Template for Preparing the Paper for the Fourth South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics
First Author1,2, Second Author1, Third Author2*
1Name and Address of the Institution
2Name and Address of the Institution
2Name and Address of the Institution
*corresponding author
Please use predefined styles with SDRM prefix for text formatting and do not type unnecessary spaces and blank lines.
Abstract should contain the goal and the main results of the paper. It should not have any formulas in it.
Length of the abstract should not exceed 1000 characters.
Keywords:Keyword1, keyword2,..., keyword5
1. Introduction
The Introduction should introduce the reader to the subject of the paper, a review of the previous works related to the topic of the paper.
Last paragraph should outline the paper organization, with the contents of sections and conclusions.
2. Fundamental relations
Here, the basic theoretical considerations are presented. We analyze the general formulations. The main text should be written using Times New Roman, 10 pt, and with bold sections and italic subsections. The text should be 10 pages maximum, including figures.
The equations are written in MathType, size 10pt, with consecutive numbering and centered:
where B, C1 and a3 are constants.
1.1 Subsection with details
We here describe details about the above general relations. The equations continue by numbering, i.e.
We show how references should be used (Petrovic et al. 2007), or according to Ferrari (2007).
3. This is second section of the main text
In Section 1 we have analyzed the fundamental relations for the considered problem. Here, computational details are given, following Gonzales (1997a).
Size of the Text. When the authors want to make a separate part within a section or subsection, a title of that part can be used as shown here.
Figures for the Paper. Figures should be included within the text. It is desirable that figures in CorelDraw (or another vector format) are provided so that some adjustments in size can be made for publication. Reference to figures is as follows: As can be seen from Fig. 1a, the pressure is very high. Figures should be denoted by consecutive numbers:
Fig. 1. Distribution of stress along the surface. (a) Normal stress; (b) Tangential stress
Tables should be included in the text, with the labeling as the figures:
Table title should be below the table.
Table 1. Coefficient determined experimentally and computed by approximate expressions
4. Conclusions
In the conclusions (and summary) the main results of the paper should be provided. The conclusions should not be copy-paste text from the previous text and Abstract.
Acknowledgements (example:)The authors acknowledge support of the Ministry of Science of Serbia, grant OI144-2/08; and City of Kragujevac, Contract 1224/08.
References should appear in alphabetic order.
Decuzzi P (2007). The Margination Dynamics of non Spherical Inertial Particles in a MicroChannel, submitted to BioMechanics.
Ferrari M (2005a). Cancer Nanotechnology: opportunities and challenges, Nature Reviews Cancer, 5, 161-171.
Ferrari M (2005b). Nanovector therapeutics, Current Opinion in Chem. Biolog., 9, 343-346.
Kojic M, Filipovic N, Tsuda A (2006). A multiscale method for bridging dissipative particle dynamics and Navier-Stokes finite element equations for incompressible fluid and its application in biomechanics. Proc. First South-East European Conference on Comp. Mechanics (Eds. M. Kojic and M. Papadrakakis), Kragujevac, Serbia.
With G de (2005). Structure, Deformation, and Integrity of Materials I, II. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany.