"Raising the Ante:

The Internet's Impact on Journalism Education and

Existing Theories of Mass Communication"

A Symposium in Honor of Philip Meyer, Knight Chair in Journalism,

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

March 27-28, 2008

School of Journalism and Mass Communication

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Approaches & Projects

Compiled by Symposium Moderator J. Walker Smith, President, Yankelovich Partners

1.  Build new theories to address new media

•  Know less about the Internet than we realize

•  Nature of this medium is wholly different

•  Know less about the interaction of the audience with this medium than we realize

•  Particularly the place of news

•  Start from the ground up – exploratory research

•  Data mining new databases

•  Ethnography

•  Incorporate automatically collected data

•  Turn to other techniques that better address new questions

•  Learn from things being experimented with – do evaluation research

•  Borrow theories from other disciplines

•  Network analysis

•  Look at user data from places like Shyam Sundar’s lab

•  Do this research faster – make it more continuous and iterative

•  Understand how opinion leaders find it useful

•  Understand how news decisions made on these Web sites

2.  Examination of audience needs & expectation

•  How the capabilities of technology changes cues and expectations

•  Importance and meaning of identities and communities as a tie to media

•  Gatekeepers used – for what purposes and why

•  The individual, psychological, social, cultural facts that drive audiences to use, watch, read, interact in certain ways

•  The “getting around the gatekeeper” model

•  How information is passed along

•  What’s credible, accurate, interesting, relevant, worth paying for

•  Particularly for younger audiences

•  Who talks, with whom, how many, where, how feel, what talking about

•  A longitudinal panel study of media usage and news attention

•  Internet could facilitate this is a distributed, coordinated study

•  Knowing audience uses leads to better decisions about how to package information

•  Especially from the point of view of news not just broad information

•  Importance of social exchange and social experience and initiators

3.  Cataloging of new demands on journalists and impact of this on the practice of reporting

•  Interactivity

•  Unfettered access

•  Engagement with sources in virtual communities

•  Short bursts

•  New definitions of political involvement (e.g., making video for YouTube)

•  Bundling of media

4.  Assess ways to address the tension between the economic impact of the Internet on journalism and the need for independent journalism

•  Quantify the threat

•  Investigate other economic models (like non-profits)

•  Engage J-Schools in initiatives such as Barry Sussman’s ideas

•  Explore ways for Internet reporting to fulfill investigative and public service needs

•  Understand knowledge gaps

•  Look at best practice models to make newsrooms more audience-sensitive

•  Ditto for the business side

•  Understand the dependence of online news to traditional news

•  And then better wrap them together

5.  Better understanding of what students want, expect and need

•  What is a “journalist” today?

•  What skills must journalists have (e.g., write code)?

•  What is the new curriculum?

•  What aspirational model motivates students?

•  An “audience course”

•  More methods

•  More on business models

•  Then…what do we not teach?

•  Learn from the students – they’re teaching us

•  Always keep learning, keep changing