
St. John’s C.E. Primary School


LA – Blackpool Borough Council

Employers – The Governors of St. John’s C.E. (Aided) Primary School

The Governors will appoint a teacher who can show by example and fromexperience that she/he will work with the Headteacher to ensure that theschool is Christian in all its aspects. This appointment is subject to the currentconditions of service contained in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditionsdocument and other current education and employment legislation.

Class Teacher Responsibilities

To be responsible initially for the teaching and managing of a Key Stage 2 class in line with the learning and teaching policy of our school.

1.1Knowledge and Understanding:

(a) Have, and continue to develop, a thorough up to date knowledge of thePrimary Curriculum and all the related National Strategies.

(b) To take account of further curriculum guidance when planning and teaching.

(c) To use ICT effectively within daily teaching, and understand itscontribution to providing exciting and excellent learningopportunities.

1.2Planning and setting expectations:

(a) To identify clear teaching objectives, content, lesson structuresand sequences appropriate to the subject matter and the pupilsbeing taught.

(b) To set appropriate and challenging expectations for pupils’ learning and motivation, setting clear targets which build on priorattainment.

(c) To identify the educational needs of all children, including the more able, gifted and talented and plan learning opportunities whichmeet their needs.

(d) To identify pupils who have special educational needs and/ordisabilities and know how to get help in order to give positive andtargeted support. To draw up and use Provision Maps to ensureeffective personalised provision. To implement and keep records onIndividual Education Plans (IEPs) when necessary.

1.3Teaching and Managing Pupil Learning:

(a) To ensure effective teaching of whole classes, groups andindividuals so that learning objectives are met, momentum andchallenge are maintained and best use is made of teaching time toinspire and motivate pupils.

(b) To use a variety of teaching strategies to meet each style oflearner. To continuously strive to keep pupils engaged, throughstimulating pupils’ intellectual curiosity, use of effectivequestioning and response, and developing in each pupil a thirst forindependent learning.

(c) To set high expectations for pupils’ behaviour, establishing andmaintaining a good standard of discipline through well-focusedteaching and positive and productive relationships.

1.4Assessment and Evaluation:

(a) To assess how well learning objectives have been achieved and usethe assessment for future learning.

(b) To mark and monitor pupils’ work providing constructive oral andwritten feedback which identifies the next steps in the learningprocess.

(c) To set achievable, challenging targets with pupils to enableprogress to be made and areas of weakness to be identified.

(d) To clearly understand the demands expected of pupils in relation tothe National Curriculum.

(e) To regularly evaluate the progress of pupils in relation to theirprior attainment. Understand, analyse and evaluate data to identifypatterns and trends in pupil performance to inform planning andteaching.

(f) To report to parents on the progress achieved by their child andthe action required for further improvement.

Subect Leader Responsibilities:

All subject leaders have a responsibility to provide professional leadershipand management for a subject to secure high quality teaching, effective use ofresources and improved standards of learning and achievement for all pupils. Forthe purpose of this job description responsibility in each of the areas outlinedbelow will be given:

2.1 Knowledge and Understanding:

(a) Have a clear understanding of the SDP, school aims, priorities, targetsand action plans. Know the priorities of their subject.

(b) Have a clear understanding of where their subject fits into thewhole school curriculum.

(c) Keep up to date with any changes to statutory curriculumrequirements and advise staff.

(d) Know what the expected standards are for their subject and whatthe characteristics of high quality teaching are. Know what themain strategies are for improving and sustaining high standards ofteaching, learning and achievement for all pupils. Know where thestrengths and weaknesses of their subject lie.

2.2 Planning and setting expectations:

(a) Set expectations and targets for staff and pupils in relation to standardsof pupil achievement and quality of teaching.

(b) Establish, with the involvement of relevant staff, a school policy, acurriculum long term map and a medium term analysisfor the development and resourcing of their subject.

(c) Keep up to date with any changes to statutory curriculumrequirements and advise staff.

(d) Know what the expected standards are for their subject and whatthe characteristics of high quality teaching are. Know what themain strategies are for improving and sustaining high standards ofteaching, learning and achievement for all pupils. Know where thestrengths and weaknesses of their subject lie.

2.3 Teaching and managing pupil learning

(a) Work with all staff to ensure curriculum coverage, continuity andprogression in the subject for all pupils, including those of high abilityand those with special educational or linguistic needs.

(b) Ensure that teachers are clear about the teaching of objectives inlessons, understand the sequence of teaching and learning in thesubject and communicate such information to pupils.

(c) Ensure guidance is provided on the choice of appropriate teachingand learning methods to meet the needs of the subject and ofindividual pupils.

(d) Ensure every opportunity in which to develop literacy, numeracyand ICT skills through the subject is utilised.

(e) Ensure that teachers are providing continuous opportunities forpupils to develop their independence within the subject.

2.4 Assessment and Evaluation:

(a) Analyse and interpret relevant national, local and school data,research and inspection evidence, to inform policies, practices,expectations, targets and teaching strategies.

(b) Establish and implement clear policies and practices for assessing,recording and reporting on pupil achievement, and to assist pupils insetting targets for further development.

(c) Ensure that information about pupils’ achievement in previousclasses and schools is used effectively to secure good progress inthe subject.

(d) Monitor the progress made in achieving subject plans and targets, evaluate the effects on teaching and learning, and use this analysis to guide further improvement.

(e) Evaluate the teaching of the subject throughout the school, usethis analysis to identify effective practice and areas forimprovement and take action to improve further the quality ofteaching.

2.5 Relationships with parents and the wider community:

(a) Establish a partnership with parents to involve them in their child’slearning of the subject.

(b) Develop effective links and communicate with the local community,including business and industry, in order to extend the subject,enhance teaching and develop the pupils’ wider understanding.

2.6 Managing own performance and development:

(a) Prioritise and manage own time effectively, particularly in relationto balancing the demands made by teaching, school management andinvolvement in school development.

(b) Take responsibility for own professional development and achievechallenging professional goals.

2.7 Supporting and developing other staff:

(a) Lead professional development through example, supporting andidentifying any areas of staff development, making provision for training through the most appropriate and beneficial method.

(b) Provide or make provision for INSET training which is linked to theSDP and staff requirements.

(c) Support students and NQTs in the subject.

2.8 Managing Resources:

(a) Establish staff and resource needs and advise the Headteacher ofpriorities for expenditure. Allocate available resources withmaximum efficiency to meet the objectives of the school andidentified actions on subject action plan and achieve value formoney.

(b) Ensure the effective and efficient management and organisation oflearning resources, including ICT.

(c) Maintain existing resources and explore opportunities to develop orincorporate new resources from a wide range of sources inside andoutside school.

2.9 Strategic Leadership:

(a) Create a climate which enables other staff to develop and maintainpositive attitudes towards the subject and grow in teachingconfidence in delivery.

(b) Develop and implement policies and practices for the subject, whichreflect the school’s commitment to high achievementand effectiveteaching and learning.

(c) Ensure that the Headteacher, senior managers, and governors arewell informed about subject policies, plans and priorities, thesuccess in meeting objectives and targets and current action plans.

(d) Establish a clear understanding of the importance of the subjectand how it enables pupils to develop their full potential

St John’s CE Primary School

Key Stage 2 Class Teacher

Person Specification

Note: Candidates failing to meet any of the essential criteria will automatically be excluded.


Essential / Desirable / Evidence
Qualified teacher status / E / F
Recent participation in a range of relevant in-service training / D / F


Essential / Desirable / Evidence
Experience of teaching (minimum of 2 years) / E / F


Applicants should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following areas

Essential / Desirable / Evidence
Excellent practitioner / E / L I R
Understanding of assessment practices, including assessment for learning. / E / L I R
Experience of planning and organising a highly effective learning environment. / E / L I R
Clear understanding of /ability to plan for effective teaching and learning . / E / L I
Clear understanding of how children learn. / E / L I
High expectations of pupil behaviour and strategies to meet the personalised learning and emotional needs of every child / E / L I R
Experience of Curriculum leadership / D / L I R
Understanding of and commitment to safeguarding children / E / I R
Creative approach to teaching and learning / E / L I R


Essential / Desirable / Evidence
Proven ability to establish successful relationships at all levels / E / L I R
Ability to prioritise effectively and ability to take initiative. / E / L I R
Work well in a team, constructive, flexible and adaptable. / E / L I R
Willingness and ability to support and develop a Church School Ethos / E / L I R
Willingness to maintain their professional development / E / L I R
Capacity to lead colleagues including teaching and support staff. / D / L I R
Good communication skills, both oral and written / E / L I R
Ability and willingness to contribute to the school’s enrichment programme. / D / L/R
Commitment to the promotion of home-school partnerships / E / L/R
Ability to act upon advice and feedback and be open to coaching and mentoring / E / L/R
Have a commitment to creative and innovative approaches and to develop your practice. Willing to take part in practice based research. / E / L/R


The application form and letter should be fully completed and free from error.

State subject strengths and post applied for.

Email to School Business Manager at


References should provide a strong level of support for the relevant professional and personal knowledge, skills and abilities referred to above / E
Positive recommendation from current employer / E
Appropriate DBS clearance. The authority also makes checks under section 142 of the education act 2002 (formerly known as list 99) / E

Evidence sources: F – Application FormL – Letter of applicationI – Interview R - Reference