs. Andrew1866to spiritualists

Finch, Fanny1874

Finch, Jennie1873

Finch, Mrs. Louise1873

Finch, Sally1885stricken from record

Fletcher, Maria & Sophia1874

Fort, Ella Louisa1876, 1885stricken from record

Fort, Henry B.1876, 1885stricken from record

Fort, Mrs.Mary Elisabeth1876, 1885stricken from record

Fort, Mary J.1869died

Franklin, CE1880from Luth Ch. S’coke

Franklin, Mrs. CE1880from Luth. Ch. S’coke

Franklin, Mrs. Wm1884to Cohoes

Furgeson, James F1883

Furgeson, Jennie1883

Furgeson, William James1870

Geddis, EM1890placed on 2ndary roll

Geddis, Susan1870, 1890placed on 2ndary roll

Gibson, James1873, 1885stricken from record

Gifford, Alice P. Allen1894

Gifford, Charles1894to Valley Falls

Gifford, Charles Merrill1876

Gifford, Clara B.1894to Valley Falls

Gifford, Clarence Edward1894

Gifford, Hellen Louisa1876

Gifford, Thos C.&Elise1869to Cambridge

Gilchrist, Lorenzo1889from Argyle

Gorham, Isaac1867died

Gorham, Laura1867to Troy

Graham, Andrew1896from Canada

Graham, Mr&Mrs Andrew1895from Canada

Graham, Mr&Mrs. James1895from Canada

Graham, Mrs. Jane1865to Troy

Graham, Thomas1895from Canada

Greeley, Miss Ellen Rogers1864

Greeley, Emma Morris1870

Green, Frank1883, 1890placed on 2ndary roll

Groesbeck, John Anson1893

Gunner, Mrs. RC1873to Meth ch. S’coke

Habberer, Bertha May1883

Habberer, Lena1884to NH

Habberer, Louisa1880

Habberer, William Charles1883, 1890, 1895placed on 2ndary roll, to Seneca


Ham, Jane R.1883

Hanna, James1872from Dromarra?

Hannah, Samuel&Mary Jane1872, 1882from S’coke Dutch ref., to Troy

Harard? Mrs. CG,Floyd1887, 1891from Brunswick, to Catskill

Harad, Grace Wolcot1889

Harrison, Marty1873to Waterford

Harwood, Franklin1876

Harwood, Miss Sarah1864

Harwood, Samuel1863to Fitchburg, Mass

Hawk?, Mrs. George1886to Utica

Hawley, Libbie1883,1885to Balster Pres ch?

Hayden, Harry J.1873

Hayden, Helen1873

Hayden, Miss Julia1898

Hayden, Joel1875dismissed

Hayden, Philip Cady1870

Hayden, Thos. A.1875dismissed

Heath, Alice A.1885

Henderson, Joseph&Mary A1883, 1890from Mass., placed on 2ndary roll

Henry, Margaret1870

Henry, Mary Isabel1869, 1885stricken from record

Hinds, Ellen1873, 1885stricken from record

Hodges, Emma1870

Holmes, Ada1880

Hoose, Catherine1873died

Horn, Jane1890placed on 2ndary roll

Hornbrook, Bethana Beadl1883to Schuylerville

Houck, Abby1883, 1890to 2ndary roll

Houck, Alice May1876

Houck, Burton1883, 1890to 2ndary roll

Houck? Helen1890to 2ndary roll

Hunt, Frances Bell1873, 1890to 2ndary roll

Hunt, James1873

Hunt, Lewis1894from Meth. Ch. S’coke

Hunt, Mary1894from Meth ch. S’coke

Hunter, Mrs. S.1873to Brooklyn

Hupfer, Frederick1895

Hutchinson, Mrs. Jenneth1876from M’ville

Jackson, Elisabeth1893

Jackson, Isabel1896

Johnson, Eleanor1883

Johnson, Elisabeth1883

Johnson, Ellen1864to Cohoes

Johnson, Mrs. Evalina1898

Johnson, Henry1883

Johnson, Jane Elisabeth1876

Johnson, Louisa Gifford1878to Union Village

Johnson, Margery1883

Johnson, Mary1893

Johnson, Mary Ann1870

Johnson, Mary Ann1883

Johnson, Mary E.1883

Johnson, Matthew1883

Johnson, Robert1883

Johnson, Sarah M1883

Johnson, Thomas1883

Johnson, Thomas Henry1898to Ky.

Johnston, Miss Emma1896

Johnston, Mr&Mrs James1896from Canada

Jones, Clauda Percery? 1889

Jones, Eliza Morris1889

Jones, Harriet1889

Jones, Helen Marcia1889

Jones, Mary1886to Vt

Jones, Mary Elise1886from West Point

Jones, Myron Allen`1870

Jones, Nellie1889

Keath, Alice A.1885

Keath, Charles1875, 1880to Mass

Keath, Charles Clarence1893, 1895to Boston

Kenyon, Chester L.1883

Kenyon, Gertrude B.1883

Kenyon, Harlan1876,1885, 1888, 1892to Northminster Pres ch. From Phil,

To Valley Falls

Kenyon, HS1888from Phila.

Kimball, Mrs. Charlotte A1866to Hagaman’s Mills

King, Mary1878to Lansingburgh

King, Milford Perry1877

Kinney, Chauncey1864

Kinney, Edgar J.1860to Cohoes

Kinney, Edith1883

Kinney, Hannah(wife of Edgar)1860to Cohoes

Knickerbocker, Maria1885stricken from record

Knickerbocker, Mr&Mrs. Marion P.1860from West Troy

Lape, George, John, Martha1866to Mechanicville

Layfield, Susan1870, 1871died

Leonard, Myra Maud1892

Lewis, Prof & wife ?1899to Elizabethtown

Lewis, Mrs. Evan1884to Cohoes

Lewis, Isabel1887from Cohoes

Lindley, Mrs. Martha1887

Lindley, Mrs Wright1888to Mass.

Livingston, Duncan1866died

Loder, Ann1865removed from roll

Long, Charlotte1869to Cambridge

Long, George D.1883, 1889placed on 2ndary roll

Lyons, Miss Alice1883to Galway

Lyons, Cornelius1883

Lynch, Alice1888to Utica

Lyons, EstherC1883, 1883to Galway

March, Charlotte W.1864, 1869to Hoosic Falls

Martin, Sarah GL1871from S. Hartford

Martin, Willhilmine1869, 1873from Saugerties, to Philadelphia

Masters, Alice Adelath1885

Masters, John A.1883

Masters, Mrs. Lucy M.1865, 1871from Lansingburgh, to J’ville

Masters, Nicholas M.1873died

Mather, Mrs. Emily (with Briggs)1861to Brooklyn

Matterson, Eveline1866to Baptist church

McCullough, Ellen1864to Green Island

McFadden, Nancy1863to Argyle

McGinty, Sarah1862from Cohoes

McGregor, John& Laura1868, 1870to Iowa, back to S;coke

Miller, Kate1883from Schodack

Millis, Estella1882from NJ

Mills, Elisabeth1892

Miner, Edward1876, 1890placed on 2ndary roll

Montgomery, Peter1896

Moore, Jesse1876

Moore, Mrs.1885from J’ville

More, Cornelius, wife Julia1865to Stillwater

More, Margaret1876

Morehead, Elisabeth1862, 1868to Troy, to Greenbush

Morehead, Nancy & Jemima1866to Troy

Morrell, Daniel1860, 1867from Meth Ch. S’coke, to Michigan

Morse, Emma Bell1870

Morse, Engine1870

Mosher, Mary Augusta1876

Mosher, Emma1882, 1883joined and baptized, to Lburgh

Mulhuron, Carrie C.1883

Mulhurn, Henry Augusta1895, 1899to Spencertown

Mulhurn, Henrietta May1895, 1899to Spencertown

Munroe, James1876from Troy

Myers, Harriet1870from Scoke Hill

Nealon, Delia1878to Illinois

Neark?, Mrs. Ellen1876

Neill, Catherine1872from Brainard

Newcomb, Mrs. Sarah1888to Albany

Noble, Mrs Caroline M.1866from Indiana

Noble, Louisa M.1865to Elizabeth, NJ

Noble, Octavius1865died Oct 17

Norton, Agnes1861to Iowa

Nutt, Maria1873

O”Harre, Anna Stewart1889

O’Harre, Isabela1889

O’Hearne, Isabela1885

O’Hearne, William C.1885

O’Neare,Elmer Ellsworth1883

Ortell, Mrs Lizzie1898to Bennington

Patterson, Harriet1863, 1869from Malone, to Bennington

Patterson, Henry1867stricken from roll

Peer, Cornelia1876

Perry, Ann1868died Apr 22

Perry, JB & Charlotte1871to Lansingburgh

Perry, Willy Barker1870, 1871`to Lansingburgh

Perunma?, Mary1885

Picket, Charles1874dismissed for contumacy

Picket, Lewis1872died

Pinkham, Herbert B.1873

Pinkham, James E.1876

Pinkham, Mr&Mrs NR1881from Kansas

Pinkham, Sarah C.1876

Pinkham, Sarah Emily1894

Porter, Mrs. Lorraine1876from ME ch. S’coke hill

Prentiss, Adaline1866

Prentiss, Mrs. John1879to Chatham

Quackenbush, Mrs. JA1893to Stillwater

Ralston, Emma V.1883

Ralston, John E.1883

Ralston, Richard1888

Reed, Mrs. J.1872

Reed, Margaret1872from Ohio

Reed, Mary Ann1873

Reed, Sarah1873

Reynolds, Mary1882joined and baptized

Rice, Mrs. Esther E1866from Pittstown

Rice, Jennie1873also baptised

Riley, Mrs Jane1867, 1868to Manchester, NH

Rockwell, Charles B.1872, 1885from Mass, stricken from record

Rodgers, Elisabeth1895to Utica

Rodgers, Fanny1885`stricken from record

Rodgers, Mrs. Cora B1885

Rogers, William1873, 1885stricken from record

Rose, Alexander1885from Glasgow

Rose, Anna1885

Ryer, Elisabeth1893

Sample, Frederick Robert1889

Sample, Robert and Sarah1888from Schuylerville

Sample, Thomas1887, 1890to Green Island

Schart, Frederick Raymond1889

Scott, Harmon&wife1860from Schuylerville

Scott, Mary and Jennie1895

Scott, Mr&Mrs.1895from Canada

Scougal, Mary Jane1876, 1885stricken from record

Scougal, William Henry1889

Scriver, Mrs. Emily1885to Canada

Searle, Byron DeWitt1882joined and baptised

Searles, Mrs. Huldah1879

Seinior, Frances and Mrs.1868, 1873, 1879from Utica Mr. Died, both to Iowa?

Senior, Mrs. Grace E.1874from Troy

Shaftoe, William1865to Mittimague?

Sipperly, Agnes1876

Slocum, Mrs. Clarissa1866died

Slocum, Miss Clarissa B.1866

Slocum, Miss Ellena1866

Slocum, Francis Elisabeth1870

Slocum, Ida L.1870

Small, Mr&Mrs. Alex1872, 1875from Champlain NY, Mrs. to


Small, Libbie1873, 1875to Argonth

Smith, Anna1870

Smith, Miss Charlotte B.1866

Smith, James&Jane1883to Tomhannock

Smith, Leroy1896from Ft Ann

Smith, Maria M.1870, 1880to Delaware

Smith, Margaret Elisabeth1873

Smith, Mrs. Mary1867from N.Argyle

Smith, William J.1873

Snyder, August, Mrs. August Jr.1891

Snyder, Miss Bertha1896

Snyder, Louisa1892

Spence, Mrs.1885from J’ville

Spillman, Mrs. Angeline1873

Spillman, Charles Wallace1873

Spillman, John Hemsted1876, 1878excluded from privileges

Steele, Jane1883

Steele, John1883

Stewart, Mrs Margaret1899from S’coke Ref.

Storey, Miss Sarah1866, 1867from Mass, to Auburn

Stratton, Elisa1867to Brooklyn

Stratton, Emma Augusta1864, 1867to Brooklyn

Strobell, Albert S.1883

Strobell, Charles A.1883

Strobell, Ida Mary1883

Strunk, Harriet1885stricken from record

Swift, Jeannette P.1864

Swift, Wyatt A.1886

Talmadge, Isaac1867died

Thompson, Anna1876, 1885stricken from record

Thompson, Lorena1872

Traverse, Jennie M.1883

Turner, Samuel1885stricken from record

Tyler, Miss Abby A1866, 1872from Pittstown, died

VanAntwerp, Amanda1883

VanAntwerp, Eleanor1862

VanAntwerp, Jacob Y.1883

VanAntwerp, Mrs. Maria1866from Dutch Ref. Ch. S;’coke

VanAntwerp, Mary L.1864

VanBlock, Miss Mary1864from Stillwater

Vandenburgh, Alice G.1866

Vandenburgh, Charlotte Louisa1870

Vandenburgh, Liggy Francis1870

VanSchaick, Chauncey1873, 1876to Quaker Springs

VanSchaick, Ida1876to Quaker Springs

VanVechten, Mrs. Margaret1869to Esperance

VanVechten, Peter F.&Elisa1868to W. Milton

VanVleck, Mary1867to Stillwater

Verbeck, ChaunceyL1883

Verbeck, Emma Ida1876

Verbeck, John Wesley1876

Verbeck, John Wesley1896from Troy

Verbeck, Mary L.1864

Vial, Daniel1883

Vial, Georgianna1889

Vial, Mary E.1884from Meth ch s’coke

Vial, Mary Etta1893

Wagoner, Thomas e.1887, 1890to Texas

Wallace, Letticia M.1869to Waterford

Waterman, Catharine Brown1865to Williamstown

Weed, Cora1885

Weeks, Permelia1861to Hoosack

Whiteside, Jane1866, 1867from Glenham, to Waterloo

Wilber, Charles J. Esq.1861readmitted to full membership- had

Privileges suspended for unchristian behavior earlier

Wilbur, Mrs Ella1885

Williams, John M.1866to Lebanon

Wilson, Jane1865removed from roll

Winslow, Albert1883

Winslow, Edward McDunnit1895

Winslow, Mrs. Mary J.1873, 1875left

Wolf, Mrs. Charles1885

Wolf, Emma E.1883

Wolf, Mary Jane1885

Wynan, James & Mrs.1872to Stillwater

Yates, James E.1876

Yates, Lucinda1876from Troy

Young, Charlotte L.1884from Long Is.

Baptisms in minutes of Session 1860-1899

Ackart, Frederick Raymond

Archer, Alice Edith1873

Baker, William Hayden1870

Beggs, Jemima1890dau of James and Jemima Beggs

Bracken, Grace1892

Bryan, Rockwell1886son of WW Bryan

Chambers, Ina Iona1891dau of Alex&Kate Chambers

Chambers, John Isaac1889son of Alexander & Kate Chambers

Chambers, Nia1888dau of Alexander and Kate Chambers

Connelly, Robert, Chas, Joh, Lida1888chldn of Mr&Mrs Malcomb Connelly

Connelly, Malcomb1890son of MR&Mrs Malcomb

Cronk, Maud1888dau of Mills and Amanda Cronk

Cleg, Wm Frederick1873

Fort, Clara May1890dau of Jacob&Mary Ann Fort

Gibson, James1873

Gifford, Charles Brownell1888son of Charles and Clare Gifford

Green, Anna1888gr dau of Mrs. Chas. Wolf

Hanna, Margaret Elise1872

Hanna, Samuel1873

Harard, Frederick Emmanuel1890son of Frederick&Emilia Harard

Hunt, James Harknessq1873

Johnson, Andrew1873

Johnson, Sarah Essay1873

Jones, Claudia Percy1889

Jones, Harriet1889

Jones, Ilis?1889dau of Evan&Mary Jones

Kenyon, Gertude B.1870

Kenyon, Harlan S.1870

Kinney, Edith Hope1872

Mulhuren, Henry & Carrie May1884chldn of Henry Mulhuren

Nelson, George Carpenter1890son of George C and Mary Nelson

Neupper, Oscar Robert1888son of Oscar and louisa Neupper

Nutt, Maria1873

O”harre, Anna Stewart1889

O’Harre, Isabella1889

Peruman, Mary1885immersion in Hoosic River

Pinkham, Herbert P1873

Rodgers, Elisabeth1885immersion in Hoosic River

Rose, 3 children1885children of Alexander Rose

Rose, Margaret1886dau of Alexander and Annie Rose

Scougal, William Henry1889

Searles, Mary Frances1879dau of Mrs. Huldah Searles

Spence, James1888son of Mr and Irene Spence

Thompson, Elmira1873

Thompson, Henry1873

VanSchaick, Chauncey Thayer1873

Viall, Georgianna1889

Waldron, William1889son of Wm&Adeline Waldron

Winslow, Mary Jane1873,

Wolf, George Worthington1892

Yahn, Arthur Leroy1892