Bridges of Rivermist Homeowners’ Association

Monday, April 6, 2015 at 6:00 pm

At Crossview Church Crossview Church

Corner of Bethany Road and First Street in DeKalb

Open Board Meeting-Minutes

  1. Call to Order: Scott called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
  2. Roll Call: Scot Spier, Jeff Thunder, Alexandra Dailey, Dan Steimel, Marshall Dirks, Rick Madsen and Dan Pavelich. (Ralph Tompkins not present) There was a total of 18 (which includes 6 BOD’s) attending this OBM .

Special Guest: Alderman Bill Finucane-Ward 2

Our conversation with Mr. Finucane brought up many concerns and he made note of them assuring us that he would make them known. We need to have the pot holes repaired. A concern to have reduced speed limits posted in the areas where pedestrians cross over Bethany to get to Phase 1.

Many of the concerns were regarding how the 85 lots in Phase V are recognized by DeKalb. When some of the BOD’s met with the city some time ago we were informed that it is recognized as three parcels and the 85 potential residential lots were not counted in the available lots for building. Mr. Finucane will check to see if this has changed. He stated that he was aware that it had sold twice since the Sheriffs sale but was not familiar with the details.

It was questioned as to what was going on with Shodeen’s residential project, Irongate. He stated that as of right now absolutely nothing. Shodeen’s downtown property on south First Street needs to be completed.

Building permits are issued by City hall and inspections are set up through the city using an independent inspector.

Unrelated to BRM but non-the less a concern, the TIF was questioned. He stated that only particular businesses would comply with the TIF agreement and the recipient of the TIF funds does not get paid until an acceptable business occupies the premises. The newly opened restaurant is one of the acceptable businesses. When asked what happens if the TIF goes into default and does not generate the funds as required Mr. Finucane could not remember the details of the repayment agreement but stated that it was due to expire possibly 2018-20.

A question regarding the talk of an internet company coming to DeKalb was asked. There was some confusion as to what this was and some thought this as another internet provider which is not the case. It would be a retail internet market similar to what Amazon provides. He stated that it was only in the talking stages at this time and had no specifics.

He made his contact information available and said he would be happy to talk to anyone if they had concerns. He also said he would be willing to attend again.

  1. Old Business

Approval of November 3, 2014 Open Board Meeting Minutes (they were emailed to bod)

Marshall motioned to approve minutes, seconded by Scot. The 11-3-2014 minutes as prepared were approved.

Approval of December 1, 2014 Annual Open Board Meeting & Election Minutes (they were emailed to bod)

Scot motioned to approve minutes, seconded by Marshall. The 12-1-2014 minutes as prepared were approved.

Financials endingDecember 31, 2014 were reviewed for discussion/approval.

Dan reported $64,199 in reserve account as of 12-31-14, $28,170 in the Operating fund and a total accounts receivable or $345,441.

The higher receivable amount was explained. Rivermist Unit 5, LLC sold 6 lots and we received $24820, The Sherrif’s sale of the Rutland property paid us $20209 and payment by a renter was $13792. Other income amount was also explained that it includes insurance money received for the damaged pump ($21510) which is offset by the Contract Services –Ponds which shows as a negative. Recapturing legal fees in amount of $4825 are also included in Other Income.

Dan Steimel motioned to approve the December 31, 2014 financial report. Marhsall seconded. The December 31,2014 financial report was approved

New Owner status:

Ridge Road Development, LLC (14 lots) The HOA has received the 6 months past due assessments as per law and the January 1, 2015 installment. At this time we are waiting for the April 1, 2015 installment.

Bethany Land, LLC (85 lots)

The sale of the property was completed without obtaining a clear title. The HOA has not received payment of all assessment owed and currently having conversation with legal counsel. A proposal from the new owners was declined.

Rivermist Unit 5, LLC still has ownership in Lot 287 and we are looking into our options.


Efforts to collect on other past due owners is in various stages. Conversation, demand letters, liens, judgements and wage garnishment which are all in process.

Update on topic of ways to reduce speeders in subdivision:

Mark Espy said the city has a "Neighborhood Services Committee" who review requests for traffic signs. If you wish to submit a request it should be detailed and sent to his attention . His contact information is (p) 815-748-2040,

  1. New Business/Committee Reports

Architectural- No report at this time

Budget and Finance-No additional report- all discussed with financials.


Alexandra reported that the Bridges of Rivermist Review-newsletter is once again running late, please be patient.

Electrical/Mechanical- No formal report but Fred suggested we consider having a reserve pump available in an emergency.


The Burr Oaks Contract for the next two years was presented for approved. The cost includes a 1% increase for a total of $74740 for 2015 & 2016.

Scot motioned that we accept the 2 year Burr Oaks Contract as proposed, Jeff seconded. The motion was passed.

Legal- No report at this time.

Rills and Ponds–

The HOA’s priority regarding the ponds and rills is to resolve the source of the leak in Phase 1 on Wolf Court. A systematic yard by yard test was started last year checking sections of the rill. Further investigation needs to be done and the problem solved.

Scot mentioned that due to the earlier ice melt the ponds need to be treated earlier in spring to minimize the algae bloom. It appears that there is no fish kill.

The two year contractas received from MB was presented for pond maintenance. The cost will be the same as in 2013 or $19679 a year.

Marshall motioned that we accept the two year contract from MB as proposed at an annual cost of $19679. Jeff seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

Rules & Regulations – No report at this time.

Social- Alexandra Dailey reported

Garage Sale-May 15 & 16, 2015. Flyers have been sent to HOA members. It is also on the website. Donna Borthwick will place an ad in the local paper.

July 4thParade/Picnic-plans in process. On May 5 an organizational meeting has been scheduled at Barb City Bagels at 10 am. Anyone interested in helping, please attend.

Dutch Treat Lunch-If we are to have one during the summer it may be nice to have a location that is kid friendly. If you have any suggestions, give Alex a call or send her an email.

The remaining 2015 Open Board Meetings will be held at 7 p.m. on July 13, October 5 and November 2 (Budget and Election) at Crossview Church. Any location change will be announced and posted on our website.

V. Open Forum:

It was asked if fishing was permitted in the ponds. It is acceptable for residents to fish but non-residence are not allowed. The need for No Fishing signs was discussed. It appears that the existing signs are not being obeyed. If you are comfortable speaking to any individual that should not be fishing let them know that it is not allowed or just call the DeKalb Police. Do not put yourself at risk.

It was reported that the lights at the Tygert Bridge need to have the timer adjusted.

Question: Will the water wheel be repaired. At this time it is not a priority. The leaking rill needs to be repaired.

VI. Adjournment

Marshall motioned that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Dan Steimel. All Ayes. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Submitted by:

Alexandra Dailey, Bridges of Rivermist HOA Secretary