Global Concept Guides: Order & Compare Length, Measure Length with Nonstandard Units, Measure Length to the Nearest Inch
Prior Learning: K.CC.3, K.MD.1, K.MD.2
Progressions Document Link
Show What You Know Task: GoMathChapter9Show WhatYouKnowp. 366
Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Content :
Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units.
MAFS.1.MD.1.1Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object.
MAFS.1.MD.1.a Understand how to use a ruler to measure length to the nearest inch.
- Recognize that the ruler is a tool that can be used to measure the attribute of length.
- Understand the importance of the zero point and end point and that the length measure is the span between two points.
- Recognize that the units marked on a ruler have equal length intervals and fit together with no gaps or overlaps. These equal interval distances can be counted to determine the overall length of an object.
Students coming into First Grade in 14-15 will not have had the Florida Standards changes in Kindergarten so teachers will need to build background knowledge for students to be successful.
This parent flyer and included video can be utilized by both you and parents to build content knowledge and understanding of the strategies highlighted in this unit.
Notes on Assessment:
Use Go Math Chapter ? Assessment
The performance task will be given during GCG 2 Day 2.
See common performance task link below
Unpacking the Standards for this Unit:
The instructional progression for teaching measurement begins by ensuring that students can perform direct comparisons. Then, children should engage in experiences that allow them to connect number to length, using manipulative units that have a standard unit of length, such as centimeter cubes… Students learn to lay such physical units end-to-end and count them to measure a length. They compare the results of measuring to direct and indirect comparisons. (Progressions for CCSSM: Geometric Measurement, The CCSS Writing Team, June 2012.) Students being with using individual units, which they are required to use iteration to create a tool and then make connections to standard units of measure and the ruler.
Common Performance Task with Rubric for this Unit:
Students will use a nonstandard unit of measure to determine how many units long different objects are in length. Click herefor Performance Task and Rubric.
Future learning:
In second grade, students will measure the length of objects using standard measurement, estimate lengths using units (inches, feet, centimeters and meters), compare objects and express difference in length using standard units, and compare how the length of the standard unit affects the length of the object (4 inches vs. 10 centimeters.) This measurement unit is the foundational building block for critical areas in future grade levels: standard units of measurement in second grade.
1st / Global Concept 1 of 3 for this Unit of Study (Click to view PowerPoint in slide show mode): Order & Compare Length
Order objects by length. - Use the Transitivity Principle to measure indirectly. / Projected Time Allotment:
2 days
Sample Essential Questions:
Day 1: How do you order objects by length?
Day 2: How can you compare two objects using another object?
Related Unit 10 Assessment:
Instructional Resources
- Objects to measure (i.e. pencils, crayons, yarn, straws, pipe cleaners, etc.)
- Snap cubes – make cube trains to compare lengths
- Dana Center Early Mathematics Resource - Session 1: Ordering Three Objects by Length this is used as an engage to develop language of measurement vocabulary.
- Illuminations: We’re Going on a Length Measurement Hunt is used to build conceptual knowledge through student exploration using yarn to find objects that are longer than and shorter than their string.
- Length Practice - give students apply comparison skills and understanding of vocabulary to length questions.
- Go Math Lesson 9.2 Essentials: Listen & Draw on p. 373students listen to clues and follow the directions to draw strings based on information given, Share and Show/On Your Own p. 374-375, Problem Solving on p. 376students apply thinking skills to order objects by length.
- Animated Math Model – Skill 39: Compare Length
- MegaMath – Shapes Ahoy, Made to Measure, C. Order Objects by Length
Sample HOT Questions: Select or create appropriate questions to facilitate student discussion.
- How does the length of ______compare to the length of ______?
- Describe how you know if an item is longer or shorter?
- How can you compare lengths of objects if you cannot compare them directly?
- What would happen if you measured 2objects but didn't start each object at the same point?
- Could you measure without a starting line?
Our students are better able to…
- Discover items that are longer than, equal to, or shorter than a given object. (SMP 6)
- Compare lengths of objects to determine which one is longer or shorter. (SMP 2, 5)
- Justify how 3 objects can be order by comparing their lengths. (SMP 3)
- Develop specific language (compare, length, longer, shorter, equal, longest, and shortest). (SMP 6)
- Provide students with hands-on opportunities to compare objects based on length. (SMP 2, 5)
- Facilitate student discussions based their discoveries about length. (SMP 3)
1st / Global Concept 2 of 3 for this Unit of Study (Click to view PowerPoint in slide show mode): Measure Length with Nonstandard Units
Use nonstandard measuring tools to measure length / Projected Time Allotment:
2 days
Sample Essential Questions:
Day 1: How can you measure length using nonstandard units?
Day 2: How do you use a nonstandard measuring tool to measure length?
Related Unit 10 Assessment:
Instructional Resources
- Color Tiles – use as a nonstandard measurement tool
- CPalms lesson: Fishy Lengthsstudents explore lengths of fish to determine if fish are too long to fit in different sized aquariums. Students will use non-standard units and measuring tools to compare the lengths of fish and boxes without being able to directly hold the fish near the boxes.
- Exploring Standard Unitsstudents investigate attributes of length. They begin to explore standard units of measurement by making a ruler with one-inch square units.
- Animated Math Model – Skill 40: Use Nonstandard Units
- MegaMath – Ice Station Exploration, Linear Lab, A. Estimate and Measure
Sample HOT Questions: Select or create appropriate questions to facilitate student discussion.
- How does the length of the unit affect the length of the object?
- Explain how you can use clues to find the relative lengths of objects?
- Why is it important to understand the size of the unit when measuring with nonstandard units?
Our students are better able to…
- Choose an appropriate tool for a given task (SMP 5)
- Express numerical answers with a degree of precision appropriate for the problem context. (SMP 6)
- Specify units of nonstandard measure and use appropriate vocabulary (SMP 6)
- Use clues to find the relative lengths of objects. (SMP 2)
- Allow for investigation of measuring with multiple types of nonstandard units. (SMP 5)
- Provide opportunities for students to measure a variety of objects. (SMP 6)
- Develop specific language (shortest, longest, measure, unit, nonstandard, tool). (SMP 6)
- Support investigation to find the relative lengths of objects. (SMP 2)
1st / Global Concept 3 of 3 for this Unit of Study (Click to view PowerPoint in slide show mode): Measure Length to the Nearest Inch
Explore and build understanding of standard units of measure of length / Projected Time Allotment:
4 days
Sample Essential Questions:
Day 1:Why is using a ruler similar to using a row of color tiles to measure length?
Day 2:How do you use an inch ruler to measure length?
Day 3:How does measuring from different starting points affect my results?
Day 4:How can I use a broken ruler to measure?
Related Unit 10 Assessment:
Instructional Resources
- Color tiles, which are approximately 1 inch long, can be used to build understanding of what an inch is.
- Student created ruler will be the students’ first exposure to measuring with customary standard units.
- Customary unit ruler can be used to measure to the nearest inch.
- Classroom objects to provide students opportunities to measure real items around the classroom.
- Inch rulers to measure objects around the room and pictures of objects.(Print Landscape and in Actual Size)
- Measure Up students revisit nonstandard measurements using color tiles, make connection to standard units of measure and are introduced to using a ruler.
- CPalms Lesson Inch by Inch students will be able to recognize the ruler as a tool to measure length of tape lines around the room, and understand the use of the beginning and end points when measuring the length of an item.
- Engage Rulers students look at rulers with a gap before the zero to help build the importance of starting at a hash mark to measure the span between two points. Parts of the CPalms lesson:Measuring with Inchesis used to practice measuring items to the nearest inch. Students work in groups to find specific objects in the room to measure on the practice page. Then independently complete the measurement task
- Broken Ruler students use rulers that do not start at zero to determine the length of an object by looking at the distance between two points.
- Length Strength allows students to manipulate ruler to line up to the object to measure in inches.
- Measuring Find Lengths with a Ruler chose whole units to manipulate ruler with space before the zero.
- Measure Length In Inches measure lengths of different objects on a ruler with different starting points.
Sample HOT Questions: Select or create appropriate questions to facilitate student discussion.
- How do you know if something is about an inch?
- What in this room is longer than 4 inches but shorter than 8 inches?
Our students are better able to…
- Accurately measure to the nearest inch selecting the appropriate unit of measure and labeling all measurements correctly. (SMP 6)
- Measure objects using a ruler to start building an understanding of their knowledge of measurement structures. (SMP7)
- Give students numerous experiences to practice measuring and insist that students precisely name the units (inches) they are using.(SMP 6)
- Provide students authentic measurement experiences to build their knowledge of measurement structures. (SMP7)