/ APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION AS A MANAGER OF AN ESTABLISHMENT OR AGENCYApplication for registration in accordance with Article 13 ofThe Health and Personal Social Services (Quality, Improvement and Regulation) (Northern Ireland) Order 2003(the 2003 Order)
Note that the receipt of incomplete information by RQIA may result in your application being refused (see guidance document for assistance)
1. Information about the Establishment/Agency
Name of ServiceRQIA ID(refer to registration certificate, if existing service)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Business Email
2.Information about the Applicant
TitleFirst Name
Middle Names (if any)
Date of Birth
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Mobile/Preferred number
Please tick box if you have the right to work in the UK without restrictions
If not, provide details of your current status of work permit/employment visa
3. Qualifications
Professional/Vocational or Technical Qualifications / Awarding Body / Date Obtained3.1 Transitional Arrangements
DHSSPS minimum standards for Residential Care Homes, Domiciliary Care Agencies and Day Care Settings detail the transitional arrangements for existing managers who do not hold an appropriate qualification or registration at the time of the original date of publication of the standards. If transitional arrangements apply to you, please detail below4. Details of Registration with Professional Body if applicable
Name of Professional Regulatory Body / Registration/PIN (where applicable) / Date of Expiry4.1 Details of referral to professional body
I am not subject to a referral to my professional bodyI am subject to a referral to my professional body – details to be provided below
4.2 Registration with RQIA
Please provide details of current or past registration with RQIA5. Experience(Begin with your current employer)
Job Title/Grade / Name and Address of Employer/ Business / Outline of Main Duties / Dates of Employment(From/To) and Reason for LeavingProvide explanation for gaps in employment
6. Other Relevant Experience or Training
Detail any other experience/skills or training which you believe are relevant to this application7. Other Business Interests
Please provide details of any regulatory business currently or previously carried on or managed by you.8. Referees(include your current or most recent employer)
Referee 1 / Referee 2Title
First Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Capacity in which known to you
If you are unable to provide details of one referee who has employed you for a period of at least 3 months within the last 5 years, please outline why it would be unreasonable for you to do so
9. Assurance of Medical Fitness(to be completed by a Medical Practitioner)
Statement of Medical Fitness by Medical Practitioner confirming fitness to MAnage the SERVICE DETAILED BELOW
Name of Service / Type of Establishment or AgencyName of Applicant
Date of Birth
I, the undersigned, confirm that the above applicant is physically and mentally fit in respect of his/her ability to manage the above named establishment or agency
Name (print) / Signature / DatePractice Stamp
Name of Practice
Self Certificate by Applicant
If you are unable to obtain a Statement of Medical Fitness from a Medical Practitioner, please provide reason:I declare that I am of the opinion that I am physically and mentally fit to manage the above named establishment or agency for which I make application.
Name (print) / Signature / Date10. Information Required under the Rehabilitation of Offenders (Exceptions) Order (Northern Ireland) 1979
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? / Yes / NoIf yes, please provide details
Are you aware of any prosecutions outstanding or any pending court action against you? / Yes / No
If yes, please provide details
Are you currently subject to any criminal investigation? / Yes / No
If yes, please provide details
11. Documents to be supplied in respect of the manager
All documents listed below should be enclosed in relation to the person applying to be registered as manager of the establishment or agency. Please refer to the application guidance document for further information.
It is your responsibility to submit the required documentation to allow RQIA to assess your fitness to manage the establishment or agency. Should you fail to do so, RQIA may be required to refuse your application.
Item / Tick / Comment1 / Fully completed application form:
- including statement of medical fitness
2 / Photograph (signed and dated)
3 / Birth certificate
4 / Documentary evidence of qualifications (if required)
5 / Evidence of professional indemnity insurance (if applicable)
6 / Registration fee payment of £261 by
(if applicable, refer to guidance)
- Cheque (provide number) or
- BACS remittance advice (provide reference)
7 / Case tracking number for online AccessNI application (please insert your number in the column)
8 / Valid identification documents (3 or 5) as per guidance document
9 / AccessNI Fee payment of £33 to RQIA
- Cheque (provide reference)or
- BACS remittance advice
- (provide reference)
12. Declaration
I understand that it is an offence to knowingly make a statement which is false or misleading in a material respect and hereby confirm that all information in respect of this application is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct and complete. I am aware that it is my responsibility to inform RQIA of any information that is relevant to my application, and to update this information accordingly.
I understand that an Enhanced Disclosure Check must be obtained before my application for registration can be confirmed. I am aware that spent convictions may be disclosed and I consent to the check being made.
I have knowledge and understanding of my legal responsibilities in relation to managing an establishment or agency and intend to do so in accordance with legislative requirements, minimum standards as issued by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS)and other standards set by professional bodies and standard setting organisations.
Should it be required, I intend to undertake up-date training to ensure I have the necessary knowledge and skills (including supervision and performance appraisal) to manage the establishment or agency. I will maintain registration with any relevant professional regulatory body and adhere to its Code of Professional Conduct.
Name(print) / Signature / DateAppendix 1: Continuation Sheet
Name of ProviderAddress
Telephone Number
I confirm that through robust and thorough selection and recruitment procedures and practices, I intend to employ a fit and suitable person to act as manager of the establishment or agency belowwhich is regulated by RQIA
Name of manager(Intended) Effective date of appointment:
Name of service
RQIA ID (refer to registration certificate, if existing service)
The appointment has been made in accordance with The Health and Personal Social Services (Quality, Improvement and Regulation) (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (the 2003 Order), associated regulations and, where applicable, DHSSPS minimum standards.
It is understood and accepted that RQIA will monitor, examine and report on the effectiveness of the manager and management arrangements through regulatory activity. Should a lack of suitability, as defined in the regulations, be evidenced by the RQIA, I/we as the registered provider(s) undertake to co-operate fully with RQIA to resolve the issue(s) and acknowledge that failure to do so may lead to enforcement action being taken by RQIA in accordance with the 2003 Order and associated regulations.
I declare that the information given is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and complete.
Name (print) / Signature / Date(1)
Return the completed form marked Confidential to:
The Registration Team
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
9th Floor Riverside Tower
5 Lanyon Place
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