Mrs. Brandy Jonsson
School Phone: (910) -865-4177
Foundations of Algebra Fall2015
Course Description:
The Foundations of Algebra course is algebraic concepts that will formalize and extend middle grade mathematics and prepare students for Math I. Student knowledge will be extended throughout the coursewith students using hands-on manipulatives, application problem solving and critical thinking.The algebra course of study covers the following concepts: solving equations and inequalities, graphing linear and non-linear equations, systems of equations, factoring, functions, polynomials, and radicals.The Standards for Mathematical Practice apply throughout the course and, together with the content standards, require that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations.
Instructor Information:
Room: F116
Schedule: 1st PeriodFoundations of Algebra18:00-9:30
2nd PeriodFoundations of Algebra19:35-11:05
3rd PeriodMath II11:35-1:00
4th PeriodPlanning1:40-3:10
Class Procedures:
Begin working on your starter assignment immediately upon entering the classroom – DO NOT WAIT for the bell to ring.
Be in your seat BEFORE the tardy bell rings.
Sharpen your pencils and throw trash away BEFORE class and AFTER class.
Raise your hand to be acknowledged – DO NOT shout my name.
Be prepared: arriving to class each day with the mindset to learn and the materials needed: pencil, notebook, binder and homework.
NO sleeping, NO talking to neighboring students, NO use of cell phones – obviously NO TEXTING (You still must participate in class in order to understand the math concepts.)
You may turn in your cell phones at the beginning of class each day for 1 point. You can trade in your points for a homework pass or for points on your test.
5 points = No Homework Pass
% added to a Test (Ex: 20 pts will give you 10% added to a test.)
No cell phones or electronics of any kind are to be visible in the classroom. If I see them in my class I have to right to take your cell phone and turn them into administrators.
You may not leave during class to call home or to see another teacher.
Take care of bathroom, locker, and water needs BEFORE class.
No drinks or food in class. (water only!!)
1st Time- Warning
2nd Time- Student and Teacher Conference
3rd Time- Parent and Teacher Conference, Learning Center Detention
4th Time- Student, Parent and Teacher Conference
5th Time- Office Referral
Note: Any steps may be skipped as needed!! Severe offenders will be referred directly to the office.
***I follow all school polices and rules so be sure to READ your hand book***
You must be in your seat and working on the start assignment or you will be marked tardy.
If you arrive to class after the tardy bell you must have a note as you come into class.
If a student accrues three or more tardies per 9 weeks OR 3 or more absences, he or she will forfeit the privilege of visiting the concession stand during PAWS each week.
It is important that you be in class every day!!
Days can only be made up in learning center (2 learning Centers = 1 day) or Saturday Academy
If a student is absent, the student has 5 days to complete the assignments missed per Public Schools of Robeson County’s policy. Students are allowed 5 days total to make up assignments for excused or unexcused absences. School Board Policy Reminder: a student who is absent for more than 5 days per semester/course constitutes grounds for a failing grade.
Learning Center and PAWS
Learning Center and PAWS may be used for the following:
- To make up missed assignments due to class absences
- To work on current assignments or to get additional assistance
- Learning Center ONLY – make up missing days/work
YOU must sign up for Learning Center with the forms that will be provided. On the forms, you must put your name and the assignment you will be working on so that I may have it ready for you to do so. I will be available for Learning Center one day a week – usually I will announce Tuesday or Thursday at the beginning of each week unless otherwise announced.
If you arrive to Learning Center after the bell has rung you will be turned away and have to make another appointment to attend another day.
If you choose to sit in learning center and NOT make up your work you will also be asked to leave so the other students attending may work more effectively.
PAWS: You must have a pass from ME to come to my classroom for PAWS. You also must sign in on the PAWS log upon entering.
Learning Center is held in room F116 from 3:15pm to 4:15pm and bus transportation is provided.
Class Dismissals
The bell does not dismiss you – I do. Please remain in your assigned seat until I dismiss you – We will practice this until we ALL do it correctly.
Make sure the area around your desk is clean – NO TRASH – even if you did not put it there!
You will not leave the classroom until every student is in their assigned seat waiting quietly – this does not mean sitting on top of the desk.This also means to not pack up until I say you are allowed to!!
3 Ring Binder (at least a 2-inch)
Loose-Leaf Paper (2-3 packets)
Spiral Notebook
Colored Pencils
Notebooks/ Binders
Spiral notebooks and binders will be required.You will keep a binder that has the following:
Starters – Every day’s starter will be dated and you will write both the questions and placed in your binder.
Notes – Youwill be taking notes in your notebookevery day (May be using Cornell notes, flow charts, and graph papers). Be sure to date your notes.
Class work - All class workwill be written in student loose leaf paper and placed in your binder.
Homework – will be assigned frequently and kept in student binder.
Quizzes – will graded and returned to studentto be kept in student binder.
*I do NOT grade any assignments that are turned in without a name on it. No name. No grade. Sorry!
Assignments, Make-up work and Late work
All missing assignments must be made up within 5 days of your return to class from an absence.
Late work can be submitted for 80% credit ONLY in Learning Center or with arrangements.
I DO NOTchange homework or quiz grades if you were present in my class you need to turn in your homework during my class period. (The only exception is being absent; you can make the quiz up in learning center.)
Test: You may make up or do corrections with any test until I turn in your 9 weeks grades. You will only be able to earn half the points you missed on your test when you do test corrections. You will have to rearrange time to stay after school in learning center with me to take your test or do corrections.
If you are caught cheating, a zero will be given for the assignment. So we are clear Mrs. Jonsson’s definitions of cheating are:
- Copying someone’s work.
- Allowing someone to copy your work.
Both cheaters will receive zeros for the assignment. You will not have the option of making it up. If you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, than you will never have to consider cheating on any assignment.
Breakdown of Grades:
Tests (Portfolios included)35%
Grading Scales:
Calculator Policy: Students will be assigned a TI-84 Plus graphing calculator to be used in class. Calculators are not to be removed from the classroom without my consent. Charges will be in place for each student at the end of the semester at the cost of replacement if the calculator assigned to that student is deemed as lost, stolen, or damaged.
Video Camera/Picture Policy:I am working on my master degree and students are subject to be photographed or videotaped at any time. If you would not like your child to be photographed or videotaped, please let me know in writing.
I have read and understand the followingFoundations of Algebracourse syllabus for Mrs. Jonsson class. I agree to up hold her rules/procedures and todo my best to succeed in her class.
Student’s PRINT: ______
Student’s signature:______Date:______
Parent/Guardian signature:______Date:______
Parent Phone Number: ______
Parent Email Address: ______
Note: Specifics of this syllabus are based up the guidelines and expectations established in the Student Handbook, and are subject to change as needed over the course of the semester.