Culturing Water kefir with Fresh Sugary Kefir-Grains
Reconstituting Dry SKG In a clean jar, soak 2 Tbs dry SKG in 2-cups fresh water with the addition of 1 Tbs fresh lemon juice for 3 hours. Put lid on jar to keep out dust and insects. Strain, then culture as per traditional recipe [below]. Include 1 Tbs lemon juice for first 2 batches only, and from there use whole lemon only. Let stand until sweetness is reduced and some fizz is produced. It may take up to 5 days for first batch to ferment. Once the grains have reactivated, it should take 2 days to produce a ready-to-drink water kefir. It may take 3 weeks for reconstituted dry SKG to show noticeable growth.
- 4-cup glass jar with a wide opening and a strong screw-cap or swing-away lid.
- 1/4 to 1/2cupfresh SKG.
- 1/4cup cane sugar [Unrefined or raw sugar. Forraw or refined white sugar include 1/2tsp blackstrap molasses].
- 1 dry fig.
- 1/4lemon or slice of lemon. [Peel zest from non-organically grown fruit]
- **3 cups spring water [See pg 4 if using purified waterof any kind].
1.Add water to jar, dissolve sugar and add dryfig and lemon.
2. Add SKG, seal jar airtight and let stand at room temperature for2 days. Stircontents after 24 hours and as often as you like.
3. Strain contents, squeeze lemon into liquid, fill bottles with water kefir and seal airtight.[Discard spent figs and lemon]
4. Rinse SKG under running freshtap water, or place grains in a bowl filled with fresh water, stir, then strain.
Repeat the above for each new batch.
Best served chilled. Extrafizzis produced with 2-3 day refrigeration in sealed bottles. Take care opening stored bottles to avoid spillage due to pressure. Avoid over fermentation with SKG--ferment for no longer than 2 days at 72°-82° F. For cooler temperaturesit may take 3 days to ferment and in such cases, 3-day ferments are acceptable. Longer storage without SKG [secondary fermentation] reduces more sugar, however, gas production increases, until the organisms use up all the sugar that they can. Avoid overcrowding of SKG--use same amount of culture per each batch.
Always have a batch of SKG cultured with the Traditional recipe above. As your grains increase, you’llhave spare culture to tryvariations such as Young Coconut Water Kefir [see page 2]. Except for Ginger root beer, please only usespare SKG with any non-traditional recipe, so in the event thatthe grains stop growing because of unfavourable ingredients, you’ll have a batch of healthy growing grains cultured in the traditional manner always at hand for you to use.
Stage 1 - For 3 - 4 cups
- 4-cup glass jar with wide opening and strong screw-cap or swing-away lid.
- About 3 Tbs fresh SKG.
- 2 to4 cups fresh Young Coconut Water. Coconut Water Kefir
- 1 or 2 cups spring water (optional).
- Fill jar withwater and young coconut water and add SKG.
- Seal jar airtight and let stand for 12 to 24 hours.
- Strain and fill bottles with young coconut water-kefirthen seal bottles airtight.
- Refrigerate for 1-2 days and serve chilled.
Repeat the above for each new batch.
NoteYou may find that SKG grow well in plain fresh young coconut water fermented for 1-2 days. However, if there is no noticeable growth inthe first 2 batches, include1/2 tspmolassesper 3-cups young coconut juice + water, and ferment for 2 days. If 2-day fermentation produces a strongunfavourable flavour, then trya 1-day brew.Try less or no water for variation.
Stage 1 - A delicious,refreshing ginger root beer is easy to do, by including 1-2 Tbs fresh ginger root juice in the traditional recipe. Use about[1 oz] fresh ginger root, either pounded to a mash in a mortar and pestle, or, chop fresh root and blend with 1/4 cup water to a mash. Strainmash througha sieve or pass through white cotton material, and squeeze out the juice. Dry ginger powder maybe used. Boil 1 Tbs ginger root powder with 1/2 cup water, and then strain though cloth. Cool ginger liquid and include it in the traditional recipe. We enjoy 2Tsp ginger root juice,3 cups water, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/2Tsp molasses, 1/4 Tsp baking soda, the shell of one egg without lemon or fig, brewed for 2 days. You may use either ginger method in a Young Coconut Water Kefir recipe explained above.
Growth-RateActive, healthy SKGgrow about 20-100%or greater by weight at 48 hours.Bestgrain-growthis achieved by including2Tbs fresh ginger root juiceinthe Traditional recipe above, with the addition of 1/4 TspSodium bicarbonate [pure baking soda]and a refreshing ginger root-beerwater kefir is ready at 24-48 hours. Sodium bicarbonateextra ensures good grain growth especially if using any purified water-type, where it is essential to add bicarb or soda to ensure grain growth. Dilute pure sugar cane juice also provides superb results regarding grain growth.
Prevent Overcrowding of SKGThere should be more SKG in each batch of water kefir. Measure the required amountof grains by weight,or bytablespoon or by cup for each batch.
Excessive culture can produce over-fermentation which starves the organisms giving an adverse effect on grain growth, if continued over too many batches.
Excess Grains—Back-upCultureStrained rinsed SKG can be frozen in Ziploc plastic bags and kept for 2-3 months as back-up.Alternatively, drygrains by spreading aneven layerof grainsover fine white nylon material and leavein a warm ventilated spot, until grains dry brittle hard. Put grains in a paper bag and store inan airtight sealed jar in the fridge-- should keep well up to 12 months.Fresh or dry SKG can be fed to livestock [chickens, pigs etc.] or composted or fed to earthworms. On the other hand, you can start a new culture in a separate jar, or, try other non-traditional recipes. Fresh SKG can be eaten, or blended with fruit juice enjoyed as a functional food or used as a natural gelling agent for making ice-cream, and more. Download an ice-cream making demonstration movie at--
Probiotic DressingGrind2 Tbs brittle-dry SKGtocourse powder with a mortar and pestle orwith a coffee grinder, and mix powder with4Tbs dry malt powder or raw sugar with 1 Tsp cinnamon powder to prepare aprobiotic sweetener, dressing or flavouring. Mix with fresh fruit or veggie juice. Try sprinkled over cereal, natural ice cream or fresh fruit-- a meansfor kids to enjoy a probiotic!
Taking a Break/TravelingSKGcan be restedin the fridge in justsugar/water solution [amount per the Traditional recipe]for up to 7days. SKG travel well,so you may take them with you.
Better Health with KefirSimilar to milk-kefir, water-kefir prevents putrefaction of substances in the Gastro Intestinal tract. Kefir assistsdigestion due to providing valuable enzymes, easily assimilated into the blood, and can improve immune function. In cases of prolonged illness, 2 cups can be safety taken 3 times daily.
Alcohol Content is determined by the amount of all sugar in the recipe, fermentation time and grain growth. Greater grain-growth produces less alcohol.More sugar and longer ferments increases alcohol.5% sugar-solution [50gm sugar / 4-cups water] brewed for 48 hours contains about .5% alcohol by vol. where SKG increase by 50% in weight or by volume.
For childrenaged between 2 to 5years,serve diluted with two parts water or fruit juice. For 1 to 2 year olds,it may be best to avoidgiving water-kefir altogether but give milk kefir instead.
**SKG Not Growing. Growth Diminishes [+ Water-Type] Hard water for its high mineral contentis important, for SKG will notgrow or not grow well with any purified water-type. If spring water or hard water is not available, prepare water kefir with the addition of 1/4Tsppure sodium bicarbonate [baking soda]per3-6 cups purified water [pH 7.5 for the technical minded]. Pure baking soda is available in the baking section of stores.If all conditions above are met but grain-growth is slow, orthere’s no growth, then immediately rest SKG in sugar/water only, and keep in the fridge for 3 days, then use the grains per usual.If this is done as soon as poor growth is noticed, following brews should give good grain-growth with added pure baking soda.
If SKG turn light brown or a white film forms over the surface and they lose transparencyand have a fizzy tang when chewed-- this indicates poor culture-conditions [usually over fermentation], and the grains would have ceased growing. Rinse SKGand leave in a bowl of fresh water for 1/2 hour then strain. Prepare 3 cups water; dissolve 1/4 cup sugar +1/2tsp molasses + 1/8tsp baking soda. Include one egg shell in the recipe [see below] and brew for 48 hours. This is also useful where water kefir turns out slimy [but omit eggshell in this case]. In this way, SKG may revive and grow well from there on. However, if no growth occurswithin 2 weeks with 2-day brews per above recipe, then the grains are damaged beyond repair. This is where you resortto a frozen or dehydrated back-up stock. Otherwiseyou will need to obtain a new good starter.
Bio-Active Calcium + Magnesium Water-KefirInclude about [1oz] either oceanic coral, limestone or one eggshellwith 1/2tsp molasses to prepare water kefir, with or without ginger, lemon and fig. This providesbiological availablecalcium +magnesiumand other minerals found inthose raw materials, and SKG love it too!These minerals are for healthy nervous and immune function, healing of tissue, maintaining healthy strong teeth and bones for growingkids and adults alike.
Oceanic coral or limestone is first washedclean with a brush. Submerge in boiling waterfor 3 minutes to sterilize before first use. Eggshellis alsosterilized in boiling water for 1 minute before use. These ingredients willcompletely dissolve over time in proceedingbatches of water kefir, releasing essential minerals with good bio-availability that the body can easily assimilate.Instead as an ingredient for initial fermentation, theseingredients can be included in the strained bottled beverage. One egg shell shoulddissolve in 4-cup bottled water kefir refrigerated for about 7 days.
What SKG Likeor DislikeSimplicity and consistency seems best for SKG. Maintain consistency with your recipe and strictly avoid over fermentation. Increase or decrease sugar % gradually over batches, where required. Do not use fresh or bottled fruit juice such as orange, grape, pineapple or appleetc. in the initial fermentation with SKG. If you want to culture juices, use spare SKG. Orprepare traditional water kefir, strain and use about 10% strained water kefir as a starterto brew 90% favourite fruit/veggie juice in separate bottles.For best results, ferment under airlock. [Airlock devicesare available through brewing suppliers].
Secondary fermentation without SKG can prepare interesting and nutritious beverages, without having an adverse effect on your grains, for the grains are not subjected to the actual juice, which may have an adverse effect on the grains. However, alcohol and gas production will increase, especially for sweeter juices such as grape and apple juice.Apart from ginger, other herbs may have an adverse effect on SKG. Once again, use a 24-48 hour strained traditional water kefir to which the herbs of interest are added, and brew for 24 - 48 hours [without the grains]. Or add the strained water-kefir to herbal tea and ferment in a bottle for a few days, fermenting under airlock being your best option. Otherwise, use spare SKG for non-traditional ferments. Experimentation while observing grain-growth is recommended and encouraged.
Holiday Water Kefir
Mulled Ginger Kefir Recipe
Start with Stage 1 - GINGER ROOT BEER WATER KEFIR fermented one or two days. Filter out kefir grain culture. Stage 2 - Put the resulting GINGER ROOT BEER WATER KEFIR in a quart jar. Add 5 whole cloves and 1 cinnamon stick. Put a cork with a water lock, available at The Beverage People on Piner Rd. in Santa Rosa, on top of the jar and ferment for one or two days. Shorter times leave a sweeter taste. Strain to remove spices.
Carob Mint Kefir Recipe
Stage 1 - Make: COMMON WATER-KEFIR RECIPE (Adapted)
- 4-cup glass jar with a wide opening and a strong screw-cap or swing-away lid.
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup fresh SKG.
- 1/4 cup cane sugar [Unrefined or raw sugar. For raw or refined white sugar include 1/2 tsp blackstrap molasses].
- **3 cups spring water [See pg 4 if using purified water of any kind].
1. Add water to jar, dissolve sugar and add dry fig and lemon.
2. Add SKG, seal jar airtight and let stand at room temperature for 1 - 2 days. Stir contents after 24 hours and as often as you like.
3. Strain contents
Stage 2 - Then: Put theCOMMON WATER-KEFIR from step #3 into quart jar. Add 3 heaping teaspoons of carob powder and seven branches of mint to jar.Put a cork with a water lock, available at The Beverage People on Piner Rd. in Santa Rosa, on top of the jar and ferment for one or two days. Shorter times leave a sweeter taste. Strain to remove mint.
Carob Cinnamon Kefir Recipe
Stage 1 - Make: COMMON WATER-KEFIR RECIPE (Adapted)
Stage 2 - Then: Put theCOMMON WATER-KEFIR from step #3 into quart jar. Add 3 heaping teaspoons of carob powder and one cinnamon stick to jar. Put a cork with a water lock, available at The Beverage People on Piner Rd. in Santa Rosa, on top of the jar and ferment for one or two days. Shorter times leave a sweeter taste. Strain to remove cinnamon stick.