Notes from Wordpress Website Workshop
- Domain: The address assigned to a website. Must purchase from a domain registrar, usually about $12. Often comes with a free email address.
- Web hosting: Space on a server owned or leased for use by clients (like you)
- Wordpress: A content management system used to build websites, originally only intended for blogs
- site where you can host a blog for free (not intended for businesses)
- Blog:
- SEO:
Setting up Wordpress (Settings Tab)
- General settings:change title, tagline, email, time zone, date and time format
- Reading: Select “Front page displays a static page”, and make sure “site is visible to search engines” is selected
- Discussion: Select “Email when comments are posted” an select “administrator must approve comments”
- Permalinks: (self-hosted wordpress only)—change to “post name”
- Sharing settings—Add facebook, add sharing buttons, open links in new window, show buttons on all pages
- Select new theme by clicking on “appearance” tab, clicking on “Themes”, and selecting new theme
- Change header image by selecting “Header” under the Appearance tab
Adding Pages
- Use our template to write content for your pages if you need assistance
- Remember to create a page called “Blog” and make that the default page for new posts (change this under Settings—Reading)
Creating Menus
- Remember that you can create a different name for a page on a menu than the title of the page
Adding Pictures and Videos
- Remember: ALWAYS include an ALT tag with your images!!!
- Formula for adding a YouTube video:
[youtube=url of video&rel=0&w=width of video&h=height of video]
Example: [youtube=
Add “&autoplay=1” if you want the video to play automatically.
Adding Contact Forms
- Put cursor where you want the form on the page or in the post.
- Click tiny button on page or post editing screen above WYSIWIG editor.
- Customize form; add or remove fields.
- Different themes have different widget areas—i.e, along the side of a page or at the bottom of a page
- Many themes have the option of creating some pages without widgets and others with widgets
Plugins (self-hosted Wordpress only)
- Click on plugins tab, “add new”, and search for a plugin to add.
- Click “install plugin” to add the plugin to the site.
- Activate the plugin once installed.
See our resource page for a list of recommended plugins.
Visit learn and practice HTML.
Create a link using HTML: <a href="url">Link text</a>
Create a link that opens in a new window: <a href="url" target="_blank">link text</a>
Insert an image using HTML:
imgsrc="image url " alt="alt tag of image" width="width of image" height="height of image">
Combine the two elements, and you can use HTML to make any image a clickable link. For example, this HTML code:
<a href=" target="_blank"<img alt="Facebook"src=" style="width: 150px; height: 50px;"</a>
Produces this image:
Which is a clickable link to the RMC Facebook page.
Your Homework
- Practice doing everything we talked about tonight on an actual Wordpress site within 1 week (you can set up a test site for free at
- Visit and watch some of the video tutorials that we link to, and/or review the recording of this class.
- If you are setting up a self-hosted Wordpress site, install some of the recommended plugins and learn how to use them.
- Sign up for a free Mail Chimp account or a free 60-day trial of Constant Contact and start building your email list (yeah, it’s that important).
- Leave us some nice feedback on our Facebook page.
- Go to the address listed below to try one module of our Total Online Presence course for free:
Visit for links to more resources.