du merci academy,




Gabiella Tarfa, Victor Solomon, Destiny Ugwa, Precilla Adamu, Amina Ishiaku, Success Chinedu


Samuel Gana


Created as part of the School Enterprise Challenge Awards Programme – Silver Level

Section A: Our Business Details
Business Name / Du-Merci Farm Concepts
Business Activity / Production and manufacture of beauty products and detergents such as; Soap, liquid soap, Pomade, shampoo, Perfume, insecticide, Izal, nail dissolver and removal, etc
No. of students involved in business idea activities (including writing this Business Idea) / Boys 10 / Girls 10 / Total 20
Section B: Our School
1.  To help you understand our school business better, we will briefly describe our school (e.g. age of the students; location; environment).
Du-Merci Academy is a school privately owned by Du-Merci Orphanage and was established purposely to support the education of the orphans in the home and other vulnerable children within the community. By and large the school have metamorphosed to the level that we just have to absorb children from a normal family setting in order to be able to pay the staff salaries. The school is so much concerned with ‘The Girl Child and formal education of the male child’ which is seen by the people of the northern region in Nigeria as an abomination (BOKO HARAM).
The students are 10-18 years old and from different geo-political zone of the country: meaning they are from different state, tribe, religion and culture.
The school is located at Mahuta, along Kachia express way, adjacent to the NNPC Refinery and NNPC staff quarters, Sabon Tasha, Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna South, Kaduna State.
The people of the area are very friendly and are mainly farmers of various farm produce and has over 30 markets for sale of their products. The environment is good for our kind of business and has a prospect of enlarging our scope through several revenue stream.
Section C: Our School Business Experience
1.  Here is a brief description of the school business we ran before/are currently running, including the products/services we sold/are selling.
i.  Super Market: Sales of goods and services such as; beverages, toiletries, groceries e.t.c.
ii.  Home and Beauty care production: Liquid and Bar soap, Toilet and bath disinfectants, body deodorants, and room and car air fresheners e.t.c.
Section D: Our Resources
i.  Considering our school’s physical resources, skills and location, these are the resources available at our school we can use to develop our business:
(A)  Training and manpower: We have trained over 58 students with the skills needed to produce and manufacture quality products for consumption in the readymade market.
(B)  Working Capital: We’ve been able to hold Dinner Night, Breakfast meeting, Parents Teachers Association (PTA) meeting, Students fund raising party for the sole purpose of raising start- up capital. It is indeed a success
(C)  Raw Materials: Thanks for gifts received .We have for long received material donations such as chemicals, utensils, printed labels and other items from parents, well-wishers, family members, friends and also purchased some for the kick-off of production.
Section E: Brainstorming Business Ideas
ii.  a) These are the five business ideas we thought of when brain storming a new idea or a way of diversifying or growing the existing one:
i.  Poultry farming (bird meat and eggs)
ii.  Fish farm
iii.  Cassava Processing (Garri, cassava flour starch)
iv.  Animal fattening (cow, ram/sheep, goats, rabbit)
v.  Super Market (sales of general goods and services)
b) The business we chose for our Silver Award is: Production and manufacture of beauty products and liquid detergent______
And these are 3 reasons why we chose this idea:
(1)  Training for skill acquisition so that when the students complete their secondary and university education; these future graduates can also be employers of labour. This can help reduce unemployment and idleness thereby helping the youth shun social vices in the society.
(2)  Profit making for enlargement – REVENUE STREAM.’ Any business established must be for profitability or must shut down’ -Rev Dr Miles Monroe. We need to make profit and grow in our business so as to establish other businesses which is termed revenue stream. This will later generate more capital as profit for the school.
(3)  To meet the needs of the school. For the school to grow and meet the criteria of other schools which will create impact on the lives of pupils and students, the business should be so as to invest in the school, like building class room furnished with modern furniture, library furnished with educative materials, a well- equipped science laboratories, sports equipment and facilities, etc.
Secondly, we have it planned to create a platform in the school which will assist our co-students from poor homes and other vulnerable children in the communities around us to pay for their fees and other educational needs.
Lastly, in our own way of adding value to humanity, we intend using the school business platform to reach out to several institutionalised children who are underprivileged and other community project as a means of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
vi.  Our final Business Idea will be sustainable and have a positive impact on the environment and our community because:
It is a business that has long term sustainable growth because we are well position in an urban area and run our business in strategic locations which is key to the target market and segments.
Our products are cheap and sold at affordable prices which are accessible to both the poor and rich.
Dermatologically, the products are good for the protection of the body; against rashes, skin infection, dryness and body odour.
They are also effective in fighting mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, bed bug, lice, tick, leach, and other harmful insects and serves as disinfectant in toilets, kitchens, homes, offices, schools, hotels and our surrounding. In short, they are vital to help against health hazards.
Another positive impact and sustainability it will create in the environment and our community is the training and empowerment of our pupils and students whom will be transformed into young entrepreneurs thereby developing into future industrialists, business tycoons, and who knows probably ANGEL INVESTORS or CAPITAL INVESTORS.
Section F: Financing our growth and development
vii.  Here is a description of how we are planning to finance our business, including how we are going to raise the money needed for our school business.
The proprietor has contributed with her personal saving, support from her family members her friends. In addition to this we’ve been able to hold dinner night, breakfast meeting, Parents Teachers Association (PTA) meeting,students fund raising party for the sole purpose of financing, growth and development of the business.

Section G: Appendix

Please find in this space our completed Resource Assessment template, our Feasibility Study template and3 photos (when possible) that clearly show our involvement as students in business idea activities.

Purchases For the Super Market.

Production Of Beauty And Home Products (Liquid Soap)

Team Members pose for a shot with School Enterprise Challenge Poster.

CONGRATULATIONS on coming up with a Business Idea! Submit NOW!

Remember to submit your completed business idea to the School Enterprise Challenge Awards Programme by logging in to your account at: www.schoolenterprisechallenge.org/login


SILVER Business Idea Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish