Mr. Coonen: US History
Chapter 17Entering the World Stage
Section 1:The Lure of Imperialism
The Inside Story: Alaska
What country owned Alaska until 1867?
Why did this country sell Alaska? (2 reasons)
Name the Secretary of State who pushed for the purchase of Alaska:
Why did he want the U.S. to buy Alaska?
What did we pay for Alaska?
What other property did the U.S. acquire in 1867?
Imperialism – book definition:
Your definition of imperialism:
Who were the five leading imperialist countries in the late 1800s?
1. / 2.3. / 4.
Provide a brief summary for the three main reasons for imperialism:
1.Economic Interests
2.Military Needs
The Scramble for Territory
What three areas of the world were dominated by imperialism of the late 1800s?
In what two ways was Hawaii an ideal location?
Early Contact
Who were the first Americans to settle in Hawaii?
What crop did the early American settlers begin to raise in Hawaii?
Why did the native Hawaiian population drop so drastically?
Sugar Interests Gain Power
Why were so many workers brought in from China, Japan and the Philippines?
Why did Hawaiian King Kalakaua resent American influence over his government?
What did the King do to strengthen the Hawaiian economy?
How did this have both a positive and negative impact on Hawaii?
Plotting Against the King
Who was and what was the purpose of the Hawaiian League?
Why were Americans angry with the king?
Bayonet Constitution. Explain:
What happened in 1890 that convinced plantation owners that Hawaii should become part of the U.S.?
End of the Monarchy
Who was Queen Liliuokalani and what was her primary goal as queen?
Why didn’t she achieve her goal?
What role did John L. Stevens play in overthrowing the monarchy?
Who was Sanford B. Dole?
Describe President Cleveland’s attitude toward the takeover of Hawaii:
Describe President McKinley’s attitude toward the takeover of Hawaii:
When did Hawaii officially become part of the United States?
When did Hawaii become a state?
For many years, what was China trying to prevent?
What is a sphere of influence?
In 1899, what did Secretary of State John Hay propose in his Open Door Policy?
What do you think was the major reason for the Boxer Rebellion in 1900?
In what ways did Japan start to change during the mid-1800s?
Why did Japan and Russia go to war against each other (Russo-Japanese War)?
What role did President Teddy Roosevelt play in ending the Russo-Japanese War?
Why did Roosevelt send the Great White Fleet on a journey around the world?