Area ManagerApplication
Please read the guidance that accompanies this document before completing.
It is essential that you use the TAB key to move from one field to the next, rather than pressing RETURN. If you wish to go back to a field, use SHIFT and TAB together or simply click in the field you wish to edit.
Section 1
Personal and Contact Details
First Name(s): / Last Name:Station/Department: / Work Telephone:
Workplace Address: / Correspondence Address (if different):
Postcode: / Postcode:
Work Email: / Private Email:
Section 2
Self Declaration of Eligibility
Please consider the following questions andindicate ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as appropriate in the check boxes regarding your eligibility to apply for the position of Area Manager – Head of Protection and Organisational Performance.
Question 1
Are you a substantive Area Manager or competent Group Manager?
Yes No
Question 2
Have you gained experience of leading and managing prosecutions under the Fire Safety Order?
Yes No
Is your personal record free from live misconduct/disciplinary sanctions?
Yes No
Question 4
Are you currently under formal investigation that may result in a disciplinary process or sanction?
Yes No
Have you had less than 6 day’s sickness absence in the last 12 months?
Yes No
If a ‘No’ is shown to either Question 1 or 2, you will not be eligible to participate in the selection process.
If a ‘No’ is shown to either Question 3 or 5, you will not normally be eligible to participate in the process but if you believe you have extenuating circumstances in respect of your responses to questions 3or 5 which you wish to be taken into account, please complete the box below.
A ‘Yes’ response to question 4 will also not automatically preclude you from participating, but your application may be subject to further review prior to the conclusion of the selection process.
Section 3
Qualifications,Relevant Job History and Training
QualificationsEducational/vocational qualifications / Dates of education / Grade (if applicable)
Relevant Job History
Role / Employer / Dates of employment
Relevant Training
Title / Date / Pass/Fail (if applicable)
Section 4
Assessment of Potential
In this section you are asked to provide examples of your performance/experience against the role map of anArea Manager.
Although it is not expected that you are currently performing at the level of Area Manager, the evidence that you provide will be evaluated to identify your suitability for the role.
Please consider your answers carefully having reviewed the PQA’s contained within the role map. A maximum of 200 words should be used for each answer.Once you have entered your response please insert the total word count at the end of each question.
Q1. Please give one example that demonstrates your competence in thearea of Commitment to Diversity and Integrity.
# Words
Q2. Please give one example that demonstrates your competence in the
area of Confidence and Resilience.
# Words
Q3. Please give one example that demonstrates your competence in the
area ofCommitment to Excellence.
# Words
Q4. Please give one example that demonstrates your competence in the
area of Political/Organisational Awareness.
# Words
Q5. Please give one example that demonstrates your competence in the
area of Commitment to Development.
# Words
Q6. Please provide a statement to support your application in no more than 800 words.# Words
Section 5
LineManager Comment/Endorsement
In this section your Line Manager should validate (i.e. confirm accuracy of) the evidence that you have provided within your responses to the competency based questions. They are also asked to give their rationale for endorsing or not endorsing the application and provide professional judgement regarding your readiness for promotion. Appraisal ratings should be included along with any other evidence that will assist with an objective judgement.
Validation of Evidence within Competency Based QuestionsQuestion / Comment
Assessment of Performance in Current Role and Readiness for Promotion
Last Appraisal Rating
Line Manager Recommendation
I have reviewed and evaluated all the available evidence and based on this I
Support the applicationDo not support the application
If this application is not supported, please provide your evidence based rationale below.
Details of Officer completing Section 6
Job Title:
Telephone Number:
Section 6
Grandparent Manager Endorsement
I endorse this application Yes NoName:
Job Title:
Telephone Number:
If this application is not supported, please provide your evidence based rationale below.
/ Section 7Valuing diversity in the workplace
Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service is proudly committed to equality, diversity and inclusion for all its staff and communities. Promoting equality and diversity is a Core Value at Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service and we are explicitly inclusive of all, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. We are currently the 4th best performing organisation on the 2018 Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, a Disability Confident Employer and achieved Excellence on the Fire and Rescue Service Equality Framework. We have a number of internal staff networks (namely FirePride for LGBT colleagues and Limitless Women’s network) and more information can be found here:
If you are happy to provide us with the following information, it will help us to make sure that our recruitment process is as inclusive as possible and will assist with our commitment to diversity. Completion of this form is optional and your responses will be kept strictly confidential. For more information on why we collect equality monitoring data, please see a copy of our monitoring leaflet which can be accessed at and is available in hard copy on request.
Please X the appropriate boxes.
I am: Female Male Prefer to Self Describe:
Do you identify as trans?
Yes No
Age: 17-24 25-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66+
Marital Status: Single Civil Partnership Married Divorced/Separated
living together
Are you a UK citizen? YES NO
Are you an EU citizen? YES NO
If “yes”, from which country:
If “no”, to all the above, what visa do you hold and when does this expire:
National Insurance Number:
Sexual Orientation
Are you:
Heterosexual/ straight / Other
Decline to state
Ethnicity - I would describe my ethnic origin as:
Irish / Any other White background
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African / White and Asian
Any other mixed background
Asian or Asian British
Pakistani / Bangladeshi
Any other Asian Background
Black or Black British
African / Any other Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British background
Chinese or other Ethnic Group
Arab / Other Ethnic Group
Gypsy and Traveller
Romany/Roma Gypsy
Other / Irish Traveller
Other (please provide details) / prefer not to say
Religious Belief/FaithAre you:
Muslim / Sikh
Decline to state
Equality Act 2010
In accordance with the Equality Act 2010 we are asking the question at the bottom of this page to ensure that all applicants who are disabled receive the appropriate support and reasonable adjustments and to monitor all aspects of our recruitment process.
Below are the four parts to the definition of someone who is classed as disabled under the Act.
- A disabled person is someone who has a physical or mental impairment.
Mental impairment Mental impairment includes learning disabilities and mental illnesses, such as autism, depression or PTSD. New paragraph: People whose impairments are controlled, corrected or adjusted by medication or aids are covered by the Equality Act 2010 as are those who have had a disability in the past but have since recovered.
- The impairment has got to last, or be expected to last, at least 12 months.
- a person with a broken leg who is only temporarily disabled would not be covered.
- a person who has had an impairment, which may happen again, is covered.
- The impairment must have a substantial and long term adverse effect. This may be
- The impairment must affect the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day
continence; ability to lift or carry objects; speech, hearing or sight; memory or ability
to concentrate, learn or understand.
Do you consider yourself to be disabled as defined above? YES NO
Thank you for completing this form.
All information is strictly confidential and shall only be used for the purpose
of employment equality monitoring.
Submission of Application
Please emailyour completed form to by 5pm on Friday 16th February 2018.
Note; Any applications received after the closing date of 16th February 2018at 5pmwill not be considered.
Please note it is the responsibility of the applicant to plan accordingly and ensure that the form is submitted on time with all of the necessary management endorsement sections completed.
Incomplete applications will not be considered within the selection process.