Alzheimer’s disease – duke university contract

State Authorization: / Chapter 1116, 1984 Session Laws, Sec. 27

N. C. Department of Health and Human Services

Division of Aging and Adult Services

Agency Contact Person Program
and Financial:
Mark Hensley
Aging Program Specialist II
(919) 855-3417

Helen Tack
Budget Officer
(919) 855-3445
/ N. C. DHHS Confirmation Reports:
SFY 2014 audit confirmation reports for payments made to Counties, Managed Care Organizations (MCOs and, formerly, Local Management Entities), Boards of Education, Councils of Government, District Health Departments and DHSR Grant Subrecipients will be available by early September at the following web address: At this site, click on the link entitled “Audit Confirmation Reports (State Fiscal Year 2013-2014)”. Additionally, audit confirmation reports for Nongovernmental entities receiving financial assistance from the DHHS are found at the same website except select “Non-Governmental Audit Confirmation Reports (State Fiscal Years 2012-2014)”.

The Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) issues a Notice of Grant Award (NGA) each fiscal year when funds are allocated to the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA). DAAS also revises NGAs during the fiscal year as necessary. Auditors should review the NGAs on file at the AAA to determine actual funding amounts. The last NGA issued for the year shows the total amount of funds by source awarded to the AAA.

Brief Description of Program:

This program, which is contracted to the Duke University Aging Center Family Support Program, provides a wide range of technical assistance, consultation and training support to organizations providing services to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, their families and their caregivers.

Services include (1) provision of a toll-free hotline and follow up for information and assistance related to Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders; (2) preparation of the Caregiver newsletter biannually; (3) assistance to two state Alzheimer’s Association Chapters concerning outreach, training and other support services; (4) input into State, regional and local caregiving issues and policies; and (5) compilation of Alzheimer’s literature, research and educational materials for distribution to agencies and organizations.

Organizations Funded: [ X ] Private [ ] Local Government [ ] Both

Source of Funds: State 30% Federal 70%

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