media arts college
Year 9 - Food Preparation and Nutrition
(Half-Term 2)
Food safety principles continued
Introduction to the Principles of Nutrition /
This half term I will learn:
- How to store foods correctly
- Food wastage and its implications
- Date marking – the different types and foods each is found on
- Nutritional terms
- The names, functions and sources of each nutrient
- Foundation practical skills – rubbing in, bringing to a dough, shaping by hand, shaping using a cutter
- Personnel hygiene
- Kitchen hygiene
- Date-marks
- Macronutrients
- Micronutrients
- Function
- Sources
- Dietary Reference Values (DRV)
- Deficiency
- Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)
- Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
- Physical Activity Level (PAL)
Learning Outcomes / Homework
Week 89 – I will be able to:
Explain why good personal and kitchen hygiene is needed at all stages of food production and how some equipment is used to prevent the cross contamination of food. Through practical work learn foundation cooking skills / A Day in the Life of a Lasagne!
Week 10 & 11 – I will be able to:
Identify the correct way to store named foods – refrigeration / freezing, dry / cold storage. Appropriate packages / covering used to store foods.Know the consequences of mishandling food on the environment and its financial implications / Research the different types of date marks and the sorts of food each are found on. Collect / print of an example of each
Week 12 & 13 – I will be able to:
Define key nutritional terms. Categorise nutrients according to whether they are macronutrients or micronutrients. Answer questions related to the function and food sources of individual nutrients / Interpreting the storage and preparation instructions of a food product from its label.
Week 14 & 15 - I will be able to:
Explain why individual nutrient requirements varyIdentify the functions and food sources of each nutrient / Research the quantity of protein in different animal and vegetable sources. Surmise the complementary actions of serving some foods together.