RXUtah Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2013

>Suggestion to change the typestyle of the coalition name toRXUtah, with all caps RX. Everyone agreed. No free drugs.

>Attendees discussed the major challenges ahead for 2013—focusing on the exchanges.

Focus #1)-Engaging in communication to our communities

Introducingthe ACA to new communities, explaining where do you turn for help, number to call

-Coalition groups that already do presentations: UHPP AUCH, AARP, Salt Lake County

-Judi Hilman (UHPP) suggested we put together a common PPT toolbox to share slides and approaches

-Liana Teterberg suggested we focus on communities that are likely underserved

-Lincoln Nehring (VFUT) suggested we get in touch with HHS regional office to find out what their outreach efforts will be – coordinate with them around the individual marketplace outreach in Utah.

-Danny Harris (AARP) said he has done tele-town halls; arranged with Marguerite Salazar, Regional Director. Doyle Forrestal, Regional Outreach Specialist. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Region VIII (Denver, CO)


Region VIII: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming

Focus #2)-Navigators and consumer assistance

-Awaiting the rules from HHS—due out in late March

Link: TK-link to HSS navigator rules

Focus #3)-Plan Management

Plans will be starting to define essential health benefits; Utah Dept. of Insurance is not going to play an active role – coalition needs to keep watch

-Judi Hilman: Select Health is the largest plan, we should ask them how they are approaching it

-Judi will call Pat Richards, CEO of Select Health

-We need to make sure that plans maintain a good network adequacy standard – defined as looking at the network of providers, and ensuring that enough providers that meet the need for the number of members.

-Janida Emerson (AUCH) said Tanji Northrup (Dept. of Insurance) said they are willing to be the sole overseer on plan selection, until they hear otherwise. Want to know they have control in a partnership exchange.Dept. of Insurance is likely to have control over plan management;

Focus #4) Governance

Danny Harris: Transparency and consumer involvement should be a part of each exchange, no matter who is running it;

Lincoln Nehring: Based on other more press priorities, governance is going to wait for year #2 in the federal exchange.

Prioritizing these Focus Areas

Judi Hilman - navigator is #1, but not sure how to manage that

Janida Emerson - Communication is #1, main priority for CHCs

Judi Hilman: Upcoming summer 2013 forum with Consumer Union, who publish Consumer Reports magazine

-CU has grant to design brochures to explain advanceable premium tax credits

-focus with advocates, as well as navigators;

-doing something for Cicero headquarters; - observations in early April, other event in June with results

Judi Hilman: What is the ask for governance?

Danny: Do we want to keep the Avenue H model, do we want to move it to quasi-governmental agency like other states. There is some appetite in the legislature to move Avenue H outside the governor's office.

Leadership Assignments

-Plan Management

Janida Emerson, Lincoln Nehring, Liana Teterberg


Azure Thompson (Jordan SD), Diana Health (Canyons SD), Judi Hilman


Danny Harris (AARP), Jason Stevenson (UHPP)


Jeannie Eden (SL County), Jason Stevenson (UHPP),Elizabeth Garbe (United Way); Liana Teterberg (Summit Co.)

Most organizationsuse DropBox to share documents.

Judi: Meeting with U4Me, back to back sharing the same time and resources

>Who isn’t at this meeting who should be?

Judi Hilman: Remember the suggestions from Lorena Riffo-Jenson Vox Creative and from Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Michael Styles, Utah Dept. of Aging.

Judi Hilman: Should RXUtah explore a charter or a mission statement, with some scaffolding?

Jason Stevenson: Perhaps some mission statement or goals to help introduce people to RXUTah. Jason volunteered to write something up for next meeting.

Judi Hilman: How to we keep less active advocates involved when the going gets tough.

Danny Harris: Also the uncertainty in the issue makes is difficult to maintain connectivity. Perhaps that will change when we know more.

>Important people to invite to meetings – cultivate relationships

Todd Kiser

Tanji Northrup

Robert Spendlove

Dave Patton

Next co-chair of the HSRTF (replacing Wayne Neiderhauser)

Sen. Brian Shiozawa

>Future meeting schedule

-We will return monthly meetings; but having workgroups meeting sometime in between the RXUtah meetings

-Will attempt to schedule meetings back-to-back with Utahns for Medicare Expansion