Duke American Grand Strategy
Staff Ride Application
JANUARY 6 – JANUARY 11, 2016
All years and majors are encouraged to apply regardless of prior involvement with AGS. We are looking for students interested in and willing to participate in an exciting learning exercise focused the strategic significance of the 1983 U.S. military intervention in Grenada. No specific expertise is required. Through the staff ride, students will research and come to understand the specific conflict in a unique way by seeing firsthand the battlefield, and examining the psychology of leadership through the eyes of key decision-makers.
The staff ride is a heavily subsidized educational trip through which students will have an opportunity to explore and understand the impact of the military intervention on the small island country of Grenada during the Cold War. The trip will take place January 6-11, 2016 over Winter Break.
What is a Staff Ride?
Astaff ridediffers from a guided battlefield tour in two respects. First, it is an educational technique for studying leadership. In astaff ride, participants ask the questions "What happened?" "Why?" "With what result?" but then press further: "Did this commander make the right decision at this juncture?" "How would I have acted in his place?" "Should he have made a different decision given the information he had?" It is, to use an unpopular term, a judgmental exercise, and often a counterfactual one. Secondly, astaff riderequires active participation. The challenge and the pleasure of this activity lies in its character as a collective effort, and its success rests on the participants themselves. Thestaff ridedirector serves as a moderator or a seminar leader, and only in the last resort as a subject matter expert. What makes staff rideparticularly stimulating is that they are group exercises, in which we examine many aspects of command and management. To that end each participant takes a turn giving a short talk, in most cases playing the role of one of the main participants in the battle, and is questioned by his or her colleagues about that participant's view of what has transpired on the battlefield.
Students are responsible for preparing for the Staff Ride, paying the required fees, and behaving appropriately on the Staff Ride. Please note: if accepted, you are required to attend the Staff Ride and complete the necessary preparation (detailed below). Preparing for the staff ride requires:
- Monthly meetings: We will be meeting regularly to discuss the readings, logistics and other details about the trip. Meetings are required and will occasionally supervised by Professor Peter Feaver.
- General background: You will be given a reading list upon selection.
- Role specific reading: In addition to general reading, you will need to research your specific role in order to prepare for your presentation. Research may include books, articles and movies describing your character and his or her role during the conflict. (More information provided upon selection.)
- Role presentation: After completing the reading, you will prepare your briefing for the Staff Ride itself. In the Staff Ride tradition, each person plays a “role” of a decision maker during the conflict. You will be responsible for presenting your person’s role and strategic decision-making process. We expect presentations of the highest quality and will assist you during the preparation process.
- Fees: Students must pay a nonrefundable deposit to guarantee their spot on the Staff Ride once selected. Students will then be required to pay additional fees, detailed below, depending on financial aid.
Please note the cost will be $1,000per person, unless eligible for financial aid. The financial aid application is separate. If applicable, please fill out both this application and the financial aid application.
Answer the following questions in this word document. Save the word document as “LastName, Firstname_Staff Ride” and e-mail to Alexandra Pfadt by 11:59pm September 7, 2015.Please feel free to email Alex with questions or concerns. By submitting this application, you are committing to attend if selected.
Selected studentswill be required to paya nonrefundable deposit of $500 by November 1stand submit a color copy of their passport picture pagein order to hold their slot on the trip. The deposit can be made as a one-time payment of $500 or in three installments of $250 by October 1st, $125 by October 15th, and $125 by October 30th. Checks must be made out to “Duke University” with the purpose line as “AGS Staff Ride Deposit - LastName.” If you have any questions regarding payment, please contact Alex at . If you are eligible for financial aid, please see the instructions on the separate application.
First Round—Application Due: By 11:59PM Monday, September 7th
Second Round—Interviews: September 14th through September 18th
Selection Date: Friday, September 25th
Duke American Grand Strategy
Staff Ride Application
Full Name:______
Class Year:201__
Date of Birth:___/____/______
Do you intend on submitting a financial aid application? No/Yes
Do you have a passport?*No/Yes
*A passport is required for international travel. Selected students who do not yet have a passport will need to procure one prior to the November 1st deadline.
Do you have a medical condition that may interfere with your ability to participate on the Staff Ride or travel?
No/YesIf yes, please describe:
Do you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies?
No/YesIf yes, please describe:
*Note: These questions are sample questions and are notbased on the destination of the 2016 Staff Ride.
1) Identify both a tactical success and failure of the U.S. invasion of Panama during the Cold War. Elaborate on the context and cause of success or failure. (500 words or less)
2) In 200 words or less, give your opinion of the importance of the U.S. invasion of Panama.
3) What were some of the strategic implications of the invasion? How well did this fit within the U.S. policy of containment? Support your response with any key details. Cite your sources as footnotes. Please use any outside information you wish. (No prior knowledge is required.) (500 words)
By signing below, I acknowledge that if I am selected to attend the Grenada 2016 Staff Ride, I will pay a $500 nonrefundable deposit, unless otherwise determined by the financial aid application, and submit a color copy of my passport picture page by November 1, 2015 to secure my spot on the trip.
Printed name