maQya rola


sahayyak saamaga`I pa`baMQak

vaaDIbaMdr, mauMba[- : 400010

faona naM : 022– 23745952.


Sub. : Registration for local purchase at AMM/COG/WB. depot.


Wadibunder depot arranges local purchase items required by AMM/COG/WB. through tender system.

Manufacturers, authorized dealers, stockist & traders are invited for registration for local purchase arranged by this depot tender bulletin copies are send to only those firms register with this depot.

The interested firms may send be application in prescribed format (Attached herewith) along with copy of relevant documents mentioned below.

1)Copy of certificate of registration with NSIC if any.

2)Copy of S.T. registration.

3)Copy of P & T bill copy.

4)Copy of Electricity bill copy.

5)Copy of Rent bill or Ownership certificate of premises.

6)Copy of Firms registration with COS. Central Railway/RDSO/DLW/RLY.BOARD/PU IF ANY

7)Copy of PAN card copy.

8)Copy of Caste certificate copy.

9)Copy of Past performance if any.

Please arrange to submit documents to this office as early as possible by POST/COURIER.

(Milind Sawant)





MUMBAI – 400010.


NO.33/WB/Local Purchase/Policy/2013 Date: 15/01/2013

SUB: Public Procurement Policy for Medium & Small scale Entrepreneurs (MSE’s) .


Attention is drawn of all the MSE’s to the following policy regarding Public Procurement Policy with specific reference to MSE’s.

1)Certain benefits/preferential treatment to MSE’s is envisaged for development of appropriate vendors and enhancement of their participation in government procurements. In order to avail themselves of such benefits & preferential treatment, the MSEs must be registered with any of the following.

i)District Industries Centres

ii)Khadi & Village Industries Commission.

iii)Khadi & Village Industries Board

iv)Coir Board

v)National Small Industries Corporation

vi)Directorate of Handicraft & Handloom

vii)Any other body specified by Ministry of MSME.

2)Tender documents will be provided free of cost to MSE’s registered with above agencies for the item tendered.

3)MSE’s registered with the above agencies for the item tendered will be exempted from payment of Earnest Money.

4)a) In tenders, participating MSE’s quoting a price within price band of L1 + 15% will be allowed to supply a portion of the requirement by bringing down their price to L1 price in a situation where L1 price is from someone other than an MSE and such MSEs can be together ordered upto 20% of the total tendered value.

b) 20% out of this 20% (i.e. overall 4%) of procurement of goods and services will be from MSEs owned by Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) entrepreneurs. In the event of failure of such MSEs to participate in the tender process or meet tender requirements and L1 price, 4% sub-target of procurement earmarked for MSEs owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs shall be met from other MSEs.

MSEs who are interested in availing themselves of these benefits must enclose with their offer the proof of their being MSE registered with any of the agencies mentioned in the notification of Ministry of MSME indicated in Para (1) above. They must also indicate the terminal validity date of their registration. Failing to adhere to these conditions, the offers of MSEs will not be liable for consideration of benefits detailed above.

All the desirous MSEs should avail of these benefits by complying the necessary formalities as detailed above.







Tender Opening Date :WADI BUNDER

MUMBAI – 400010Tender Opening Time :11 : 00 hrs. Email :

Tender Information & Conditions

1.Please visit on our website tender/depot local purchase tender/wadibunder store depot for tender information and submit your email address to this office for further correspondence.

2.Quotation must be submitted on the following address Assistant Material Manager Wadibunder Coaching Depot, Central Railway, Mumbai-400010.

3.Quotation must be dropped in tender box of AMM/WB. On or before tender opening date before 11:00 hrs.

4.The validity of offer must be maximum and not less than 45 days.

5.The terms of offer must be specific & unambiguous.

6.Scratches / correction are not allowed and if any must be signed.

7.A separate quotation for every item must be submitted in separate envelops mentioning tender no. & opening dates on the top of envelope.

8.Bulletin limited and advertised/open tender offer received through fax & found in the tender box at the time of opening of tender and complete in all respect and dully signed by the authorized signatory shall be treated as in time offer subject to the firm submitting post confirmation copy duly signed by the authorized person as per the tender condition within ten working days from the date of opening. No purchase order shall be issued against the fax offer without receipt of confirmation copy.

9.Firms should quote their registration no on the quotations which already have been registered with COS Central Railway or AMM/Cog/Wadibunder.

10.Against bulletin tenders offer submitted by unregistered firms will be treated unsolicited offer and are liable to be rejected / passed over / ignored summarily without assigning any reason, thereof.

11.Firms are expected to quote free at consignee’s premises meaning freight charges are to be born by the firm. Delivery quoted must confirm to the specified delivery in the tender schedule & should not be vague like as per your requirement or indefinite like 2 to 12 month. It should clearly mention starting time, quarterly rates of supply & finishing time.

12Rate must be shown both in figures & words. Rates inclusive of all taxes should be rounded off to nearest rupees. Wherever the MRP printed on the packages, vendors must be quote MRP along with quoted rates with their offers. If any discrepancy is found in rate quoted in words and that numbers, then the purchaser shall evaluate the offer by taking into account the highest rate as known to the purchaser as applicable for determining the interest ranking of the offer. However, purchaser reserves the right to place orders of lowest discrepant rate.

13Brand, Make, Part no. , code no etc. must be quoted in the quotation wherever necessary and rates should be quoted separately make wise.

14Tenders must be clearly indicate rates / amount of central sale tax (CST) value added tax (VAT) has been quoted. Tender should also provide copies of relevant notification/ circular indicating the schedule / section & percentage of vat applicable for the tenders items in the state of sellers, based on which such a rate of CST/VAT has been quoted.

15The rate / amount of sale tax / VAT even when including the rate quoted by a tenderer must be spelt out separately. Where the rate/amount of sale tax/VAT included in the rate are nil, the should be specially stated in the offer. If any ambiguity is left by the tender or in the matter of clearly of indicating the chargeable ST/VAT/the purchaser shall evaluate the offer by taking into account the highest rate of ST/VAT has known to the purchaser as applicable per determining the interse ranking of the offer. The purchaser decision in this regard will be final and no claim regarding applicability of ST/VAT or otherwise will be entertained after opening of the tenders. The purchaser will however still reserve the right not to pay any ST/VAT not especially claimed /indicated clearly or unambiguously by the tenders. Any future MODVAT benefit shall be passed on to this Railway.

16.NO correspondence shall be entertained in regard to the reservation of any offer. AMM (COG) Wadibunder has reserve the right to cancel the quotation / purchase order without assigning any reason thereof .

17Once quotations accepted and purchase order placed, material must be delivered within stipulated delivery period, falling which firms registration is liable to be cancelled without any notice. Railway will recover from the supplier, as agreed, liquidated damages & not by way of penalty a sum equivalent to 2% (Two Percent) of the price of any stores (Including elements of taxes, duties,freight etc.) which the supplier has failed to deliver within the period fixed for delivery or extended for each month or part of a month during which the delivery of such stores may be in arrears where delivery thereof is accepted after expiry of the aforesaid period, subjected to a maximum of 10%(Ten Percent value of the delayed supplies.)

18Material against purchase order must be supplied as per the terms and conditions mentioned in the purchase order.

19All payment will be made through RTGS/NEFT only. Tenderer to give consent in mandate form for receipt a payment. Payment terms shall be 100% after receipt & acceptance. Offer with advanced payment term will not be accepted.







MUMBAI – 400010.


Firm are requested to furnish the information as per following proforma for registration of their name as approved local purchase supplier with this depot.

1. Full Name and Address of the firm:…………………………………...




2. Telephone Number (Fax/Off./Resi./Mobile):…………………………………...



i)MicroEnterpriseYES / NO

ii) Small EnterprisesYES / NO

NOTE : The vendor must submit documentary proof of being registered with any of the above and also the terminal date of validity of the registration.

b) Sub-classified of categories:-

i) Enterprises owned by Scheduled Castes.YES / NO

ii) Enterprises owned by Scheduled Tribes.YES / NO

iii)Enterprises owned by other than above two categories.YES / NO

( Please submit documentary proof.)

4.Whether Proprietor or Partnership ………………………………….. Concern, Name of the Proprietor/Partner. …………………………………..

5.Whetherregistered as a Dealer under………………………………….. Sales Tax if so mention Sales Tax …………………………………..

Registration No.…………………………………..

(Attach Xerox copy of Registration).

6. Income Tax Payee No.…………………………………..

(Attach Xerox copy of Registration).…………………………………..

7.General remarkstoindicatehaving …………………………………..


Show Room under shop Est. Act. ………………………………….. If so, full address …………………………………..

8. Brief nature and detail of …………………………………..

items which firm intends ………………………………….. todeal withorManufacture to supply. …………………………………..

9. PAST PERFROMANCE: Detail of Purchase : …………………………………..
Order secured By firm from Central /State Govt.…………………………………..

/ Public Sector Undertakings, List to be…………………………………..

Attached regarding description/Quantity /…………………………………..

Value/Completion Report P.O.Date/ Supply date…………………………………..

/ office from which the P.O. received.…………………………………..

10.List of M & P available in workshop : …………………………………..
of Firm. Separate list to be attached…………………………………..

along with Approximate cost of Machines.…………………………………..

11.Number of Employees employed : …………………………………..
Technical/Non-Technical. List to…………………………………..

be attached.…………………………………..

12. Monthly Wage/Electricity Bill, Xerox Copy : ………………………………….. to be attached. ………………………………...

13.Testing Facilities. Details of Testing : …………………………………..
Instruments. Whether ISO Certified…………………………………..

14. Name of the Bankers with Full Address. : …………………………………...... ……………………………….


15.Registration with NSIC/DGS&D : ………………………………….. (Xerox copy to be attached) …………………………………..

16.Registration with Zonal Rlys./Rly's : ….……………………………….
Production Units/RDSO….……………………………….
(Xerox copy to be attached)….……………………………….

17.Authorized Dealership Certificate,if any, : ….……………………………….
(Xerox copy to be attached) ………………………………….

18. If Stockiest, please furnish details of :….……………………………….
items Stocked & their approx. value. ….…………………….………….
Separate list to be attached.….……………………………….

19.Size of premises / Office / Factory along : .………………………………. with 4 Post Card Size photograph will be .………………………………. required. ………………………………..

20. Whether you have been debarred : ……………………………….. /suspended Blacklisted by any Govt. ………………………………..

Deptt. in the past, If so, please ………………………………..

furnish details.

NOTE: This form must be submitted by ______failing which no. further correspondence regarding registration will be entertained.

Email ID of the Firm : ______

Signature of Authorized person ______

Name & Stamp of the Firm : ______