PRESENT: Councillors Jim Weston (Chairman), Phil Adams, Jo Arnold, Paul Bateman, Paul Blatchford, Steve Davies, Phil Hale, Paul Harding, Maggie McCarthy and Dawn Parry.

IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Liz Shayler (Clerk).



PRESS: Sam Frost


The Chairman welcomed everyone and opened the meeting.

239/17 To receive apologies for absence (agenda item 1)

Apologies were received from Parish Councillors Dawn Parry, Angela Haden & Michael Poole. District Cllr Ann Harley.

240/17 To receive members’ declarations of interest on any agenda item. (agenda item 2)

Cllr Hale declared an interest in agenda item 13

241/17 To invite public participation (agenda item 3)

i)  Members of the public.

No members of the public brought anything before the council.

ii)  Community Beat Manager’s report.

No Police staff were present and a report has not been received

iii)  Ward Councillor’s report.

Cllr O’Brien asked if any councillors / members of the public had any questions. No questions were asked.

242/17 To note and comment upon planning applications (agenda item 19).

(i)  17/P/2098/EIA2 Land to the West of M5 and East of Trenchard Road/Parks Avenue, Locking Parklands, Locking. Scoping opinion for an Environmental Impact Assessment required to be submitted with a planning application for a proposed residential development of up to 120 dwellings. THIS IS NOT A PLANNING APPLICATION

The application was noted

(ii)  17/P/2111/O Former Western Trade Centre, Knightcott Road, Banwell, BS29 6HT. Outline planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide up to 47no. dwellings with associated hard/soft landscape works, access improvements, parking and drainage. All matters reserved except access.

Standing orders were suspended to allow members of the public to speak. Concerns were raised about the following;

·  Live badger sets.

·  The public footpath was in the wrong place on the plan.

·  Removal of the barn and other historic buildings.

Standing orders were reinstated.

Resolved – the Parish Council do not support this proposal for the following reasons;

·  Damage to the locality especially itslandscape and historic buildings.

·  It is an isolated and unsustainable development outside the settlement boundary.

·  It can only be a burden on village amenities without providing any benefits.

·  There would be a negative consequences on the traffic problems of the village.

·  Concerns that the badger set is actually active.

If North Somerset are minded to allow this application then the Parish Council would be looking for a section 106 contribution to improve village facilities and in particular to introduce a robust traffic calming scheme in the area of the development to include a pedestrian crossing.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (8 in favour 1 abstention)

(iii)  17/P/2113/O 1 William Daw Close, Banwell, BS29 6HQ. Outline planning permission for the erection of 3no. dwellings following demolition of existing bungalow. Access, layout and scale for approval, appearance and landscaping reserved for subsequent approval.

Standing orders were suspended to allow members of the public to speak.

·  Concerns were raised parking on site and in the surrounding area.

·  Over development infill which will stick out

·  Setting a precedent for this area.

·  Overshadowing other properties.

Standing orders were reinstated.

Resolved – the Parish Council do not support this propsal for the following reasons;

·  Out of keeping with the area which is predominantly individual and some semi-detached bungalows on plats with ample gardens.

·  The proposed buildingdoes not respect the building line in either William Daw Close or Knightcott Gardens.

·  The plotwould beover developed and cramped to the detriment of the amenities currently enjoyed by residents nearby;

·  Submitted plans also make no provision for waste storage.

·  Safety concerns given the proximity of the proposed development to the junction of William Dawe Close and Knightcott Gardens.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous)

(iv)  17/P/2163/F Puxton Park, Cowslip Lane, Hewish, Puxton, BS24 6AH Erection of 2no. buildings to accommodate a Santa's grotto and folly.

Resolved – To recommend we support this application

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous)

(v)  17/P/2221/F Unit 5, Box Bush Lane, Banwell, BS24 6UA Erection of a two-storey side extension to an existing building (Use classes B1/B2).

Resolved – We would want to support local employment as it is considered there are no overriding planningreasons for refusaland the proposed extension would be in keeping with the existing building we recommend approval of this application.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (Unanimous)

(vi)  17/P/2310/TPO Treefields, Bristol Road, Hewish, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 6RD G1 Poplars - crown lift by up to 6m

The application was noted

243/17 To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th September 2017 (agenda item 5)

Resolved – That the minutes be approved as a correct record of the meeting.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous).

The minutes of the meeting were signed by the Chairman as a correct record

244/17 To note the Youth Club Management Committee meeting minutes from the 21st September 2017 (agenda item 6)

The minutes were noted

245/17 To agree the cost of an advert, advertising low charge November for Youth Club (agenda item 7);

Resolved – To agree the cost a whole page advert in the Parish Magazine, advertising low charge November for Youth Club.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous).

246/17 To note the Employment Committee meeting minutes from the 21st September 2017 (agenda item 8)

The minutes were noted

247/17 To agree the appointment of the clerk on the recommendation of the employment committee after completion of her 6-month probation (agenda item 9);

Resolved – To agree the appointment of the clerk on the recommendation of the employment committee after completion of her 6-month probation.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous).

248/17 To note the Cemetery and Memorials Committee meeting minutes from the 26th September 2017 (agenda item 10)

The minutes were noted

249/17 To agree the repair of the memorial stones in Banwell Cemetery using cemetery reserves (agenda item 11);

Resolved – To agree the repair of the memorial stones by Contractor A in Banwell Cemetery using cemetery reserves.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (4 in favour with 5 against).

Resolved – To agree the repair of the memorial stones by contractor C in Banwell Cemetery using cemetery reserves.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (5 in favour, 3 against and 1 abstention).

250/17 To receive the Clerk’s report/Exchange of information: (agenda item 12)

(i)  Remembrance Day Parade 12th November 2017. The Chairman reminded the council that they should meet at 2:30pm at West Street Car Park.

(ii)  The War Memorial. The Clerk reported to council that she had spoken to the volunteers who had cleaned it in the past. She had also contacted the company who had cleaned it previously. Due to the work needed to find a company prepared to clean the memorial then this will be an agenda item in the future.

(iii)  Battles Over Celebration 2018. The Chairman reported that the group were meeting in November to look at the sites. The Land owner was agreeable and they hoped to approach volunteers who had helped previously.

(iv)  Lights around the village. The Clerk reported that the light on the path between East Street and St Andrews Church had been replaced. Cllr Harding reported that the two lights around the bowling green were out and the Littlefield’s to West Street light down the Lane was very dim.

(v)  October weed spray. The Chairman reported that the company who did the spring spray asking if the Parish Council wished an October spray. It was felt this would be unnecessary however a final strim would be put on November’s agenda.

(vi)  Website going live. The Clerk reported that the website had been finished and asked if Councillors had spotted anything which would stop it going live. Nothing was reported.

(vii)  Riverside Bench – Cllr McCarthy reported that the bench was in danger of being covered by the adjacent Laurel. The Chairman agreed to go and assess what needs to be done.

(viii)  ALCA AGM - Cllr Hale reported that he attended the meeting and the comments put forward from the Parish Council were accepted.

251/17 To consider a grant request for £500 for Vine Counselling (agenda item 13).

Resolved: To agree £250 towards Vine Counselling from reserves using Section 137 reminding them this is an exception as grants are awarded in April.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (6 in favour with 1 against and 1 abstention due to declared interest).

252/17 To approve the following items of expenditure (agenda item 14).

(i)  The purchase of 2 shelving units for £70 to replace current shelving

Resolved: To purchase of 2 shelving units for £70 to replace current shelving

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous).

253/17 To purchase a moveable Vehicle Activated Sign (agenda item 15)

Resolved: To purchase a moveable Vehicle Activated Sign with a four-week battery life from contractor B.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (6 in favour with I against).

254/17 To discuss and agree a response to the request from the Scouting Association for financial aid for pest control (agenda item 16).

Resolved: To ask the Scouting association to research how much pest control is likely to cost and add it to next month’s agenda.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous).

255/17 To note the training available and agree any attendance (agenda item 17)

(i)  18th & 19th October 2017 SLCC National 2-day conference, Leicester £330.

Resolved: That the Clerk attend this.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous).

(ii)  1st November 2017 Town & Parish Forum, Town Hall Weston-super-Mare 10.00am – 12 noon. Free

That the Clerk, Cllr Blatchford, Cllr Haden & Cllr Hale attend this event.

(iii)  6th November 2017 Chairmanship Skills 19:00 - 21:30 Long Ashton Community Centre - Price: £50

No one to attend this

(iv)  10th November 2017 CiLCA support 10:30 – 12:30 Churchill Community Centre £20

Resolved: That the Clerk attend this session

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous).

(v)  22nd November 2017 SLCC regional training seminar all day £69 (attached page 20)

Resolved: That Cllr Haden & Cllr Parry attend this session.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous).

(vi)  30th November 2017 Risk Assessment Saltford Hall £30

No one to attend this training session

256/17 To discuss and agree a way forward to stopping water from accessing the Jubilee pump (agenda item 18).

Resolved: The Chairman to put some slate slats on the top step to stop the water running down the road from entering the jubilee pump area at no cost to council.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous).

257/17 To confirm the re-appointment of GB Sports and Leisure to carry out our annual inspection of play equipment (agenda item 19).

Resolved: To agree to the re-appointment of GB Sports and Leisure to carry out the annual inspection of play equipment for £198 plus VAT.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous).

258/17 To agree the wording for the plaque on the planter on School Close (agenda item 20)

Resolved: To agree to the following wording for the plaque on the planter on School Close. ‘Banwell in Bloom provided by Banwell Parish Council and New Banwell Limited’

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous).

259/17 To discuss and agree a wish list of Section 106 requests (agenda item 21).

Resolved: To agree a wish list of leisure and amenities Section 106 requests as follows;

·  Bowling Club inside conservation area.

·  Youth Club

·  Scout Hut

·  Riverside Play Area.

·  Upgrading footpaths / Nye Drove and improvement to the connecting footpaths around Littlefields.

·  Banwell Buddies

·  New Creation Churches

To agree Section 106 highways requests in relation to William Dawes Close Western Trade Centre as follows;

·  Traffic calming along Knightcott in Consultation with David Bailey

·  Vehicle Activated Speed Sign for Knightcott Road

·  Pedestrian crossing at Knightcott

·  Speed humps along High Street

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (8 in favour with 1 abstention).

260/17 To discuss and agree a response to the draft Accessible Housing Needs Assessment Supplementary Planning Document (agenda item 22).

Council noted the draft Accessible Housing Needs Assessment Supplementary Planning Document.

261/17 To discuss and agree a response to the North Somerset Site Allocations Plan Proposed Modifications Consultation (agenda item 23).

Council noted the North Somerset Site Allocations Plan Proposed Modifications Consultation but remain concerned about the potential accumulative effect of traffic on Banwell with the proposed developments in Churchill, Sandford and Winscombe.

262/17 To discuss and agree a response to the Precept Consultation (agenda item 24)

Resolved: To use the points from last year’s Precept Consultation to restate Banwell Parish Council’s position.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (unanimous).

263/17 To authorise bills for payment (agenda item 25)

Resolved: To authorise bills for payment. Cllrs Harding and Blatchford will sign the cheques.

The resolution was correctly proposed and seconded (Unanimous)

264/17 To note the Parish Council’s beginning of Octobers net position, bank balances and bank reconciliation (agenda item 26)

The net position, bank balances and bank reconciliation was noted.

265/17 To note planning decisions – (agenda item 27).

(i)  17/P/1541/F – Towerbrook Farm, Catworthy Lane, Banwell, BS29 6PQ. Erection of an agricultural building to house livestock. GRANTED

(ii)  17/P/1817/F – CEMETERY, Ilex Lane, Winscombe. Erection of a new cemetery store and pergola and creation of additional parking area following demolition of existing cemetery waiting area/ storage building. GRANTED