Denton ISD Partners in Physical Education Program
Instructor/StaffSpecial Education Teachers
- APE Specialist
Physical Education Teacher - LS Classroom Staff
mail address
428-2047 (office)Phone (classroom)
293-8035 (cell)
Who are you?
- Your name
- Why you took the class?
- Your experience working with people with disabilities
- Something unique or special about you
Why Take Partners in PE?
1. Physically- to learn sport skills, rules, and strategies; improve physical fitness; and develop a healthy lifestyle.
2. Psychologically- to learn how to control their emotions and behaviors and develop feelings of self-worth.
3. Socially- to learn how to cooperate with others in game situations; to learn appropriate standards of behavior; and to learn sportsmanship.
Responsibilities of Denton ISDPartners include:
- Assisting students during physical education class by:
- Arriving on time ready to be involved
- Visiting with students before and after class to develop rapport and friendships beyond class
- Helping students with practice and performance skills; staying with your student
- Modeling how to win and lose with grace
- Assessing and selecting activities for students that are appropriate and safe
- Assisting the teacher before and during class by:
- Setting up and taking down equipment
- Leading warm-ups with student
-Repeating directions or physically modeling skills/activities to students
-Selecting appropriate equipment for each students
- Daily duties include:
-Dressing appropriately for physical education class (wearing tennis or athletic shoes)
-Giving constantpositive reinforcement to students
-Demonstrating good work ethic by setting a good example; be positive, even if you aren’t feeling it
- Ultimately, to foster friendships and experiences that may last throughout one’s lifetime
Grading will be based on the following criteria:
60% Participation (daily in class, when discussing assignments, discussing disabilities, etc)
10%Weekly Journal Assignments/Reflections
10%First Semester Exam
10% Disability Report
10%Final Exam
- Participation: Daily participation grades will be taken based on partner’s dress (tennis shoes), attitude, positive interaction with students,and willingness to lead warm-ups on designated day.
- Weekly Journal/Reflections: Partners will be expected to write in a journal on a subject provided by the instructor. Journaling subjects/writing prompts will be assigned on Tuesday in class and completed journals assignments should be turned in on Friday in class. Journal entries must be a minimum of a half page in length.
- First Semester Exam: Partners will be given a midterm exam testing their knowledge on topics discussed in class, including disabilities, sport adaptations, and the students. Preparation material will be provided.
- Disability Report: Partners will be able to choose a disability and will research information such as the definition, cause, characteristics, medical considerations, and teaching tips about the given disability. Disability reports will be presented in front of the rest of the partners. Presentation of report should be a minimum of 3 minutes and reports should be a minimum of one page (double spaced typed).
- Final Exam/Teaching Assignment: Partners will be given a final exam/teaching assignment at the end of the school year. Preparation material for final exam/teaching assignment will be provided to partners. The final exam/teaching assignment will consist of information about disabilities, teaching strategies, and sport adaptations.
Partners will be encouraged to keep all handouts and other materials provided in class in a three-ring binder or organizer. Access to class information will be essential for reference purposes (i.e. Final exam).
There may be opportunities to earn extra credit via volunteering/attending events where students with special needs are participating (Special Olympics, Field Days, etc). I will give you the information as these opportunities are posted.
Tentative Denton Partners Program Daily Schedule (A/B Block 2Period 9:50-11:20)
9:50Arrival and brief class discussion
10:00To locker rooms to change clothes
10:05Activity/lesson begins (walk/jog warm up, group stretch, lesson plan activity focus)
11:15Partners students cool-down and clean-up
11:20Partners & students are dismissed to 3rdblock class
Tentative Denton Partners Program Weekly Schedule
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayTrack/Fitness Day / Sport Skill Development Day / Weight Room
Day / Sports Skill
Development Day / Dance Day/Game Day
Helpful Tips When Working with Your Student
1-Engage your studentin activity. Always be looking for some way to be moving or participating.
2-Instruct using brief directives.Students may have a difficult time processing information. Repetition, use it!
3-Be specific when reinforcing/praising student for something they achieved. Don’t just say, “Good job.” Instead say, “Nice bringing your arm all the way back when you threw!” Or, “I like how you aimed for the target!”
4-Be firm, flexible, and understanding of their needs. You are their peer tutor, you are teaching them.
5-Be patient. They will not learn a skill like you. It may take many times to accomplish.
6-Provide confidence. Emphasize their ability, not their disability!!!
7-Have fun and be involved! Your student will love working with you!
Being a PE Partner is a huge responsibility, and one that should not be taken lightly. Failure to follow the above expectations could result in removal from the class and placement back into a regular physical education class.
I have read and understand the responsibilities of being a Partner. I also understand that if I do not and/or are unable to fulfill these responsibilities, I will not be allowed to participate as a partner.
Student signature______