The Agape Foundation of London
Grant Application

Applicant Information

Name of Organization

Address of Organization : Street

Address of Organization: City

Address of Organization: Postal Code


Revenue Canada Charitable Registration Number (required for consideration)

Is the Organization registered with the Philanthropy Centre

Is the Organization Funded by Government? If so Please Specify

Is the Organization Funded by Foundations? If so Please Specify.

Is the Organization Funded by Subscriptions? If so Please Specify.

Is the Organization Funded by other sources? If so Please Specify.

Is the Organization New, or established?

Is the Organization Independent or Affiliated? If Affiliated please describe.

Name of Individual preparing the application.

Telephone (Include area code)

Position of preparer in organization

Date of Application


1. How did your organization learn about the Agape Foundation of London?

2. Has the organization previously applied for a grant from the Agape Foundation of London?

3. If Yes to Question 2, how many applications?

4. If Yes to Question 2, how many awards?

5. In which of the following would you categorize the need?

(a)  Exploratory Research

(b)  Pilot Project

(c)  New Endeavour

(d)  New Phase of Existing Endeavour

(e)  Continuation of Established Endeavour

6. If a grant were made, would it be considered: (a) Seed (b) Sustaining (c) Other

In support of this application to the Agape Foundation of London you may send the Items listed below by regular post, or by e-mail.

7. If yes, will you be sending By Mail or By E-mail?

a)  Will you be sending Objectives and History of the Applicant?

b)  Will you be sending Names Addresses and telephone numbers of the directors and officers?

c)  Will you be sending Latest Financial Statement?

d)  Will you be sending Current and/or proposed budget?

e)  Will you be sending Certified copy of non-profit letters patent or memorandum of association?

f)  Will you be sending Statement of Vision?

g)  Will you be sending Comments pertaining to the inclusion of these documents?

h)  Amount of Grant Requested?

i)  If awarded will the grant be used to fund Capital or Operating Expenses?

j)  If funding is for Capital Expenses, is it for:
(1) Property (2) Equipment and is it for Purchase or Maintenance?

k)  If for Operating Expenses is it for Consultation, Research or Maintenance?

l)  Date Funds are required?

m)  Which Area of Community Service would you say this grant will help meet
(a) Education (b) Arts (c) Recreation (d) Social Service (e) Health
(f) Environment (g) Other? (Please Specify)

8. Purpose for which this Grant, if awarded, is to be used: (You may send additional material in a separate email)