September 2007
- ought to comprise levels of planning including
- strategic (frames preferred future outcomes)
- tactical(converts concepts and ideas into actions for improvement)
- operational(implementing the tasks; doing the work)
PURPOSE – gives value and context to the concepts, ideas, and tasks; ought to be “compelling, self evident and jargon free”; critical to all planning elements
- PURPOSE (of the industry) – developed ideas
- Participation in the outdoors
- (Great) Outdoor experience for personal reward
- Creating & engaging people in personally rewarding experiences in the great outdoors (environment) (groups)
- Creating opportunities & engaging people in experiences in the great outdoors that are rewarding personally, socially & for the environment
- SAMPLE PURPOSE STATEMENTS (for the industry)
“Promoting personally rewarding and environmentally sustainable experiences in the outdoors”
“Engaging people in outdoor experiences that are personally rewarding and environmentally sustainable”
- CONTEXT (that the industry functions within)
- What has changed?
- Improved equipment
- Environmental awareness
- Decreased access -“institutional juggernauts”
- recreation a low priority on government agenda behind environment, water, crime, education
- increased regulation
- Increased awareness of environment
- Decreased interaction with natural environment (urbanisation)
- This has eroded what was our baseline level of experience in the outdoors
- Need to use artificial substitutes
- Technology
- Decreased participation
- Increased media attention on “danger”, accidents etc
- Liability – increase emphasis on liability, risk
- child protection laws
- Competition has increased
- Time (electronic activities; parental work - lifebalance)
- ISSUES (the industry faces)
- Industry needs data and more analysis of existing data
- Participation
- Incidents and accidents
- Review tourism data
- Participation rates – need to link to social benefits
- Health
- Crime rates
- Community development
- Education
- Perceived risk vs real risk
- Public perception of danger in the outdoors
- Need to media, PR and market “the great outdoors”
- Need industry driven messages including “dumbing down” the message as public baseline awareness and knowledge has been eroded
- CRITICAL OUTCOMES (of an industry strategic plan)
- Lobbying /advocacy / relationships
- giving the outdoor industry a voice
- Industry training plan
- outdoor leaders and educators
- to promote standards & guidelines
- better manage risk
- retention or attraction of staff (industry core)
- Industry methodology for data collection & research
- inform & influence decision making & lobbying/advocacy
- how do we add value?
- Crime
- Health
- Education
- Community development
- Create certainty about ongoing access to outdoor environments (creating the environmental legacy)
- Integrate issues such as water shortage, climate change into industry development plans
- Marketing – identify the 2 or 3 biggest impediments to increased participation & develop strategy to dissolve
- Develop a strategy to reframe the perception of value people and government places on outdoor activity
- supporting school programs
- parent groups
- promoting the educational value
- others
- Sustain an effective industry body
- Representation
- Cross agency communication
- Functional networks
- Lobby – Advocate – Partnerships
- Industry development
- industry quality framework
- Clarify functional relationships (overlaps / “boundaries” with other jurisdictions
- tourism
- education
- Clarify the effectiveness and structure of the industry body/government interface
- this may fluctuate from issue to issue
- IE control and responsibility may be primarily vested in either industry or government on one issue, but this may vary on another
- the control - responsibility dynamic may include some disagreements
- a proactive, strategic partnership is required
- Redefine ad promote the value of our product(s)
- Sustainable career paths
- Retention