Minutes of Patient Participation Group
Held on the 14th January 2014
In the Meeting Room at the Cottons Medical Centre
Present: Sharon Donnelly (SD) PPG Chair, Julian Crowe OBE (JC) Practice Manager, George Westcott (GW) PPG Secretary, Helen Boto (PPG), Ellen Brady (PPG), Janet Harper (PPG), Roger Martin (PPG), James Paybody (PPG) Pamela Paybody (PPG), Eileen Plowe (PPG), Steven Westwood (PPG), Michelle Garratt (Office Manager).
Apologies: Tony Boto
2.Minutes from 10th October/16th July 2013 & 13th November 2012:
a) Minutes from 16th July 2013 meeting to be put onto the practice website. Also GP had been asked to attend future meetings but was not in the minutes.
b) Minutes from 13th November 2012 meeting – A Carer`s & End of Life Criteria were discussed & Practice Policy & Procedures to be handed out at next meeting which is outstanding.
c) Minutes of 26th February 2013, Item 5 reference the patient survey. Require to see copy of an improvement plan if one available.
3. CQC Inspection:
a) Waiting for a date, Sharon Donnelly / George Westcott to attend when CQC do the assessment.
4. Members Reports:
a) See attached report from Eileen from September 2013.
b) It was explained to the PPG members present that any reports are to be emailed or posted to the PPG Secretary at least 1 week before the next meeting.
5. Practice News:
a) Julian Crowe OBE took over as Practice Manager on the 6th January from Karen Lisamore. He introduced himself and gave a brief description of his career to date.
b) The Practice Manager to email the PPG Secretary at least 1 week before the next meeting with any Practice News.
6. Complaints:
a) JC stated that NHS Choices was the best option to make complaints officially. He also stated that there had been three positive statements about staff this past week.
b) Excessive waiting times: It was stated that one person complained of not getting to see GP until 11.10am for a 10am appointment. Sharon had been issuing surveys in the Practice during the morning that day and made note of the complaint and times.
c) Letter from Roger Martin given to the Practice Manager and items raised were discussed at various points throughout the meeting. Letter held on file by the PPG Secretary.
d) Damaged chairs in waiting area need repair or replacing, these have been like this for at least 18 months.
7. A.O.B:
a) Patient Survey 2014: Completed, 224 questionnaires filled in. The practice website to be updated.
Sharon thanked everyone who helped out with the Questionnaires’ e.g. Edward, Peter, Janet, Ellen, Roger, Michael.
b) Copy of the practice Confidentiality Policy and Agreements handed out and all PPG Members present read the conditions and signed the document, handing it back to the Practice Manager for filing.
c) Draft Terms of Reference handed out to PPG Members present; they were asked to consider April as a month for the AGM and to set a maximum figure of 24 members at any one time.
d) Pictures of practice staff in the waiting area or on the website, the members did not feel the need for this.
e) Practice Newsletter: examples of Newsletters from other Practices were issued for PPG Members and Practice Staff to consider. Sharon, Helen & Janet have volunteered to do a practice newsletter covering issues such as: only one item per appointment covered in a 10 minute slot, and that patients can book a double slot if required. Sharon explained to the members about making an appointment on-line. Input from Practice Manager and Partners will be required.
f) There are plans for up to a 1,000 new houses in Raunds, PPG to keep an eye on it, and report back to the Secretary. This information will help the Practice to put contingency plans in place.
g) NAPP website: It was explained by Sharon how PPG Members can get access, e.g. Log In / Password details etc. Sharon explained how the NAPP website had good information and guidance for our PPG to make use of.
h) Open evenings suggested that the PPG can organise with the help of practice staff: Diabetes, Dementia, Alzheimer’s etc. All PPG members were asked to consider how they may be able to assist with such events and to let the Chair or Secretary know of any ideas or assistance that they can offer.
Sharon, Steve and Ellen have experience of some of these issues and are willing to help.
j) Practice Manager asked Office Manager if Limited Access to the website could be given for putting PPG minutes etc on “The Cottons” website.
8. Summary points for Action:
Hard copies of Action Chart to be issued on the 13th March.
Date of next meeting is Thursday 13th March at 6.00pm at The Cottons Medical Centre in Raunds.
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