Alumni questionnaire

Your worldwide business experience

Personal details

Full name
Home address
Course studied
Present job title
Years of course / Start Finish

Notes to help you answer the questions

We can communicate what you have to tell us much more effectively if it is in a conversational style and describes your personal experience as much as possible rather than a general judgement about what we do.

  • Please write as informally as possible. If it helps, imagine you are talking out loud to a friend who has asked you these questions.
  • Try and tell your ‘story’ and include actual details about what you did and what happened to you.

Please answer as many questions as you can. Many thanksfor your help.

1. / What is your job at present? Please outline your main responsibilities
2. / What are the key transport challenges in your country?
3. / What are the major transport initiatives underway?
4. / What have been your biggest achievements so far in this country and what do you plan to do next?
5. / What skills can graduates from ITS bring to the country
6. / What advice would you give to other people considering a job in this country?
7. / What are your favourite or most interesting facts about this country?


If you have a photograph of yourself that we can use in print or on the web please send it to usvia email (as a jpg or tif file). A simple head and shoulders photo of you at work would be fine. If you also have any photos showcasing your current worldwide location we would be interested in receiving them too.

Your permission to use this information

Without your permission, we can’t use this information. If you are willing for us to use your name and course details and what you've written above in our publicity materials (print and web-based), please tick the box below.

Your address, telephone number, e-mail and other contact details are confidential and will not be published or passed on under any circumstances.

Please note that we may edit your quotes for reproduction.

I give permission for this information and photograph (if supplied) to be used for University of Leeds careers and marketing purposes in print and on the web.

Signature ______Date ______

Thank you very much for your help with this. Please return your completed questionnaire and photo of yourself via email to

Alumni questionnaire

Jennifer Cleaver

Resource Co-ordinator

Institute of Transport Studies

University of Leeds




Tel: +44 (0) 1133435357