Communist, Socialist, and Liberal are political ideologies considered ______, whereas, Fascists, Monarchists and Conservatives are on the ______of the political spectrum. At the bottom of the Nolan Chart, ______are most trusting of the government, whereas ______would be least trusting. One difference between Communists and Socialists is that ______is based on public ownership of means of production and exchange brought about through a democratic process whereas ______is based upon government ownership of production brought about through a violent overthrow.

The party system that is used in the United States is the ______system. In this most stable system, the party with the ______wins. In a one party system, the party with the ______determines the winner. In a multi-party system, in order to gain a majority, some parties may need to form a ______.

At the beginning of the new American republic, James Madison feared that factions, now known as ______, would ultimately destroy the United States? The first two parties in American history, the ______& ______(AKA______) were formed because of ______. A political party’s official position or stance on an issue is known as a ______. ______was the party founded by Thomas Jefferson that supported power of individual states in late 1700s

In the current United States political spectrum, the ______Party favors lower taxes and breaks for high income earners to encourage business investment and business growth, strong national defense, whereas the ______Party supports higher taxes for high income earners and redistributions of tax revenue to programs for poor, supports lower defense spending. The ______Party favors less government financial regulations, and believe that people/groups help social problems. The______party favors increasing individual liberties by limiting government authority, wins few elections but influences the other parties. The Republican Party is also known by the ______(3 words). The Republican Party’s era started with the election of ______, was started as anti-slavery party, and was dominated by Northerners. The ______Party also is historically supported by urban areas, labor unions, farmers, and immigrants and is committed to expanding opportunity for every American, economic growth, affordable health care, retirement security, & civil rights. Some voters do not support a particular political party. These voters identify themselves as ______. These voters might vote for a 3rd party which serve two purposes: ______& ______.

By alerting the public when public officials are engaged in activities that they should not be, the media is serving its role as ______. This informs our image of our public officials, however, the media, acting as ______, determines which stories get aired and which do not, ultimately holding a tremendous amount of persuasive power over how educated we are.

The right to vote is also known as ______. Black men, women, DC residents, 18-20 year olds, and ______are all groups who have been given the right to vote. Illegal/un-Constitution voting restriction include ______, ______. ______& ______

Election results show that ______% of politicians are usually re-elected? This phenomenon of politicians advantage of name recognition and donations is known as the ______. A ______is when a voter selects candidates of more than one party on the ballot. When a district is intentionally drawn up to provide or limit an advantage of a voting group, this is called ______. The election held in the spring before the national election that is between members of the same party is called a ______.

The population of each is gathered every decade using a ______. The number of electors for each state is equal to the number of ______. In regards to a presidential election, only the ______determines the winner. The ______is the group of people called electors who meet in their state capitals in December to vote for president. The legislative seats are awarded only to candidates who come in first in their constituencies. This is known as the ______system . The candidate receiving at least ______(number) votes wins the election.