Canadian Nepheline Modernization FAQs
Sept. 4, 2014

What is the regulated amount of dust allowed from the Blue Mountain plant?
The regulated amount of dust allowed is 120ug/m3, which is 15 percent of the allowable limit. Of that amount 80-90 percent is organic and not related to mining activity.

RegardingBottle Lake: were the noise results done in that area because they are the closest?
Yes. Wemeasured right at the Lake and were in compliance with Provincial standards. The noise limit of 40 decibels is based on a one-hour average. Things like the blasts and railway movement are examples of sound that would momentarily exceed the normal decibel levels.

Regarding noise: Were the 40 decibels an average that all the neighbours would be
The nearest neighbor would hear, but the neighbours further away would hear less.

Where will be the expansion areas bein 25 years and beyond?
The mine plan for the next 25 years has the ore being extracted from the existing Main Quarry and South Quarry. Beyond 25 years, we likely will be expanding south and west along the ridge, but the ore-specific mining location and quality has not yet been determined.

Where do you get the water for the tailings irrigation?
All water from the tailings clarification pondis recycled.

Are the old mining areas along the haul road beingdecommissioned?
The current active quarries have 25 years proven ore here at the Blue Mountain Plant. The quarries along the haul road are dormant but do contain ore, and we and may reopen them later.

Will the mill waste diminish with the modernization plan?
Unimin is trying to find markets for it. The waste ratio won’t increase, and we believe that it will be reducedwith the new equipment.

If you’re closing the Nephton site, will the trucks still be traveling back and forth?
Haul trucks will no longer travel the haul road.

With the Nephton plant closing, what will the local access to the site be?
At this time we don’t know the plans for the haul road; it’s something that we’ll assess over the next four to six years.

Will the Blue Mountaintailings be going further south?
The tailings are currently permitted to remain within the existing footprint over the next 10 to 20 years.

Is there an opportunity to reduce the sound footprint and dust from the plant?

We’ll use the best available control technology on the new process equipment for dust management. We’llalso employ silencers on the equipment to be sure we meet or top the provincial noise regulations.

What is the future of the old tailings at Nephton?

If the modernization plan is approved, then it’s our intent to close Nephton according to its Closure Plans. The tailings will be contoured and graded so there no ponded water forms, and it will be re-vegetated with grasses and legumes.

With modernization, what are the stormwater management conditions going to be?
We have Dillon Consulting conducting assessments to prepare our Storm Water Management Plans.

What is Minbloc, and will it have an impact on dust issues?
Minbloc is an additional product type of our fine grind operation. Minbloc is similar to other fine grind products that we produce here, and we’ll be installing state-of-the-art dust collectors.

How much property do you own?
The majority of the property is owned outright by Unimin, but we do have Crown Leases for Mining purposes along the perimeter of the property.

Where else in the world is nepheline found?

A deposit exists in Norway.