8/10/2004 LEAP TEAM Minutes
1 Meeting Logistics
Date / 08/10/04Time / 9am-10am
Location / RH102
2 Attendees
Role / NameFacilitator / Faye Allen
Minute Taker / Faye Allen
Other Participants / Sharon Colcolough, Norma Booth, Chris Marino, Cathy Cole (for Stuart Spires), Wayne Fogle, Executive Repre.
Not in Attendance / Bob Athearn (training HGTC), Scott Harvey, Stuart Spires
3 Pre-Work
Print out migration and conversion documents sent by Laurene Farley.
Revise Data Standards Document
Write article for Connections
4 Agenda & Minutes
Topic / Time / MinutesSCT Consortium Meeting / Wayne gave us a overview of the SCT consortium meeting in Columbia. The 4 SCT Banner Colleges are planning to implement Luminous to take the place of Campus Pipeline. Also the 4 Colleges would like to purchase the same reporting tool so reports can be shared. Wayne charged the Team with recommending the most user friendly reporting tool and to list the types of reports the functional users would need to write themselves. The goal is for functional users to have the freedom to write reports instead of relying on Computer Services.
Data Standards Document / Discussion was postponed due to the absence of Scott. Sharon said that a list of countries was found and she would incorporate it into the document.
Connections Article / Chris handed out a draft copy of the next Banner update report for Connections. Cathy will request that Lisa Garrett take a picture of the Data Standards task-force to be included with the article.
Cathy also had a wonderful suggestion about having short “blurbs” on the web concerning Banner…such as “Did you know with Banner you will be able to enter leave on-line” Something catchy to keep the faculty/staff interested and feeling a part of the process. Chris is going to work on this suggestion.
Follow-up Migration Telephone conference / The LEAP Team will meet on August 19 from 9am-12pm. An hour of this meeting will be speaking with Laurene Farley on a telephone conference call concerning migration issues. All team members should have prepared questions and read the migration information before August 19.
5 Decisions
To make sure each Team member has a back-up person to come to meetings in his/her absence and to make sure that person is kept up to date on activities of the Team.
6 Action Items
Describe Action Items
Action Item / Due Date / StatusCathy Cole to call Lisa Garrett about picture for Connections / Immediate
Chris Marino to submit article to Connections / Aug 15
Chris Marino to investigate “catchy” ways for quick information to faculty and staff on web / Immediate
Team members to read migration information and make a list of questions for Laurene Farley / Aug 19
Scott to email Sharon the revised section of the Data Standards Doc / Immediate
Sharon to update the country codes and email DSD to Team and back-ups / Immediate
Team members are to review all information with his/her back-up. / Immediate
Team members to discuss recommendation for reporting tool / Aug 19
7 Future Agenda Items
Item / Due Date / StatusNext Meeting / Aug 19
HR BPAs / Sept.
Identify training participants / Oct