SIT Meeting Notes


College and Career Readiness Class:

We could do Channel OneNews he first half of the periodand teachers can then do the Career Cruising with the students during the second half. We will plan a schedule where teachers will be using the computer lab. We will also meet and have a group of people come together and plan the specific lessons and lesson frames.

Both campuses must plan a student survey and determine what careers students are interested in and plan field trips that will pertain to the students’ interests. These field trips could be to the Border Patrol the different colleges of nursing and our local mass transit services, just to name a few.

We will get together for intersession. We will plan on coming in the first week of vacation and plan for the next 9 weeks. Mr. Morales will take the lead for middle school and Mr. Hughes will take the lead for High School. There will be many components that will take place during College and Career Readiness. We are still going to do the Olweus program on Fridays and we will do progress monitoring on Thursdays.

GECU as well as Sun Metro are providing child care and help students train. We need to start to make those connections with companies that can help our students work and get job training.


Options High School has $14,000 in their Title I account.

KEYS Academy has $21,000 in their Title I account.

These funds must only be used for instructional purposes such as materials and working with students. If these are used for extra duty pay there needs to be lesson plans done, a significant number of students per teacher ratio and sign in sheets of the students that were served. There needs to be plenty of documentation showing the areas where the funds were put to use.

When we do testing, we use this money. Title I academic interventions are also a good strategy and these funds can be used there, too. We need to get ideas as to how to provide interventions and make sure that these funds are used to yield the most benefit such as for LOC and the failure list. We may be able to use these funds to update our technology.

Our technology is a big reason thatwe are overloading the circuits. One of the reasons that we had the last power outage was because too many electrical appliances are being used in our school. We need an energy saving solution from our computer systems. We were given the recommendation to use the Thin Client system.

Please remind the teachers to turn off any unnecessary electrical components such as lights, IWBs, and radios. These electrical concerns will be addressed in the SOD meetings.

The price of making copies is greatly increasing. We have to limit the number of copies that are done. If the teachers do run out off copies, the teachers could use the copier from the front office.


We need to pay for the licenses for compass learning.

We need to find the vendor for a curl bar for the weight room.

We need board games as well as games that are educational.

We need to look at the different services for inspirational content that can be used in the classroom.

TAIS Update:

Options High School, we have the attendance and graduation rate that we need to improve and increase. KEYS, we need to find the students that are absent and get them here, it takes all of us.

Options High School may also look into having the students attend school part time. If students have to work or participate in a work study program, they may be able to attend school part of the day.

Keys Academy must also increase attendance. Keys will only allow discretionary placements from each of our participating campuses that must be no more than 4%.

Ms. Castaneda suggested that teachers at KEYS Academy must be stricter with the students and that the level of discipline be increased.


Visibility by our teachers must continue. The kids are being very relaxed and not walking on the right side of the halls. We need to keep an eye on the students during transition and we need to send students to the office if these are defiant. If one student is defiant before we know we could have more students following that student’s example.

Dress Code:

We must adhere to our motto firm fair and consistent. We need to show that we are to be respected, and the teachers need to push the students to be respectful.We have a different regime now and we will be having fewer students. This is the time to set these expectations. We need to further refine these positive behaviors.

The students who have their pants below their hips, we will work on a flier letting parents know that we are going to require zip tiesto hold the students’ pants up. Security will be required to be very strict with the students and if the student does not keep his pants up, they can zip tie the pants to make sure that they are kept above the students’ hips.


Mr. Hughes

Dr. Aguilar

Ms. Garcia

Mario Holguín

Adriana Solís

Ramón Aguilar

Mr. Morales

Mr. Steve Warren

Gabriela Castaneda