Rosshall Academy / Parent Council meeting
Action list / Date: 10th October 2012
No. / Key points and action / Date
Req’d / Name
1 / Apologies
Iris Gibson
John McGregor
Tracey Louden
Donna Young
Ricky Barrett
Paula Wright
Clr Watson
Pam McVeigh
Wendy Mitchell
Fiona Curran
Linda Lockhart
Nancy Loftus
Shirley Hargan-kennedy
Anne Dayer
Billy Green
Alison Mitchell
Catriona Wilson
Brian Lesley
Marie McDermott
Emma Morrison
In Attendance (parent forum members)
Margaret Lauder
Brenda Ferguson
Jonathan Chirekq
2 / Action list from last meeting
Agreed as accurate
3 / Walk in Wednesday
No attendees
4 / Community meeting
Held on the 18th of September Pam gave a quick update.
Disc golf being introduced into Rosshall park.
Anne to represent PC if Pam is not available to attend.
5 / PC aspirations/school needs
.Agreed that the PC will purchase the Trophy for the winning House.
Football kits. £395 to supply full kits including bags for senior pupils. PC agreed to purchase these. Brian checking if he can get the strips any cheaper and will get back to Pam.
Pam to email Hazel Manson re number of required netball strips.
Brenda advised that she knew of a company that could supply Black t-shirts with the Rosshall logo at a cost of £3.84 per t-shirt. She also gave examples of a blazer and badges. Brenda to pass details on to Tracey Louden
Alison advised that there are 2 pupils going to Strasburg later this year and they would like to give a presentation of their visit to the PC with view to the PC making a donation to the trip. Agreed for the agenda for the November meeting. / 14/11/12
12/10/12 / BL
6 / Treasurers report
GGC account £620.64
Fundraising account £853.76
Pam to check with Janet if we are required to pay for paper and ink this year. / 22/10/12 / PMV
7 / Constitution
The current constitution has been reviewed and updated.
Pam asked for comments.
Nancy asked if headings could be added to make reading easier. Agreed.
Anne queried paragraph 8 re payment of clerk. Advice given from the Education Authority is that the money is given to be used to run the PC and the PC should determine how it is spent. Anne queried paragraph 15 re extraordinary meetings and if office bearers need to be part of the quorum it was agreed that office bearers are not a requirement just a quorum of 5.
Pam asked for all comments to be emailed to her by Monday the 22/10/12. / 22/10/12 / All
8 / RHGT 2012
9 auditionees so far this week. Pupils will be advised on Friday who is through
Need around 12-15 acts on the night.
Marie has given out posters to PRW. All donations for raffles to be in by next week. Pam will take them at the run through on the 17th.
Pam and Wendy still to go to Silverburn. Wendy to email the Customer Services Manager.
Arrange click and go to advertise tickets.
Angela Bruce is organising tea and coffee and cupcakes for the interval.
Run through is on 17/10/12 at 1pm in the school. / 15/10/12
12/10/12 / WM
9 / Head teachers report
Ms Mitchell reported on:
1.  UCAS process going well with pupils having positive destinations, just one pupil to confirm the destination of.
2.  CfE 3rd year curriculum includes the Duke of Edinburgh Award, John Moore (discovery) Award, health and make up and child care courses. The feedback on this by pupils so far has been very positive.
3.  House system. House notice boards have been introduced. The houses are giving a good sense of identity for the pupils. School plans to have inter-house football competition.
4.  The School will undergo an Authority review from the 5th to the 11th of October. Alison went through the strengths of the school and the 6 points that the review would focus on. 65 teachers were reviewed in class and there were 10 focus groups involving pupils, parents and teachers. Alison will update the PC on the feedback at the November meeting.
10 / AOCB
Brian Lesley gave notice of his intention to step down in January.
Pam to email Chris as he has not been in touch this school year.
No correspondence was tabled.
Xmas switch on. RAFA offered to share a table. PC plan to share a table with the enterprise group again this year. Catriona advised that she could supply plants.
Billy asked if lockers for the pupils could be accommodated within the school. Due to lack of space this is not feasible.

Date of next meeting 14th November 2012 7pm