04 August 2010

Dear Club Secretary,

Annual General Meeting and Fixture Meeting – Wed 25th August 2010, 7pm

Once again we have decided to run both the Annual General Meeting and Fixture meeting together, and it is essential that each club will try their utmost to send a representative on their behalf. The meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th AUGUST 2010starting promptly at 7.00p.m at the same venue as usual, the New Astley Club, Fred Archer Way, Newmarket (opposite the Guineas, what used to be called “The Rookery” Car Park).

Please find enclosed the following:

  • Minutes of 2008/9 A.G.M.
  • Secretary List (including email contacts)
  • Final League Tables for 2009/10
  • League Formation Proposal for 2010/11 *
  • Federation Rules **

* Could you please confirm your Clubs team entries two weeks (10th August 2010)before the A.G.M, so the format of the leagues can be discussed and amended if deemed necessary.

** In accordance with the Federation Rules, please let me know before the A.G.M:

a)Any proposed amendments to league rules - to be provided in writing by 17 August 2010

b)changes to Club & Match Secretaries

c)your club nominations for candidates for election to the Newmarket Badminton Federation committee. ***

*** each club will take its turn to have a representative on the committee for one season only, selection would go in alphabetical order so 2010/11 Season will be Con Club.

If you are unable to be present please could you arrange for a representative to attend in your place or send an apology.

I would like to thank you for your assistance last season & look forward to seeing you at the A.G.M.

Many thanks and kind regards,

Gemma Pilkington

Secretary, Newmarket Badminton Federation
